Anime & Manga Titty Kubo Has Defeated Lee (Remembering the Fallen)


Formerly Seth

@TheAncientCenturion @Jack Vessalius @Owl Ki @Topi Jerami @Uncle Van @Jaguark101 @Seth @Wuuuke @Fujishiro @Indigo @Blackbeard @Warchief Sanji D Goat @ZenZu

Alright I wasn’t planning to do another tag post so soon but I’ve been laughing to myself ever since I read Chapter 199.

The bath scene between Rangiku and Inoue was the most gratuitous display of fanservice I’ve ever seen in anime/manga or any fictional series in general. I knew that when Mega Tits showed up dressed like a school girl that Titty was about to hardcore try to appeal to a pathetic demographic but even I was unprepared for the shit that occurred in chapter 199 lol.

This chapter was in fact so gratuitous that I hereby present Titty Kubo with the “totally and completely understands women” award:

Let’s recap the events of chapter 199, shall we?

So Mega Tits is taking a bath in front of Inoue, which by Shonen fanservice standards is pretty tame. Then Inoue tells Mega Tits that she is jealous of RUkia and how Ichigo reacts to RUkia. So then Mega Tits stands up, gets out of the bathtub making no attempts to cover her exposed body to Inoue, pins Inoue to the floor and gets on top of her (still soaking wet from the bath water mind you), and then, with her giant tits dangling in Inoue’s face, tells Inoue that she should not be jealous of RUkia.

Question for you guys, have you ever been taking a bath in front of a dude you barely know, but then he confesses an insecurity to you? If so, you probably did the natural thing, which is to jump out of the bathtub naked and soaking wet, pin this guy you hardly know to the ground, and tell him “you shouldn’t be insecure about that thing” while dangling your wet junk into his face?

This is the exact kind of shit that Puri Puri Prisoner is designed to parody lol, no scratch that. This shit is so ludicrous that it is impossible to parody and simply exists as parody itself.

Titty has set a record for the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever read with chapter 199. If I remember nothing else about Bleach, I’m almost positive I will remember chapter 199 lmfaoooo.

Alright what else…

So Grimjow verbally bitchslapping Dumb and Dumber was nice, I’m not sure if I’m supposed to think Grimjow is intelligent or if Ulquiorra and Yammy are simply incredibly stupid but either way it was nice to these two idiots get embarrassed in front of the Arrancar Illuminati.

On to the next one.
I had a good laugh reading this lmao. Kubo's biggest problem is that he wasn't that big a fan of a writing. I assure you if he wrote Manga in similar fashion to OPM he would bang probably even harder.

He had some actual good fucking ideas but he seemed to get bored with everything he thought about and acted like he never wrote it. A lot of editors/people who knew him when he was in Jump said that he seems annoyed with wiritng the manga because he only wanted to put his imagination thru pen and never intended it to be some masterpiece writing.

Now your experience with Bleach might not be the best since you are grown up and have some reading comprehension but I can tell you if you'd start this as a kiddo you would have a lot of fun watching/reading Bleach.

ps. About Ulquiorra and Yammy. They are like a HS duo of school shooter and a total retard who got isekai'd to another world where they are strong and pretend to act intelligent now
Ichigo as a protagonist and a fighter is such a massive turn off that I much prefer characters that just don't interact with him. Probably part of the reason why Barragan and Jar Head are my favourite Espadas.

So those two being MC opponents is a downgrade as far as I am concerned. Lol.
Speaking about that, could we possibly share the same exact top 5?


Speaking about that, could we possibly share the same exact top 5?


Not entirely. Lol. I posted my list of characters earlier in this thread.
We doing favourite Bleach characters? Alright, let's see;

1) Hachigen Ushoda.
2) Barragan.
3) Ichibei.
4) Kurotsuchi.
5) Urahara.
6) Tosen.
7) Komamura.
8) Rukia
9) Aaner....Aanori..... The Jar Head Espada.
10) Ginjo.
Barragan and Ichibei are in my Top 3, Shunsui and Quilge are also both characters I like too. They would probably be the next two after Ginjo in my list.

Meanwhile, I don't even remember the name of Afro Samurai there. Lol. Ichibei was the only one of Squad Zero that I liked. Didn't care about the others.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Not entirely. Lol. I posted my list of characters earlier in this thread.

