[FNZ] Role Madness Round 08: Tokyo Ghoul

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Yeah there were 2 kills tonight so à SK is left likely.

I don't think you can bring the Sera argument against playa given the force you suspected him and given the case you did against Sera.
If voted against Sera made you a scum you would be top of the list.
I voted Seraphoenix because he was inconsistent. Said Bogard pushed a bit too far with his lynch yet did the same to me. Said sus him back after he sus me makes me scum yet defended TAC who sus Bogard after Bogard sus him first.

Beside I also voted Lanji (mafia) and Kiwipom (mafia) on D3 (changed after Cinera brought lynchproof wiki).

Playa right now also sus me after I sus him first and he brought Seraphoenix argument. Why didn't he sus me yesterday and brought that argument but now after I sus him?


Lazy is the way
I voted Seraphoenix because he was inconsistent. Said Bogard pushed a bit too far with his lynch yet did the same to me. Said sus him back after he sus me makes me scum yet defended TAC who sus Bogard after Bogard sus him first.

Beside I also voted Lanji (mafia) and Kiwipom (mafia) on D3 (changed after Cinera brought lynchproof wiki).

Playa right now also sus me after I sus him first and he brought Seraphoenix argument. Why didn't he sus me yesterday and brought that argument but now after I sus him?
Kiwi voted against Lanji too : you Rej and her voted against Lanji at the end of the day with just a single post so that is suspect but I checked and once earlier you said that you found Lanji sus so that can prove a bit that you didn't jump in the lynch wagon


Kiwi voted against Lanji too : you Rej and her voted against Lanji at the end of the day with just a single post so that is suspect but I checked and once earlier you said that you found Lanji sus so that can prove a bit that you didn't jump in the lynch wagon
Mafia always distance his/her partner. TAC put Lanji as his sus list to distance himself with Lanji. TAC also put me as his sus list but instead of distancing myself, I asked TAC why did he sus me.

Same with Kiwipom. In her last post she put me in her sus list yet I asked her why instead of distancing myself.

Yo Tan Wa also sus me and Playa yesterday yet he chose to vote Playa. If I were scum, why would I ask Yo Tan Wa why he sus Playa? Wouldn't it better if I keep quiet so people attention will be diverted to Playa?

Yo Tan Wa who sus Playa yesterday also died tonight similar to Bogard who died right after he sus Kiwipom.


Holy Simp
You haven't answered why didn't you sus me yesterday. Why the change of behaviour? Whay are you so mad that calline me a wall? Nervous?

Look at the change of behaviour. Where is this side on you on D1, D2 and D3 :gokulaugh:

I saw your argument with Yo Tan Wa on D1. You sus Yo Tan Wa after he sus you first. That was scummy imo. Sus someone who sus you is scummy. You did it with Yo Tan Wa and now doing it with me. At least I have reason to sus Seraphoenix back.

You voted Celestia (confirmed townie)
Didn't vote Lanji (confirmed mafia)
Voted Seraphoenix (confirmed townie)
Didn't vote Kiwipom (confirmed mafia)

It seems like you know who is mafia or not.

It's not baseless when you

You voted Celestia (confirmed townie)
Didn't vote Lanji (confirmed mafia)
Voted Seraphoenix (confirmed townie)
Didn't vote Kiwipom (confirmed mafia)

Did User X died(Bogard) after he sus user Z(Kiwipom) and user Z confirmed mafia? That is my argument.

Nope. Giving at EOD is scummy move because you can leave it to RNG who will be lynched if our vote is still 1

Already explained the reason. You sus Yo Tan Wa for sus you first. Scummy move when Yo Tan Wa didn't have inconsistencies. Yo Tan Wa died after he sus you.

My guess is there were still Dragomir (experienced player), Reborn and Bogard. Why would mafia take newbie like Yo Tan Wa and his sus was not strong on you on D1.

I had Sera on D1 due to his inconsistencies. Seraphoenix died on Day Phase while Yo tan Wa who sus you died on Night Phase. Isn't convenient for you to eliminate people who sus you after you elminate all experience players?

That makes sense to get reaction but now you are doing the same thing to me.

Already explained Yo tan Wa who sus you died tonight. Sus me after I sus while you didn't sus me yesterday points that you are scum. It actually makes sense. Why would mafia take inexperience player like Yo Tan Wa on first day? Wouldn't taking out experience player like Dragomir, Bogard and Reborn a better option?

