Anime & Manga Titty Kubo Has Defeated Lee (Remembering the Fallen)

@TheAncientCenturion @ZenZu @Uncle Van @Owl Ki @Topi Jerami @Fujishiro @Jack Vessalius @Indigo @TheKnightOfTheSea @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Blackbeard @Jaguark101

Alright so I just finished the, let’s call it the prelude to Arrancar arc I assume. And there were aspects of this mini arc that I enjoyed and aspects that were a disappointment.

For one, Ichigo’s father apparently being a powerful soul reaper. This is one of those moments to me that felt like Titty was trying to rectify past writing mistakes. “Ichigod is overpowered as shit with no explanation? Um…well guess what! Ishiin is actually a mega powerful soul reaper so strong that he can neg diff Arrancar Grand Fisher even after he hasn’t seen action in two decades. Makes sense right?” Not really. I suspected that Ishiin knew about some of the magical shit going on but there was zero hints that this MF was secretly an OP Soul Reaper. It’s fine I guess, I’d rather there be an actual explanation for Ichigod’s stupid power level.

Next, those two Arrancar showing up to wreck shit was really hype at first, until they accomplished absolutely nothing. They just called everyone trash and then ran away without accomplishing their objective because apparently “Ichigo is so weak that we have decided that we can defy orders and override Aizen’s wishes”

Did these dumbasses not receive intel that Ichigod defeated two Soul Reaper characters in single combat and also possesses Bankai? I might buy the explanation that Captain + level Soul Reaper are “trash” to these two if White Boi didn’t retreat under the explicit pretext that they couldn’t win against Kisume and Yoruichi after watching big black man get tossed around like salad by Yoruichi.

“Ichigod is trash lol we’re going to defy your orders Aizen, we’ve decided there’s no need to kill the guy who defeated Byakuya and Kenpachi and who achieved the ultra rare Bankai ability in three fucking days, oh but also we ourselves are going to run away from two characters in the same level as those other two guys who Ichigod defeated. Please congratulate us on our mega brains”

If there’s one thing that annoys me as much as Ichigod’s divinity, it’s other characters acting like Ichigod’s divinity is nothing special when the man went from Soul Reaper third seat level to high Captain tier in like 3 freaking days.

On to the next one.

Can you add me to the tags kind sir?

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
@TheAncientCenturion @Jack Vessalius @Owl Ki @Topi Jerami @Uncle Van @Jaguark101 @Seth @Wuuuke @Fujishiro @Indigo @Blackbeard @Warchief Sanji D Goat @ZenZu

Alright I wasn’t planning to do another tag post so soon but I’ve been laughing to myself ever since I read Chapter 199.

The bath scene between Rangiku and Inoue was the most gratuitous display of fanservice I’ve ever seen in anime/manga or any fictional series in general. I knew that when Mega Tits showed up dressed like a school girl that Titty was about to hardcore try to appeal to a pathetic demographic but even I was unprepared for the shit that occurred in chapter 199 lol.

This chapter was in fact so gratuitous that I hereby present Titty Kubo with the “totally and completely understands women” award:

Let’s recap the events of chapter 199, shall we?

So Mega Tits is taking a bath in front of Inoue, which by Shonen fanservice standards is pretty tame. Then Inoue tells Mega Tits that she is jealous of RUkia and how Ichigo reacts to RUkia. So then Mega Tits stands up, gets out of the bathtub making no attempts to cover her exposed body to Inoue, pins Inoue to the floor and gets on top of her (still soaking wet from the bath water mind you), and then, with her giant tits dangling in Inoue’s face, tells Inoue that she should not be jealous of RUkia.

Question for you guys, have you ever been taking a bath in front of a dude you barely know, but then he confesses an insecurity to you? If so, you probably did the natural thing, which is to jump out of the bathtub naked and soaking wet, pin this guy you hardly know to the ground, and tell him “you shouldn’t be insecure about that thing” while dangling your wet junk into his face?

This is the exact kind of shit that Puri Puri Prisoner is designed to parody lol, no scratch that. This shit is so ludicrous that it is impossible to parody and simply exists as parody itself.

Titty has set a record for the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever read with chapter 199. If I remember nothing else about Bleach, I’m almost positive I will remember chapter 199 lmfaoooo.