Barragan and Ichibei are in my Top 3, Shunsui and Quilge are also both characters I like too. They would probably be the next two after Ginjo in my list.

Meanwhile, I don't even remember the name of Afro Samurai there. Lol. Ichibei was the only one of Squad Zero that I liked. Didn't care about the others.
I am salty that Kenpachi isnt in that list.
I am salty that Kenpachi isnt in that list.
He is alright I guess. Lol. He would be in my list if I extended it to my Top 15 characters. I remember getting tired of how Kubo made this absolute blood knight character and then held him back.

Like one moment he would be "I gonna slice you to pieces!!!" and then he'll be "Nah, you're to beat up to kill".

Yeah, no shit Kenpachi. You were the one to beat his arse to a pulp. Lel.

Then Kubo stopped being a wimp and had him gloriously neg diff that Fullbringer character. That sure was cool.

Then he had that great fight with [REDACTED=You aren't spoiling this one with curiosity Lee].

Unfortunately I also associate him with some of the worst fights of the TYBW. Gerard, who is one of those stupid characters that Kubo refuses to let die, along with the absolute tomfoolery that is Gremmy. Fuck mothering Gremmy the motherfucker. That Gremmy.

So yeah, mixed bag of memories for me.
Dude has Hachigan as his fave Bleach character and you're worried about Kenpachi
I ain't lying, Hachigen vs Barragan is my absolute favourite fight of Bleach. It is the fight I consider to have the most innovative and creative use of established abilities clashing against each other and it was a fight that genuinely surprised me in a good way and made me go "Hot damn, I sure wasn't expecting that! Kubo, you are doing good for once!".

That Hachi speech at the end too. :steef:

Besides, at least I ain't stanning Starrk. :mihugh:
Lmao Hachigan is alright. That he is top 1 though is a bit cray cray.
All of them pale in comparison however, to the fight that features the most magnificent, bad arse, giant testicled, extra T H I C C, beefy mad lad that this manga has.
This ladies and gentlemen, is what a real man looks like.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
@Owl Ki @Saint Jaygarcia Saturn @ZenZu @TheAncientCenturion @Jaguark101 @Warchief Sanji D Goat @ZenZu @Seth @Indigo @Fujishiro @Topi Jerami @Wuuuke @Blackbeard @Uncle Van

This series is so fucking stupid lol. I just finished Ichigo vs his Hollow self, cheesiest shit I’ve ever seen in a manga. “Battle! Battle! Battle!!!” What is Titty even doing lol. I know he doesn’t care about writing and just wants to draw what he thinks is “cool shit”, but at least don’t make your cool shit complete gibberish lol.

So there was literally no clear conflict between Ichigo and his hollow self, and I don’t even understand how Ichigo defeated him other than “I’m the King and you’re the horse,” and by the way “what is the difference between a king and a horse” is the dumbest speech I’ve ever read in a manga lol. Literally chapters 220-222 were completely unintelligible.

Alright anyway. The Arrancar fights were…decent I guess. I do not at all understand the logic of the Soul Society restricting the Soul Reapers’ powers when they set out to fight Hollow. Talk about the most inefficient way to regulate your military force, why not just let them keep their full strength and then teach them massive discretion when entering the human world.

Like I’m seeing Volcano fists blow up giant city blocks in pools of magma but the Soul Society is concerned with Soul Reapers having too much of an effect on the human world? You guys think restricting your members’ ability to efficiently combat hollow threats is somehow preventing the human world from being effected by the soul world? Volcano fists destroying all of Japan is fine but god forbid we let Renji use the full strength of his Bankai which caused zero collateral damage? Lol

Hey idiots, the only thing restricting your own members’ power does is forces them to ask for your permission to use their own strength when they their shit kicked in by Hollows. Which is exactly what happened when the Soul Reapers fought the Arrancar. Talk about obliterating all tension when the explanation for the Soul Reapers defeating the Arrancar is “we got to take our arbitrary and unnecessary training wheels off.” This was supposed to be a hype moment but I’m scratching my head in confusion as to why this policy exists at all.

I might overlook this nonsense if the fights were good,

But they weren’t really. The choreography was lame, there was zero brainpower involved in the fights, I didn’t care about the characters and the Arrancar themselves weren’t even cool.