Did you skip the part that Yo Tan Wa who sus you on D3 died? He didn't sus you only on D1. He sus you too on D3. He voted you and changed the vote to Kiwipom.

You on the other hand weren't active yesterday and only active after I voted you.

Because I was consistent on my read on Seraphoenix. He was my biggest sus on D1 and D3. If I were scum I would kill Seraphoenix on N1, N2 or N3. Yo tan Wa however died on N3 right after he sus you.

To answer your question, Seraphoenix was my biggest sus on D1 and D3. I have no reason to sus Kiwipom. She was consistent on Don Daslayer lynch and despite Don Daslayer confirmed to be townie, she still engaged with other players.

-When did I panic? Aren't you the one panicking with this long post?
-Yo Tan Wa sus you on D1 and D3 and he died tonight. It's enough to build you as scum and seeing this reaction from you who is different from your usual meta, it's more reason to sus you.
- Already answered your posts above.
- When did I twist my word? Quote it.

- TAC actually put me as his sus list. I questioned him why and if I were mafia why would I question him? Isn't it better to keep a distance to avoid suspicion?
- Kiwipom also put me on her sus list in her last post. I asked her why which she didn't respond. Would mafia ask that instead of distancing himself from his fellow mafia?

If you didn't read my post yesterday, Yo Tan Wa put me and you as his sus list and he chose to vote you yet I questioned him why. Wouldn't it better if I keep quiet since more people will believe you are scum?

@Rej , @Cinera , @Sentinel , @HA001 , @RayanOO ,

We should first take out playa. His meta is off. He wasn't like this on D2 and D3.
no I wont lynch Playa, he is totally ok
Mainly because Finalbeta was committed to his Lynch last day phase and died during the night.

@Rej what are your reads?
well we have a no show and I am a bit confused, I think the last scum might be inactive and we might just be townies clashing at each other, what do you think?

anyway lets try this one to shake up the day
Vote lynch @HA001


Holy Simp
@Rej Why do you think Finalbeta suspected you before ?
I don't know he tracked me maybe, but if I would be a shooter he would had pushed me harder and would be more obsessed with me, I doubt that he found a result but maybe he had a bigger picture in mind where he wanted to fot me in and thus he wanted to reserve me for this DP
that is my only guess, I wonder why scum shut him down, definitely so we end up discussing it and getting confused


Holy Simp
Who is your sus list. We need majority vote. It's better than leaving lynch on rng if our vote ties in number since we might lose potential townie.

@Sentinel @HA001 What are your thoughts?
at this point the inactives are hindering us... if they wont vote then we have to get rid of them, excewpt people can be convincing arguments of them being town... I hope you understand where I come from


Well, there was a situation in which NW actively forced a lynch on Seraphoenix. I don't know who could be the sus between playa and NW to be honest.
I sus Seraphoenix becuse of his inconsistencies. He said Bogard pushed a bit too far with his lynch on TAC yet did the same to me. Said I was scum for sus him back after he sus me yet defended TAC who sus Bogard after Bogard sus him first.

I sus Seraphoenix on D1 and D3 since he is the bigger sus imo. On D2 I found Lanji more sus hence why I voted Lanji.

Yo Tan Wa who sus Playa died last night which is the reason why I sis Playa. Playa instead of defending himself, voted me back and his meta was off. Very aggressive. Different from his usual play style.
I sus Seraphoenix becuse of his inconsistencies. He said Bogard pushed a bit too far with his lynch on TAC yet did the same to me. Said I was scum for sus him back after he sus me yet defended TAC who sus Bogard after Bogard sus him first.

I sus Seraphoenix on D1 and D3 since he is the bigger sus imo. On D2 I found Lanji more sus hence why I voted Lanji.

Yo Tan Wa who sus Playa died last night which is the reason why I sis Playa. Playa instead of defending himself, voted me back and his meta was off. Very aggressive. Different from his usual play style.
But you active held the people back voting for Kiwipom.
It was already a clear case that people would have voted for Kiwipom, including me, and yet, you consistently pushed this Sera vote in which he was finally lynched.

That's the odd thing about you imo.

Yes, that's why I sus playa as well but you obviously prevented a potential scum lynch and therefore, I don't really see you townie either.


