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No I would not , am not a sword guzzler unfortunately.

that being said , I think he will be here to restore order with the seraphim.
lmao you don't have to be a sword guzzler to understand that these old guys have scars...and that he would pull out said sword to fight if needed. I agree with you that he will restore order to the seraphim but to totally dismiss him and even the bald gorosei with a sword that they can't be competent fighters if oda chooses it is wild to me...they could hve a broken devil fruit,haki,hell the cane could be some crazy tech since he knows vegapunk,and ur just like nope weak as hell:okay:
In your copium infused dreams. Stussy is stronger then Kaku and his equal Zoro. But Stussy, knowing Lucci would still low diff her (despite being weakened by Luffy already), had to weaken him further just to beat him XD.
Lucci>Zoro. Cope zorotard cope XD
Haha cope goofytard
G5 + 3 named attacks couldnt ko lucci
Goofy is so trash
Stussy doing it with a bite
Yeah and it seems like they’re based on Five Phases of Asian culture, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth/Soil
It probably doesn’t make sense to western readers but that’s how we name the planets(and the days of the week), Saturn is 土星(Star of Soil), Mercury is water, Jupiter is Wood, Venus is Metal and Mars is fire
Makes sense why they’re called the Five Elderly Stars
Curious of this has ties to their abilities:

- Saturn: Earth/Decay Logia
- Mercury: Water Logia
- Venus: Metal Logia (like Tesoro in a way but a Logia)
- Jupiter and Mars: To not clash with Aramaki and Sabo/Akainu, maybe they have more broken powers (unsure what would work though).
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