And speaking of zero brainpower in fights, I laughed out loud when Hollow Ichigo stated that Ichigod’s problem in fights was that Ichigod “fights with his head too much.” My brother in Christ, name me one single Ichigod fight that hasn’t been resolved bu Ichigo simply slashing his opponents over and over again. “Now I’m going to slash you bigger! Now I’m going to slash you harder! Now I’m zoom zoom fast!” Don’t insult me Titty, I don’t think Ichigod is stupid but none of his fights have involved any brainpower whatsoever.

So yeah, the Arrancar/Viztard arc or whatever has largely been a complete joke so far. Chapter 199 Megatitty vs Inoue was the best chapter and only because it was so offensively stupid that it was hilarious.


The only one who can beat me is me
@Owl Ki @Saint Jaygarcia Saturn @ZenZu @TheAncientCenturion @Jaguark101 @Warchief Sanji D Goat @ZenZu @Seth @Indigo @Fujishiro @Topi Jerami @Wuuuke @Blackbeard @Uncle Van

This series is so fucking stupid lol. I just finished Ichigo vs his Hollow self, cheesiest shit I’ve ever seen in a manga. “Battle! Battle! Battle!!!” What is Titty even doing lol. I know he doesn’t care about writing and just wants to draw what he thinks is “cool shit”, but at least don’t make your cool shit complete gibberish lol.

So there was literally no clear conflict between Ichigo and his hollow self, and I don’t even understand how Ichigo defeated him other than “I’m the King and you’re the horse,” and by the way “what is the difference between a king and a horse” is the dumbest speech I’ve ever read in a manga lol. Literally chapters 220-222 were completely unintelligible.

Alright anyway. The Arrancar fights were…decent I guess. I do not at all understand the logic of the Soul Society restricting the Soul Reapers’ powers when they set out to fight Hollow. Talk about the most inefficient way to regulate your military force, why not just let them keep their full strength and then teach them massive discretion when entering the human world.

Like I’m seeing Volcano fists blow up giant city blocks in pools of magma but the Soul Society is concerned with Soul Reapers having too much of an effect on the human world? You guys think restricting your members’ ability to efficiently combat hollow threats is somehow preventing the human world from being effected by the soul world? Volcano fists destroying all of Japan is fine but god forbid we let Renji use the full strength of his Bankai which caused zero collateral damage? Lol

Hey idiots, the only thing restricting your own members’ power does is forces them to ask for your permission to use their own strength when they their shit kicked in by Hollows. Which is exactly what happened when the Soul Reapers fought the Arrancar. Talk about obliterating all tension when the explanation for the Soul Reapers defeating the Arrancar is “we got to take our arbitrary and unnecessary training wheels off.” This was supposed to be a hype moment but I’m scratching my head in confusion as to why this policy exists at all.

I might overlook the nonsense of the fights were good,

But they weren’t really. The choreography was lame, there was zero brainpower involved in the fights, I didn’t care about the characters and the Arrancar themselves weren’t even cool.

And speaking of zero brainpower in fights, I laughed out loud when Hollow Ichigo stated that Ichigod’s problem in fights was that Ichigod “fights with his head too much.” My brother in Christ, name me one single Ichigod fight that hasn’t been resolved bu Ichigo simply slashing his opponents over and over again. “Now I’m going to slash you bigger! Now I’m going to slash you harder! Now I’m zoom zoom fast!” Don’t insult me Titty, I don’t think Ichigod is stupid but none of his fights have involved any brainpower whatsoever.

So yeah, the Arrancar/Vistard arc or whatever has largely been a complete joke so far. Chapter 199 Megatitty vs Inoue was the best chapter and only because it was so offensively stupid that it was hilarious.
Nooo I wanted to see your review of Grimmjow kicking the living shit out of Ichigod. Did you atleast enjoy that?

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Nooo I wanted to see your review of Grimmjow kicking the living shit out of Ichigod. Did you atleast enjoy that?
Oh yeah that. Ima be honest I forgot it even happened. It was just Grimjow kicking Ichigo around for a while, there wasn’t anything bad about it, and I thought that the Espada were getting some great hype with how hard the Soul Reapers were struggling with his inferiors until the nonsense training wheels were removed and all of the hype Titty built around the Espada got flushed down the toilet as all Grimjow’s Arrancar’s got negged.

