Chapter was a blast! I usually don't get the full enjoyment out of chapters after reading the spoilers but this chapter felt really full regardless, which says a lot about how good it was.
A lot of highlights for me this chapter:
1. "Sword" -> Although it's still unknown who founded this unit (my guess is that it's Garp), it seems my suspicions were correct with regards to it being of group of marines working under the radar within the WG, unbeknownst to the even the likes of Sakazuki, Kizaru and off course the Gorosei which is pretty interesting. Given Coby is part of said group (the man is as righteous as marines get) as well as Drake's comments on how he was taken aback by finding out the WG are dealing with pirates on Wano, it's pretty clear to see that they are a somewhat righteous group even within the marine. In which case, the name "sword" is a very fitting name for the group. I also think it's pretty interesting that said group seem to contrast Cp0, in the sense that they are a secret special units and that the sword seem righteous where as the Cp0 are corrupt as piss...lolz. So, we could very well be seeing a clash between the two units sometime in the future (as much as I'd love to see it as soon as Wano, can't help but feel a rebellion like that happening on Wano will be a tad to early so maybe the final war ^^).
2. Coby's promotion & his potential clash against Hancock -> I'm not surprised Coby is a rare admiral, but it looks to me like he just recently got promoted (like really recently - maybe even just after the reverie. I mean wasn't Helmeppo talking about how Coby's strength doesn't reflect his rank coz he's too humble just a day or so before the reverie), so I'm very interested in getting to know what exactly went down at the Reverie. Not gonna lie I'm conflicted as fck! I'm happy to see that over the past 2 years, Coby has grown to the point where he's causally heading to Amazon Lily to capture Boa fcking Hancock! and the man is exuding confidence. However, Boa is one of my favorite characters in the series and I can't tell y'all how much I dread Coby getting feats off her especially since she doesn't have any concrete feats just yet. I said I didn't think he'd be a match for Hancock in the spoiler thread, and although I still don't think he captures Hancock, I can now see him putting up a fight against Hancock, which is a shame as Hancock is undoubtedly going to be getting downplayed by the community if that happens. I'm still hopeful though that Hancock doesn't really lose too much hype from clashing with Coby and that she gets to know about the situation on Wano from Coby and heads there. Also I'm just gonna say it now, y'all better prepare ur anuses for the potential revelation that Coby is currently a high tier

lolz. I for one think it's a bit too ridiculous a jump, but the man is our protagonist from the marine side, so plot~sama is regrettably involved
3. BB making a move -> I'll say it straight out, the ting BB was talking about is most likely an ancient weapon. Given it was stated that something happened to the royal folk from Alabasta on the reverie and it's most likely related to the WG playing dirty again, it's most likely pluton given pluton is closely tied to Alabasta. Also if you think about it, Luffy is already in possession of an ancient weapon, so it makes sense that he's antithesis (not sure if that's the right word...lolz) in BB is gets possession of one as well. Another very interesting thing with regards to BB moving against the WG is Shanks involvement with the WG so I think we are defo going to be seeing a Black Beard Pirates v Red Hair Pirates clash very soon, one in which the Red Hair pirates come out with the short-end of the stick. Don't know about Shanks fans lolz but all I see if death flags for him now and I don't think there is any escaping that destiny.
4. The abolition of the Shichibukai -> Will be very interesting to see just how the marines attempt to capture all of the Shichibukai. Given the marines sent stainless after fucking buggy lolz, I wouldn't be surprised if the marines deployed admiral level characters after the likes of Weevil & Mihawk. So we could potentially see Fujitora go after Mihawk and Greenbull, Kizaru or even Tokikage/Gion go after Weevil. That said however, and I might be contradicting myself here lolz but I think Shanks is going to invite Mihawk to fight side by side with him against a potential BB pirate invasion against the WG. It seems like something Shanks would do which would be interesting as we might get that ever so speculated Shiryu v Mihawk fight. Also if y'all thin about it, Ben Beckman isn't really a like for like matchup against Shiryu and no other Red hair pirate gives off that feel, so again I think there's a good chance of Shiryu v Mihawk happening.
Also on Weevil, I found it very interesting/suspicious that Oda used the phrase 'on a certain island' for the place Weevil is currently at. So I think it'd most likely be an important place tied with the plot and my guess is that Weevil is currently on Elbaf. Looking at the scenary of the Island, I'm not really sure why, but that's what came to mind when I first saw it.
Pretty long post...lolz but thanks for reading! Oda really delivered this week!