I disagree with that. Animals live purely for survival. Humans have developed consciousness and intellect so we have the ability to question things. So no, we don't just survive to survive. Our lives may not have a predestined meaning but we (well few of us) are capable of finding our own meaning, and that is because of our ability to think. So while we do live for dopamine, we don't just do it for survival, like animals do. And I do believe in a higher force. We discovered virus, bacteria, cells and even atoms. If such small things can exist that we can't see, things like GOD may certainly exist.
I agree that we chase for dopamine to distract from things that are tedious and unpleasant but I also believe that we have a capability to think deeper. That's how people discovered meditation. And meditation is far away from dopamine.
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Meditation increases dopamine lol

do a quick google search
I dug a little bit into it and it seems that meditation can be like a double-edged sword. It might boost your dopamine, or it might decrease it. It might make your mood better but it might also increase your anxiety or depression. All depends on how you do it. There are some people who meditate for dopamine, but it might not always succeed. Depends on the technique and your current mindset.

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
What about the US governmenr feds raising the interest rate so high? That driving the price of the USD up high. I heard a storm was coming like no other this year and they did this to cushion the blow.
Indeed it is(referring to interest rates), and it must be done to tackle the massive inflation sweeping the US. This happens every 10 to 13 years or so. The FED does this to gradually weaken the economy to prevent a hard crash that could lead to a depression. The economy always recovers, but it's the big recession that people gotta play their cards right to not get sweeped under.

Many will suffer, but it's always the best time to build your captial.