Minor point, I do not at all understand Titty’s fascination with the Spanish language. Like it’d be one thing if he were writing Spanish characters or if this manga was Spanish themed but no, it’s literally just Japanese fantasy swordsman with arbitrary Spanish names like “Espada.” Does Titty think the Spanish language sounds badass or something?

Anyway…oh yeah Grimjow. So yeah I enjoyed him verbally bitchslapping dumb and dumber like I said but him vs Ichigod…yeah I’m not sure. It wasn’t as bad as everything else this arc I’ll say that but I wasn’t blown away either. I wonder if his arm will stay sliced off.


The only one who can beat me is me
Oh yeah that. Ima be honest I forgot it even happened. It was just Grimjow kicking Ichigo around for a while, there wasn’t anything bad about it, and I thought that the Espada were getting some great hype with how hard the Soul Reapers were struggling with his inferiors until the nonsense training wheels were removed and all of the hype Titty built around the Espada got flushed down the toilet as all Grimjow’s Arrancar’s got negged.

Minor point, I do not at all understand Titty’s fascination with the Spanish language. Like it’d be one thing if he were writing Spanish characters or if this manga was Spanish themed but no, it’s literally just Japanese fantasy swordsman with arbitrary Spanish names like “Espada.” Does Titty think the Spanish language sounds badass or something?

Anyway…oh yeah Grimjow. So yeah I enjoyed him verbally bitchslapping dumb and dumber like I said but him vs Ichigod…yeah I’m not sure. It wasn’t as bad as everything else this arc I’ll say that but I wasn’t blown away either. I wonder if his arm will stay sliced off.
Really? Ichigod was stronger than everyone there combined and he doesn't have the limiter on him, used his Bankai yet he got curbstomped, so the hype should all be intact. The rest of the arrancar aren't Espada, Grimmjow was the only one that mattered and even still a limited Shitsugaya was struggling with his Bankai against one of em, which is pretty crazy on its own.

The non Espada arrancar are like the equivalent of the seats under the Captain. They're pretty irrelevant, I feel like you're mixing them with the elites (the Captain equivalents of the Arrancar).

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
@Owl Ki @Saint Jaygarcia Saturn @ZenZu @TheAncientCenturion @Jaguark101 @Warchief Sanji D Goat @ZenZu @Seth @Indigo @Fujishiro @Topi Jerami @Wuuuke @Blackbeard @Uncle Van

This series is so fucking stupid lol. I just finished Ichigo vs his Hollow self, cheesiest shit I’ve ever seen in a manga. “Battle! Battle! Battle!!!” What is Titty even doing lol. I know he doesn’t care about writing and just wants to draw what he thinks is “cool shit”, but at least don’t make your cool shit complete gibberish lol.

So there was literally no clear conflict between Ichigo and his hollow self, and I don’t even understand how Ichigo defeated him other than “I’m the King and you’re the horse,” and by the way “what is the difference between a king and a horse” is the dumbest speech I’ve ever read in a manga lol. Literally chapters 220-222 were completely unintelligible.

Alright anyway. The Arrancar fights were…decent I guess. I do not at all understand the logic of the Soul Society restricting the Soul Reapers’ powers when they set out to fight Hollow. Talk about the most inefficient way to regulate your military force, why not just let them keep their full strength and then teach them massive discretion when entering the human world.

Like I’m seeing Volcano fists blow up giant city blocks in pools of magma but the Soul Society is concerned with Soul Reapers having too much of an effect on the human world? You guys think restricting your members’ ability to efficiently combat hollow threats is somehow preventing the human world from being effected by the soul world? Volcano fists destroying all of Japan is fine but god forbid we let Renji use the full strength of his Bankai which caused zero collateral damage? Lol

Hey idiots, the only thing restricting your own members’ power does is forces them to ask for your permission to use their own strength when they their shit kicked in by Hollows. Which is exactly what happened when the Soul Reapers fought the Arrancar. Talk about obliterating all tension when the explanation for the Soul Reapers defeating the Arrancar is “we got to take our arbitrary and unnecessary training wheels off.” This was supposed to be a hype moment but I’m scratching my head in confusion as to why this policy exists at all.

I might overlook this nonsense if the fights were good,

But they weren’t really. The choreography was lame, there was zero brainpower involved in the fights, I didn’t care about the characters and the Arrancar themselves weren’t even cool.

