Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 956: Big News

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Kaido>> random dragon stop the horse shit, it stinks lls. If he was there he would've been boil alive right along with oden. He probably only got scarred cause he was bored/drunk lls
Lmaooo its no random dragon.

It was summoned through Uranus, the dragon horn as Uranus is the God of the sky. Ryuma solos ancient weapon who is stronger than Kaido.
Of course its true as Ryuma's worshipper can scar Kaido without even making a black blade, Ryuma one shots this clown.


Zoro Worshipper
Finally ! Finally the warlords system has been abolished !

The new Warlords hunt is going to give us lot of fresh air and badass action (though it will most likely be mostly off-screen) and set the world of OP in a new era.

I am also glad to know that there is a resistance movement inside the Navy to resist against the corruptive control of the CD and the Gorosei with Coby, Drake, Kuzan and Garp being parts of it.
Mihawk is finally free indeed :catpole:
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