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The End and the Beginning
Now my mind is hazy about early goings of this game, but odd felt like he had some good takes D1 even though he was spending a lot of time on Flower and Indigo. Then D2 I think there was a lot of attention on Flower and Indigo and I'm not sure where else his reads were at. Now in D3, with Flower gone, he seems more shooting at the hip and not real caring what he hits. I know he's a gut guy, but there does seem to be some air out of his tires now that Flower is gone. Couldn't really explain his town read of Watson when I asked twice. Has now sussed me and says he has from the beginning of the game. It's just a slot that's starting to make me question and odd is obviously a vet to be wary of.

I don't think when can forget about Rhea. Surprised someone who is soft as a tissue paper would do Rhea dirty and omega her while she's gone.
Speaking of Rhea, should probably get this out there now, I shot her N1. That said, think I may have been blocked by Mono, so read into it what you will.


The End and the Beginning
I mean in the day start flower mention someone sending her a kill her way, i had already submit watch on her when day started. and did not get any noticed of anyone visiting her.

plus with my lie detect being destroyed, did not look good. scum must figured out it name ability, ratchet kept asking for it's description and he later suggest the phrase for indigo to use. flower mention one of the post silence her(trap)

I didn't keep asking about your lie detect, I asked about your track on Ekko, and whether it was a Watch. You are mixing two separate things together. As far as the lie detect goes, I just made sure it was functional.
Charlie has felt pretty background for me, giving his thoughts on events in the crowd more than anything tbh. The one weird thing that stuck out to me was when he accused me of tmi when I mentioned I wanted Ekko to be vigged, which I denied, which kinda just got left there with no follow up.
Suicide is never the answer (answer is actually deicide)
Comparing leaving the game to suicide xd

Why are we even playing these games. To have fun i assume. What's fun about reading bunch of assholes attacking you for days? Just hory shet, look what you're saying. Can't you simply say "i don't believe it, vote XXX" and fvckin move on? Is it that complicated?
Comparing leaving the game to suicide xd

Why are we even playing these games. To have fun i assume. What's fun about reading bunch of assholes attacking you for days? Just hory shet, look what you're saying. Can't you simply say "i don't believe it, vote XXX" and fvckin move on? Is it that complicated?
@Pot Goblin i meant to Ask you wdym. I don't remember anything like that
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