And speaking of zero brainpower in fights, I laughed out loud when Hollow Ichigo stated that Ichigod’s problem in fights was that Ichigod “fights with his head too much.” My brother in Christ, name me one single Ichigod fight that hasn’t been resolved bu Ichigo simply slashing his opponents over and over again. “Now I’m going to slash you bigger! Now I’m going to slash you harder! Now I’m zoom zoom fast!” Don’t insult me Titty, I don’t think Ichigod is stupid but none of his fights have involved any brainpower whatsoever.

So yeah, the Arrancar/Viztard arc or whatever has largely been a complete joke so far. Chapter 199 Megatitty vs Inoue was the best chapter and only because it was so offensively stupid that it was hilarious.
Lmao the first sentence. aint gonna finish Heuco Mundo without dropping it. That's my new prediction and expectation :milaugh:

Formerly Seth

@Owl Ki @Saint Jaygarcia Saturn @ZenZu @TheAncientCenturion @Jaguark101 @Warchief Sanji D Goat @ZenZu @Seth @Indigo @Fujishiro @Topi Jerami @Wuuuke @Blackbeard @Uncle Van

This series is so fucking stupid lol. I just finished Ichigo vs his Hollow self, cheesiest shit I’ve ever seen in a manga. “Battle! Battle! Battle!!!” What is Titty even doing lol. I know he doesn’t care about writing and just wants to draw what he thinks is “cool shit”, but at least don’t make your cool shit complete gibberish lol.

So there was literally no clear conflict between Ichigo and his hollow self, and I don’t even understand how Ichigo defeated him other than “I’m the King and you’re the horse,” and by the way “what is the difference between a king and a horse” is the dumbest speech I’ve ever read in a manga lol. Literally chapters 220-222 were completely unintelligible.

Alright anyway. The Arrancar fights were…decent I guess. I do not at all understand the logic of the Soul Society restricting the Soul Reapers’ powers when they set out to fight Hollow. Talk about the most inefficient way to regulate your military force, why not just let them keep their full strength and then teach them massive discretion when entering the human world.

Like I’m seeing Volcano fists blow up giant city blocks in pools of magma but the Soul Society is concerned with Soul Reapers having too much of an effect on the human world? You guys think restricting your members’ ability to efficiently combat hollow threats is somehow preventing the human world from being effected by the soul world? Volcano fists destroying all of Japan is fine but god forbid we let Renji use the full strength of his Bankai which caused zero collateral damage? Lol

Hey idiots, the only thing restricting your own members’ power does is forces them to ask for your permission to use their own strength when they their shit kicked in by Hollows. Which is exactly what happened when the Soul Reapers fought the Arrancar. Talk about obliterating all tension when the explanation for the Soul Reapers defeating the Arrancar is “we got to take our arbitrary and unnecessary training wheels off.” This was supposed to be a hype moment but I’m scratching my head in confusion as to why this policy exists at all.

I might overlook this nonsense if the fights were good,

But they weren’t really. The choreography was lame, there was zero brainpower involved in the fights, I didn’t care about the characters and the Arrancar themselves weren’t even cool.

And speaking of zero brainpower in fights, I laughed out loud when Hollow Ichigo stated that Ichigod’s problem in fights was that Ichigod “fights with his head too much.” My brother in Christ, name me one single Ichigod fight that hasn’t been resolved bu Ichigo simply slashing his opponents over and over again. “Now I’m going to slash you bigger! Now I’m going to slash you harder! Now I’m zoom zoom fast!” Don’t insult me Titty, I don’t think Ichigod is stupid but none of his fights have involved any brainpower whatsoever.

So yeah, the Arrancar/Viztard arc or whatever has largely been a complete joke so far. Chapter 199 Megatitty vs Inoue was the best chapter and only because it was so offensively stupid that it was hilarious.
Man's on the way. If he doesn't drop this he will be strong minded:milaugh:

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Really? Ichigod was stronger than everyone there combined and he doesn't have the limiter on him, used his Bankai yet he got curbstomped, so the hype should all be intact. The rest of the arrancar aren't Espada, Grimmjow was the only one that mattered and even still a limited Shitsugaya was struggling with his Bankai against one of em, which is pretty crazy on its own.

