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nah, his showing against law makes it hard to put him above mihawk. he might actually need a 3rd devil fruit
Because Mihawk had better showing against Vista, Jozu, and Crocodile? So you can't put him above Mihawk?

Perhaps BB should just postpone vs. Law, and said that he is too scared to be an Emperor and wants a ''peaceful life'', and accept being an underling to an Emperor, thus he could have equal showings to Mihawk.

he should have defeated law easily and not struggled (he almost fell into the sea)
Strongest guy Mihawk defeated is Daz Bones.

And Mihawk didn't put a scratch to Pre-Emperor Shanks, who DFless BB scarred.
@EmperorKinyagi @Kurozumi Wiwi @MarineHQ @SakazOuki
What will be the final match ups of the Admirals?
I know you did not ask me, but I hope you don't mind regardless.

What we should get:

Luffy vs Akainu
Law vs Sengoku
Kidd vs Kong
Sabo vs Fujitora
Zoro vs Kizaru
Cook vs Ryokugyu

What we will likely get:

Luffy vs Akainu
Sabo vs Fujitora
Law vs Kizaru
Kidd vs Ryokugyu
Zoro vs S-Hawk
Cook vs S-Shark

The official Viz translation simply says Weevil is as strong as Primebeard, there’s no nonsense about “physical strength” here, just straight up Weevil = Primebeard…

Neither in japanese. It just says 強さ which mean one's power/strenght overall.
Weevil all but confirmed to be WB but dumber and likely without gura. Which make him the strongest shichibukai with Mihawk.
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