Yes, and it is as simple as XY is male and XX is female. Obviously i'm talking about the majority, intersex accounts only 1.7% from what i read and they say the result is too overconfident as it has many errors. And of that 1.7%, only a minority has combined male and female chromosomes, the rest still have complete male or female chromosome as normal male or female do, but their genital dont develop enough. The latter are still either male or female. So it is much less than 1.7% of the entire population, and obviously most trans people dont fall into this category of sex
i'm not an expert, but I think that's it yeah.
You repeat everything textbook self-proclaimed rights defenders do
Oh come on. My speech was so good, I was so proud of it!! Why do you need to spoil it by replying.. you re not funny bro
You are irrelevant and u only waste ur energy fighting something that doesn't exist which is ur imagination caused by something.
And in the mind of thousands and in the data of scientists.. and.. and.. well that's enough already.
The world has been constructed thousands of years ago with minor changes over the years. People progress but that doesn't mean they are blindly following the made-up ideals coming from the internet loudmouths.
Indeed.. because right now.. following blindly what the hegemony of internet is saying would be to follow discourse of alt-right propagandists like yourself. Nah.. right now we are in the shadow.. but we are coming for you guys, don't worry..
There are people who support something but also people who will disagree over the same thing and it's never going to change.
The reality of the existence of trans people is not an opinion, it's a fact.
You label yourself as the defender
I'm the defender of nothing, I only do things by pure interest. I want a better fanbase just because I don't want people to look at us and say "look at those One Piece fans... they are all toxic".. sorry not sorry, I don't want that. This is quite egotistical in fact.
you are just hitting a wall because normal people don't even bother about 99% of the stuff you present here online.
You are not a normal people. Normal people don't deny science.
All people have to do is respect each other. If someone dislikes something that doesn't automatically mean he is "PHOBIC of something" as you tend to abuse to fit ur narrative.
I know you have hard time understanding this concept. But the term "oppression" means that EVEN a stated opinion on something can be hurtfull for someone. Words hurt mate, words can kill.
You'd be born the next 50 times and die 50 times and the world will still operate as it always was.
You mean like in the span of 5 years, we got :
- #BlackLiveMatter
- #Metoo
- And Covid19
And you don't see the changes those things have created ? You must not be paying enough attention here..
Different countries different people. Some people grow up in an environment where certain things you deem normal are weird to them and likewise, something is weird to you which is normal for them and etc etc...
That doesn't automatically mean they are phobic or aggressive
It depends on the things they say and do to others.
Are you going to forget all these years of sharing joy and fun with him and simply tell him off and cut the ties because he has a different worldview from you?
Why would I stay friend with someone who nomatter what we say to them, will never be willing to change their mind ?
Such person is highly toxic.
Without saying that
transphobia usually come as a package, meaning that with transphobia, you will sometimes find fragments of alt right ideas like antisemitism / antifeminism / Racism / Sexism / Toxic masculinity and sometimes straight up fascism so from this moment I would be very careful with that person.
I would, first, check the potential clues for alt right radicalization (the things I'm seeing with you for example) if there is nothing, I wouldn't cut ties and I would not force my point of view on them. Instead, I would surround both of us with trans people. And I can ASSURE you that in the span of 1 year, this person will change their mind.
If - on the contrary - I detect signs of al right radicalization like detect some with you, I would, first, try to change their mind by every means necessary, with words, with actions, with representation of different kinds, with sensibilization and if they don't wanna change, it's BUE BUY.
I will not surround myself with neofascists.