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Indigo - townsiding. he doesn't feel hostile to me and as long as he scumhunts with us im fine. do like his presence in the thread. i want to see more actual active hunting from him instead of discussions involving semantics and flower tho. also would prefer him to be a tad more wary and reserved with handing out things from his shop
I have no reason to scumhunt or gamesolve anymore

and don't worry about my shop, it isn't opening this cycle
alright you know by now i struggled with reading players im not familiar with, but ill do my best to go by tone

muugen - null. his ire and aggression toward flower seemed genuine, but frankly, i haven't fully caught up with the thread.
people heavily involved in the flower debacle that i can't remember - more than likely frustrated town, or scum that believed she was a threat and operated under the assumption she was indie and lying
Indigo - townsiding. he doesn't feel hostile to me and as long as he scumhunts with us im fine. do like his presence in the thread. i want to see more actual active hunting from him instead of discussions involving semantics and flower tho. also would prefer him to be a tad more wary and reserved with handing out things from his shop
you - spicy! null read for now, haven't seen enough from you. you seem to be pressing certain people and questioning their intent, good sign
naomi - scum or indie lean. vibes are mad off but i think that also may be because of the gimmick post restriction
al - slight scum lean, feels like he's role fishing. very well could just be another aggro townie but his way of pressuring intrigues me
odd - town lean. instinctual read - his play and posts are very similar to the times ive played with him. very important force for town and town spirit. dunno if ive seen scum!odd actually
pot - town. constructive, i sense a willingness to discuss things
that dude agreeing with me on flower and how scum diverted attention and heat onto that - totally forgot the username already but town lean
juliet - scum lean. more engaged with specific people and things, and for some reason, uses activity and not reading the thread as a way to catch scum. this feels... like an empty, hollow attempt at scum hunting. are they new?

i pretty much forgot half the thread
my short memory (also an explanation for what went down in elden ring) is terrible so you'll have to forgive me, if you need more reads they're a tad limited

where are you at now?
Some of the reason to your reads doesn't make sense to me.

You put Naomi as scum but I have Naomi as my top town read. My read on her is pretty much meta. She also tracked Ekko who flipped scum. Do you suspect I am reading Naomi wrong for the first time and think she is scum from another faction?

Your scum lean on me is you said more engaged with specific people and things. Then you said I used activity and am not reading the thread to catch scum. This doesn't make sense to me because I have been reading the thread and gave reads last day or did you mean from last day when I was not caught up and was catching up?

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco

Welcome to the Mangaka Showcase! Try your luck and join this tournament by quoting this post and telling a short story of about a few lines and a winner will be choosen!​
There was a young lad who wanted to hug the moon
Since then he's been training day by day to become an astronaut
After many years of hardship and tears he finally got the chance he was looking for
So he finally set off to space shining brightly among the stars
Until he finally landed and wrapped himself up in the moon's chilled embrace

Welcome to the Mangaka Showcase! Try your luck and join this tournament by quoting this post and telling a short story of about a few lines and a winner will be choosen!​
Frankie teardrop
Twenty year old Frankie
He's married he's got a kid
And he's working in a factory

He's working from seven to five
He's just trying to survive
Well lets hear it for Frankie
Frankie Frankie

Well Frankie can't make it
'Cause things are just too hard
Frankie can't make enough money
Frankie can't buy enough food

And Frankie's getting evicted
Oh let's hear it for Frankie
Oh Frankie Frankie
Oh Frankie Frankie

Frankie is so desperate
He's gonna kill his wife and kids
Frankie's gonna kill his kid
Frankie picked up a gun

Pointed at the six month old in the crib
Oh Frankie
Frankie looked at his wife

Shot her
"Oh what have I done?"
Let's hear it for Frankie

Frankie teardrop
Frankie put the gun to his head
Frankie's dead

Frankie's lying in hell

We're all Frankies
We're all lying in hell
this is useless

i was talking with Flower the entire time, even up until that moment

i understood why she did it, and i don't blame her at all

don't try to pass judgement on her for me

just forget Flower and play your game
i 100% blame her and you guys gave up when you only needed to shut up, look at that post count. All quantity no quality
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