Your argument that we should lynch don because he has been unhelpful is beyond my understanding.
Many players here are new and don't know how to pick reads. They rely on info sharing to catch Scums. Expecting from such players to contribute more in no claim game that too on first day of the game is beyond my understanding.
Also, there is huge list of inactive and more unhelpful players - playa, rej, all red, rayan, yo tan wa and few more. Picking on ha and don from amongst them is just wild case of lynching which has no basis.
Second, in every game there are few highly active Townie, few relatively less townie and few inactive townie. Scums try to blend among them.
Our purpose isnt to weed out those who aren't helpful. Why? Because it's like shooting in the blind and helping scums reduce townie Numbers.
Our purpose is to scum hunt and catch player who is makin slips because that's what lynch is about.
Now I am not saying that inactive or less helpful players can't be scum. But it's better to invest them First or wait for more day activities to be sure of whether they are Scums laying low key or just bad townie who aren't contributing.
To me, scum hunting isn't just about catching Scums but also to avoid mislynch as much as possible. Celestia made very prominent slips and I will prefer her Lynch.
Now she can flip in any direction(most likely a scum) but since the time I casted vote on her - every single activity happened in this thread after that is a clue in itself.
Who stayed low key, who took the back seat, who is voting whom, who said what, which side is one taking, and so on.... everythin matters since that time and that's how you build reads by lynching a player who is makin slips which isn't possible in case of randomly lynching an inactive or less helpful player.
@Bogard @TheAncientCenturion why you guys took the back seat after going after each other on First half of day one?
Many players here are new and don't know how to pick reads. They rely on info sharing to catch Scums. Expecting from such players to contribute more in no claim game that too on first day of the game is beyond my understanding.
Also, there is huge list of inactive and more unhelpful players - playa, rej, all red, rayan, yo tan wa and few more. Picking on ha and don from amongst them is just wild case of lynching which has no basis.
Second, in every game there are few highly active Townie, few relatively less townie and few inactive townie. Scums try to blend among them.
Our purpose isnt to weed out those who aren't helpful. Why? Because it's like shooting in the blind and helping scums reduce townie Numbers.
Our purpose is to scum hunt and catch player who is makin slips because that's what lynch is about.
Now I am not saying that inactive or less helpful players can't be scum. But it's better to invest them First or wait for more day activities to be sure of whether they are Scums laying low key or just bad townie who aren't contributing.
To me, scum hunting isn't just about catching Scums but also to avoid mislynch as much as possible. Celestia made very prominent slips and I will prefer her Lynch.
Now she can flip in any direction(most likely a scum) but since the time I casted vote on her - every single activity happened in this thread after that is a clue in itself.
Who stayed low key, who took the back seat, who is voting whom, who said what, which side is one taking, and so on.... everythin matters since that time and that's how you build reads by lynching a player who is makin slips which isn't possible in case of randomly lynching an inactive or less helpful player.
@Bogard @TheAncientCenturion why you guys took the back seat after going after each other on First half of day one?