Yamato identify as Oden, which is completely understandable as Oden personnify everything that Yamato wants to accomplish, so yeah of course you have the gag "i'm your father", but that's just it, a gag.. nothing cringe about it.
"Yamato identifies as Oden"
How about you take your completely ridiculous woke nonsense, turn it up sideways, lube it really nicely and shove it up your own ass!
Nobody gives a flying fuck if some weirdos try to claim that everyone has to "respect a fictional character" because she "iDeNtiFiEs aS OdEn, YoU HaVe To ReSpEcT ThAt".
It's gaga, it's creepy, it's bullshit and it's fucking annoying.
She's a poorly written fangirl with some obvious and very concerning psychological problems (the way Oda portrayed her).