The non Espada arrancar are like the equivalent of the seats under the Captain. They're pretty irrelevant, I feel like you're mixing them with the elites (the Captain equivalents of the Arrancar).
Yeah but isn’t Ichigo struggling with fighting at his full capability because his hollow side keeps seeping out? That’s how I read Grimjow anyway, Titty had to nerf Ichigod for this arc because he realized he made him way too damn strong lol. I don’t mean to downplay Grimjow I just thought Titty collectively flushed Arrancar hype down the toilet when the non-training wheel Soul Reapers kicked their shit in easily. At first I was thinking Grimjow and the other Espada would be Captain + but after the finale I was like “well I guess they’re just supposed to be captainish level.”
@Owl Ki @Saint Jaygarcia Saturn @ZenZu @TheAncientCenturion @Jaguark101 @Warchief Sanji D Goat @ZenZu @Seth @Indigo @Fujishiro @Topi Jerami @Wuuuke @Blackbeard @Uncle Van

This series is so fucking stupid lol. I just finished Ichigo vs his Hollow self, cheesiest shit I’ve ever seen in a manga. “Battle! Battle! Battle!!!” What is Titty even doing lol. I know he doesn’t care about writing and just wants to draw what he thinks is “cool shit”, but at least don’t make your cool shit complete gibberish lol.

So there was literally no clear conflict between Ichigo and his hollow self, and I don’t even understand how Ichigo defeated him other than “I’m the King and you’re the horse,” and by the way “what is the difference between a king and a horse” is the dumbest speech I’ve ever read in a manga lol. Literally chapters 220-222 were completely unintelligible.

Alright anyway. The Arrancar fights were…decent I guess. I do not at all understand the logic of the Soul Society restricting the Soul Reapers’ powers when they set out to fight Hollow. Talk about the most inefficient way to regulate your military force, why not just let them keep their full strength and then teach them massive discretion when entering the human world.

Like I’m seeing Volcano fists blow up giant city blocks in pools of magma but the Soul Society is concerned with Soul Reapers having too much of an effect on the human world? You guys think restricting your members’ ability to efficiently combat hollow threats is somehow preventing the human world from being effected by the soul world? Volcano fists destroying all of Japan is fine but god forbid we let Renji use the full strength of his Bankai which caused zero collateral damage? Lol

Hey idiots, the only thing restricting your own members’ power does is forces them to ask for your permission to use their own strength when they their shit kicked in by Hollows. Which is exactly what happened when the Soul Reapers fought the Arrancar. Talk about obliterating all tension when the explanation for the Soul Reapers defeating the Arrancar is “we got to take our arbitrary and unnecessary training wheels off.” This was supposed to be a hype moment but I’m scratching my head in confusion as to why this policy exists at all.

I might overlook this nonsense if the fights were good,

But they weren’t really. The choreography was lame, there was zero brainpower involved in the fights, I didn’t care about the characters and the Arrancar themselves weren’t even cool.

And speaking of zero brainpower in fights, I laughed out loud when Hollow Ichigo stated that Ichigod’s problem in fights was that Ichigod “fights with his head too much.” My brother in Christ, name me one single Ichigod fight that hasn’t been resolved bu Ichigo simply slashing his opponents over and over again. “Now I’m going to slash you bigger! Now I’m going to slash you harder! Now I’m zoom zoom fast!” Don’t insult me Titty, I don’t think Ichigod is stupid but none of his fights have involved any brainpower whatsoever.

So yeah, the Arrancar/Viztard arc or whatever has largely been a complete joke so far. Chapter 199 Megatitty vs Inoue was the best chapter and only because it was so offensively stupid that it was hilarious.
I didn't think it was possible but I actually think you hate this series even more than I do. :doffytroll:

I mean, this stuff you are criticising here isn't even near the most egregious literary atrocity to manga that Kubo does. Wait till you see the ending of this arc and the final arc. :pepebusi:

As for the Spanish, "it sounds cool" is precisely Kubo's mindset. There isn't really anything else to it. Shinigami are Japanese themed, Arrancar are Spanish themed, Sternshitters are German themed.
I don't remember it either, but it shouldn't be more difficult than Gakuhakukou.

Firstly, there is no way I would forget the name of the Great Dumpling sama. Lol.

Second, I am used to Japanese names at this point because manga/anime.

Third, Gaku Haku Kou is completely phonetic and obvious to pronounce. Jar Head's name don't look that simple to me. Shit has too many freaking vowels. Closest I can get to pronouncing it is "An Oreo". Nevermind Science Bloke's name of "Sez no Porno". :mihugh:
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