~500 years ago Christian nations weren't much bette
Islam is currently going through this kind of phase ,wait for a few centuries until they've sorted out their stuff and made a leap forward, then it may look very differently
You avoided the question, but I sadly expected that
If you believe Bosnia is some sort of ISIS training camp that's licking it's chops while looking at Croatia, then I really feel sorry for you and your fantasies
You don't have to go that far haha. For instance, France only became secular under the 3rd republic in 1905. But even then, it doesn't stop intolerance.
At this point it's an accepted view that the Iraq war resulted in the creation of ISIS.
Even Bin Laden saw Isis as too radical.
The west is always whining about oUr WesTerN vAlUeS but lack understanding for cause and effect.
It's true that the United States take a big portion of the blame when it comes to destabilizing and sometimes making these countries "regress" to an outdated way of life.
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