Alright what else…

So Grimjow verbally bitchslapping Dumb and Dumber was nice, I’m not sure if I’m supposed to think Grimjow is intelligent or if Ulquiorra and Yammy are simply incredibly stupid but either way it was nice to these two idiots get embarrassed in front of the Arrancar Illuminati.

On to the next one.
@TheAncientCenturion @Jack Vessalius @Owl Ki @Topi Jerami @Uncle Van @Jaguark101 @Seth @Wuuuke @Fujishiro @Indigo @Blackbeard @Warchief Sanji D Goat @ZenZu

Alright I wasn’t planning to do another tag post so soon but I’ve been laughing to myself ever since I read Chapter 199.

The bath scene between Rangiku and Inoue was the most gratuitous display of fanservice I’ve ever seen in anime/manga or any fictional series in general. I knew that when Mega Tits showed up dressed like a school girl that Titty was about to hardcore try to appeal to a pathetic demographic but even I was unprepared for the shit that occurred in chapter 199 lol.

This chapter was in fact so gratuitous that I hereby present Titty Kubo with the “totally and completely understands women” award:

Let’s recap the events of chapter 199, shall we?

So Mega Tits is taking a bath in front of Inoue, which by Shonen fanservice standards is pretty tame. Then Inoue tells Mega Tits that she is jealous of RUkia and how Ichigo reacts to RUkia. So then Mega Tits stands up, gets out of the bathtub making no attempts to cover her exposed body to Inoue, pins Inoue to the floor and gets on top of her (still soaking wet from the bath water mind you), and then, with her giant tits dangling in Inoue’s face, tells Inoue that she should not be jealous of RUkia.

Question for you guys, have you ever been taking a bath in front of a dude you barely know, but then he confesses an insecurity to you? If so, you probably did the natural thing, which is to jump out of the bathtub naked and soaking wet, pin this guy you hardly know to the ground, and tell him “you shouldn’t be insecure about that thing” while dangling your wet junk into his face?

This is the exact kind of shit that Puri Puri Prisoner is designed to parody lol, no scratch that. This shit is so ludicrous that it is impossible to parody and simply exists as parody itself.

Titty has set a record for the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever read with chapter 199. If I remember nothing else about Bleach, I’m almost positive I will remember chapter 199 lmfaoooo.

Alright what else…

So Grimjow verbally bitchslapping Dumb and Dumber was nice, I’m not sure if I’m supposed to think Grimjow is intelligent or if Ulquiorra and Yammy are simply incredibly stupid but either way it was nice to these two idiots get embarrassed in front of the Arrancar Illuminati.

On to the next one.
Oh no. I had deleted this scene from my memory and now you just made me remember it.... :shame:
Alright what else…

So Grimjow verbally bitchslapping Dumb and Dumber was nice, I’m not sure if I’m supposed to think Grimjow is intelligent or if Ulquiorra and Yammy are simply incredibly stupid but either way it was nice to these two idiots get embarrassed in front of the Arrancar Illuminati.

On to the next one.
Oh yeah, this scene. Lol.

Yammy genuinely is a dumb, bull headed, ultra violent meathead. Think of Nappa from Dragon Ball and you pretty much have Yammy down to a T.

Bat Stoner isn't supposed to be a dumb arse, he is supposed to be a nihilistic downer I guess.
Nice bait lmao.

Ulquiorra, Grimmjow are clear. Perks of being MC opponents.
Ichigo as a protagonist and a fighter is such a massive turn off that I much prefer characters that just don't interact with him. Probably part of the reason why Barragan and Jar Head are my favourite Espadas.

So those two being MC opponents is a downgrade as far as I am concerned. Lol.
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The Rogue Prince
Oh yeah, this scene. Lol.

Yammy genuinely is a dumb, bull headed, ultra violent meathead. Think of Nappa from Dragon Ball and you pretty much have Yammy down to a T.

Bat Stoner isn't supposed to be a dumb arse, he is supposed to be a nihilistic downer I guess.

Ichigo as a protagonist and a fighter is such a massive turn off that I much prefer characters that just don't interact with. Probably part of the reason why Barragan and Jar Head are my favourite Espadas.

So those two being MC opponents is a downgrade as far as I am concerned. Lol.
Ichigo was worse than Luffy and that's saying something.