Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 956: Big News

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That the Navy want no parts of lls. Admirals probably sitting in an office somewhere like.

Kizaru: No I get meme
Fuji: no I get meme
Akainu: I get the rookies, greenbull u new u get Kaido
Greenbull: akainu u bitch
Lmao Kizaru was ready to got fight both these fucks, gave zero fucks "You wan't me to go Akainu"

Akainu was like "I know you got the yonko trash, but these samurais too stronk. So chill for a bit"
No it is you who is underestimating Doffy and overestimating Hancock

Fujitora was sent for Doflamingo. Mihawk and Hancock get no-name marines with a cabin boy coby as one of the people. It is clear who the marines few as a threat. Hancock just isn't much compared to Doflamingo's near admiral or yonko level threat.
I do neither I’m just stating facts.

Fujitora was sent to deal with Doflamingo + his crew + Law + Luffy and their crew. Not just for Doflamingo.

If the marines really think that fodders marines and Coby can stop Hancock they are here for a hard awakening.
Coby is an advanced observation user, has medals under his belt, known as the hero of rocky port incident Law was known as the mastermind of, already a rear admiral and keep improving.

He is probably even stronger than his rank suggest. Can't wait to see him go all out :finally: On the other hand, I don't see Hancock defeated either. Likely that it'd turn into something Luffy related since they both know him personally

Blackbeard wanting to get "that" before the marines is another interesting bit Oda left this chapter, but the bad thing is Oda always off-panels the interesting bits :pepeke:
are u really trying to tell
Boa vs Coby gonna be a thing...
No matter how much stronger he is than his rank
Coby will not able to do a thing against Boa
there's no way Marines sent a rear admiral to capture Boa and rest of Kuja Pirates ( according to Fleet Admiral Songoku Boa is stron women)
you guys giving so much credit to Coby all due his ranking up so quickly....may be next time we will see coby he could be vice admiral then admiral then fleet admiral the elders then im then oda himself xD
for me no matter in how many ways u look at things Coby vs Boa is like Ussop vs Kizaru
I bet Hina, Tsuru are coming as well
are u really trying to tell
Boa vs Coby gonna be a thing...
No matter how much stronger he is than his rank
Coby will not able to do a thing against Boa
there's no way Marines sent a rear admiral to capture Boa and rest of Kuja Pirates ( according to Fleet Admiral Songoku Boa is stron women)
you guys giving so much credit to Coby all due his ranking up so quickly....may be next time we will see coby he could be vice admiral then admiral then fleet admiral the elders then im then oda himself xD
for me no matter in how many ways u look at things Coby vs Boa is like Ussop vs Kizaru
I bet Hina, Tsuru are coming as well
Coby is EoS admiral material, Usopp is EoS 2nd yc lvl material, they are in different worlds
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