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Argonauts, roll out!
Anyway, for Bakidou, I feel like he's more of a background character just doing enough to get off people's ass, but not anything more than that.

When he do arrive, there's not much to his posts from what I've seen. He's been mostly tunneling on AL as far as I remember.

I'd say it's scum behavior, for the most part. I'd not be surprised to see him flip scum here.
I realize however that I'm more or less guilty of the same crime, so I know it's hypocritical lmao


anyways, hopefully indigo will be able to get more costumers, but town specific

like town core "cult", all in the same PM

just think about it

wouldn't it be neat?
Start chanting that only town can use my shop or something like that

a way for me to tank and protect Prof would also be appreciated


The End and the Beginning
She called you Rat cheese earlier

She has been bitter ever since Weebs Mango. Can you imagine? Worth it ten fold though LMAO.
Swordsmith will tell god Town Fuji to show Ratchet role to Naomi in her PM!!!

That would probably just fail by default due to Miller. Going to have to actually put some work in this time Naomi!
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