But you active held the people back voting for Kiwipom.
It was already a clear case that people would have voted for Kiwipom, including me, and yet, you consistently pushed this Sera vote in which he was finally lynched.

That's the odd thing about you imo.

Yes, that's why I sus playa as well but you obviously prevented a potential scum lynch and therefore, I don't really see you townie either.
TAC put me in his sus lost. If I were scum I would distance myself from TAC to avoid suspicion but I asked him instead why did he sus me.

So; For Mafia I have a bit of a more gradient style view on scum and how I pursue them. Let me just give you the quick legend.

100% TownieI have proof they are a townie or the logic behind them being anything else is beyond the pale
TownieSomeone who's game play strongly reflects a townie for me. But I am not willing to overlook odd things about them.
Leaning TownNeutral-ish positive. Players who I have no reason to sus as bad based on their limited actions, and I presume to be town for the time being. But it's a weak thought.
Leaning ScumNeutral-ish negative. Someone who I think is suspicious for one reason or another. I have no immediate good reason to vote them or to build a case, but I keep my eye on them
Suspicious Player Someone who I am fairly certain is scum of some variety. I would be happy to vote them off if I had no better options. Not someone I'd immediately go to TO vote off though.
Scum Basically someone whose actions are so blatant there is no other reason to them.

My Reads:


Yo Tan Wan

Jew D. Boy



All Red
Neutral Watcher


I'm on the fance for Queen/Final Beta. I guess you could swap them in either direction. Most of the Leaning Scum are inactives who I have no reason to give them the benefit of the doubt for. Better to start off skeptical. Neutral Watcher seems very off based on his exchange with Seraphoenix, Lanji's different play style and lack of any real views puts him there for me too. We all know why I want Bogard gone.

I hope this tiered system makes sense. Suspicious = / = auto mean scum for me.
How am I scum? Care to elaborate? Did you read my interaction with Seraphoenix?
Also here Yo Tan Wa sus Playa and died tonight. he even sus me along with Playa and he chose to vote Playa. if I were scum i wouldn't ask him why he sus Playa becuse it would be better to people to divert their attention toward Playa.

Also Reborn posted strong sus on Playa n Neutral, that was deleted.

And also on Sentinel n Queen, for vote change to Sera.

Vote Lynch Playa
And here in Kiwipom last ost she sus me again and I asked her why did she ask me instead of distancing myself.

Yeah sure

I’ll make a rainbow too

Here we go:


Finalbeta - I’m genuinely surprised that he isn’t going berserk on town as his meta. He obviously really wants to survive, even more than that one time he was a survivor. Super townie and makes really good deduction. Knows a lot. Protect him.

Cinera - Already said, he’s consistent. And I like consistency, it’s a good sign.

Rej - it’s ok. Apology accepted, I’ll place you as town then.

Town lean

Playa - Too chill but since he defended me, I'm leaning town.

Sentinel - Some actions are scummy. But, I like that he got up to speed really quick.

Jew - Quiet but I have nothing on him. Why did you stop voting after you misvoted Bogard?

Scum Lean

Ha001 - I feel like Celestia was onto something. Maybe some dots connected for her.

NW - I think his posts really strike me as if he has an agenda. First, he keeps arguing with Seraphoenix (proven town) over something trivial, and suspects anyone who disagrees. Reminds me of Reborn even.


Rayan - Goes with the flow, he caught something interesting but I no one noticed and he didn’t push it further.
This doesn't make sense. I was consistent on my read on Seraphoenix. Also Yo Tan Wa suspected me as sus along with Playa and he chose to vote Playa. if I am scum I wouldn't question Yo Tan Wa why he voted Playa.
Playa was actually inactive in scum hunting.

Among people who got lynched:
Celestia (townie) Playa voted her
Lanji (mafia) Playa didn't vote him
Seraphoenix (townie) Playa voted him
Kiwipom (mafia) Playa didn't vote her yesterday

I sus Seraphoenix since he nitpicked what I said. He said has neutral sus Bogard? I asked why are you thnking I sus Bogard and he accused me of lying. Kiwipom also supported the lynch on Seraphoenix which was the reason I sus Seraphoenix on D3 but it changed when Kiwipom avoided lynch which was why I voted her on D3(unvoted later after Cinera brought lynchproof immunity).
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