General & Others What is the most satisfying moment in all of One Piece ?

What is the moment in One Piece that was the most satisfying for you to watch and/or read ? The one that gave you most pleasure ?

For me it was this :

It was very satisfying to see Luffy being finally and utterly defeated after timeskip, especially after the eternizing and heavily plot-armored fights against Katakuri, and to see a preview of the true power of a Yonko.
That´s Kaido plot armor
From a very petty, personal point of view the chapter in the rooftop in WCI where in the space of about three minutes the Big Mom Pirates ripped the alliance to shreds. Purely because of watching the really annoying "they'll beat BM" theory die was oh so satisfying.

Alas, after it the Meme was born
I remember the matchups people were making:

Luffy and Bege beat Big Mom
Sanji and Ichiji beat Katakuri
Jinbe and Pedro beat Smoothie
The Vinsmokes beat the Vets
The others beat up the rest of the BMP