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Strong, beautiful, adventurous, approachable, autonomous, authentic, calm, confident, determined, diligent, easygoing, focused, honest, insightful, intuitive, patient, perceptive, resourceful, responsible, alert, athletic, compassionate, extraordinary, fun loving, hard working, honorable, incorruptible, heroic, reliable, selfless, stoic, basically Zoro.
racist towards blacks and fish men, gets lost all the time, kings of the L's, bathes once a week, liar, doesn't do any important work, no family, yeah those zoro oh and very retard :risitameh:
Strong, beautiful, adventurous, approachable, autonomous, authentic, calm, confident, determined, diligent, easygoing, focused, honest, insightful, intuitive, patient, perceptive, resourceful, responsible, alert, athletic, compassionate, extraordinary, fun loving, hard working, honorable, incorruptible, heroic, reliable, selfless, stoic, basically Zoro.
Is this a copypasta:gokulaugh:
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