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> King and Queen crushed by Greenbull
> Hancock chok-diffed by Blackbeard
> Kuzan off-paneling Cracker
> Weevil off-paneled by Greenbull

You can truly feel that Oda is loving to show the difference in strength between top tiers and high tiers :myman:
Heavily injured and slightly physically disabled King and Queen tied up and stabbed in vital organs by Aramaki
Hancock sneaked and pulled in by Yami Yami no Mi and held away from BB's body so she can't kick him
Kuzan clapping Cracker due to superior haki and devil fruit
Weevil alone vs a whole ass fleet of Marines at Sphinx ( we don't even know if he got low diffed )
Sakazuki was hellbent on keeping Fuji out of marines facilities. GB is a massive Sakazuki fanboy and is willing to do anything to please him. Yet he choose not to obey Akainu's order in this instance. That is portrayal in favor of Fuji my friend.
All of this is personality and has nothing to do with power.

Scumbags can be strong, good guys can be weak. It’s how it works.
You guys just don’t recognize how powerful Shanks is because of your Mihawk delusions.

I have Shanks > Prime Whitebeard and Roger.

If Shanks is a 100, the next strongest person in the verse is like an 80.

I think Shanks is that powerful.
Now now Shanks is eternally Mihawks bitch by his own admission despite your admiral insecurity.
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