ESC - Who shall win?

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    Votes: 8 26.7%
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    Votes: 11 36.7%
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    Votes: 1 3.3%
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    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 9

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Entry 10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 11

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Entry 12

    Votes: 2 6.7%

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vote lynch gambit

helps with reading broki too

I am actually down for this vote

Looking back at him now his introduction felt very off coming into the thread saying that everyone was fluffing until I ended the fluff and moved the game forward and then in the same breath saying he does not wanna sound like he is pocketing me, dude seems aware of himself quite a bit and possible TMI regarding my slot.

Only downside of this lynch is it gives little information.
what do you think of his defense of soul killer when he called my reaction vote omgus. even when explained to him this he still didn't get back.

seem to make comment on me and odd and disappear. nothing else to indicate scum hunting. beside hinting he think sk is town.
I mean your vote was omgus.... lol.
SoulKiller my friend, what's your final take about Kagurashii?
Now that I am almost caught up.

-Kag intro post saying she is townie and happy she rolled townie this weeb game did not rub me well
-Kag then proceed to put a vote on AL because of his miller claim, this vote looked opportunistic and easy mislynch if she is scum. She can easily walk her way out of it if she wants

-Kag entire focus was mostly on AL and no one else.
-Kag comes back and get frustrated on ekko for merely pushing her and lashing out on the guy
-Kag reads were eh, I thought her take on me was awful and her reasoning behind it was awful as well.
-Kag most of her activity stemmed from being reactive only. Meaning she never went out of her way to question her scum hunt or create content on her own. Which is something I noticed. I would think townie kag would be more aggressive in that aspect.

-Kag vote on ekko is meh

Only thing I liked about kag is the way she carries herself. But in the grand scheme of things it's not enough to warrant her townie read. I think I def need to see more of her still. As of now I have her as null/scum lean.
Kagurashii you are here. Talk to me about why was my vote so odd to you.
I see you suspect SK saying he didn't brought a scum head, how do you know that?

Every single scum this game. I will personally slay them down and put their head for display for all townies to watch their despicable filthy disgusting faces as I piss on them one by one before I cleanse them out of existence.
SK I didn't read from p6 to p82 so I am not fully caught up like you say
I talked about my reads who were questioned, it's not like I don't have other reads and if you read my posts you know I gave TRs for Pein and Al for the millers claims and maybe was just implied but I think Ekko is also town.

You say about Kagurashii talking with Ekko like that should be AU, I know how annoying was he in past games, attracting suspicion, but I remember he played different when he was scum (do we have to remember that game?) so I think this is jist his playstyle.
About her, I see as interesting the fact you town lean her when she is attacking you like that. Isn't this a way to make her stop the attack?
I never said I town lean her, I said I like how blunt and straight forward she is, but overall she is resides currently in my null/scum lean list. Would like to see more tbh.

Alright where do we even start

Naomi: She was my first target this game, I felt her early posts asking people to be town leader felt like she was trying to get behind people good side. Also felt a tad bit forced and redundant in doing so. When pushed her she voted me back and went ahead and ignored any form of communication with me until later on. She proclaimed that she was testing my reaction and others but tbh that vote was bad. People say she does stuff like that as townie. When I asked her to push fuji she refused even tho she said she did not like how he reacted over her vote on me. She did not want to push fuji to test the feeling she had regarding him which tells me that whatever she said was probably bs and voted for an inactive instead and gave fuji some townie points for being aggressive ??? All her votes so far felt like they are on inactive and didn't give me any strong impression that she wants to resolve anyone tbh. Scum lean

Fuji : I didn't like fuji early game, the way he handled himself around mango slot was bad, and going back and forth with him it felt like he wanted to pocket me using empathy and telling me I hope to read him as townie moving forward with the game. Since then I couldn't bring my self to trust him anymore. He been fixated on baki all game and I feel he is on him for ego reasons at this point. Fuji did look better later on the game as the content of fluff reduced but as X said he can very well be a wolf that is finally getting on his footing. Scum lean.

Kag : I explained above, read Null/Scum lean. I do see a world where kag is townie here actually but I want see more of her. DP1 should be her time to shine if she makes it out of D0 alive.

AL/T-pein : I will put both of them in my town lean for now, no need to elaborate much on why I think t-pein despite how badly he handled himself, I can see him being townie, same as for AL. I did suggest someone to check AL legitimacy and not interested on following on him as of now. Although I gotta say I liked AL more earlier during the game.

Baki: I had him town lean purely off of gut read although to be honest his latest interaction did not look good on him. But I still see it from a frustrated townie rather than scum, but my confidence regarding his slot did go down. Null/slight town lean.

Juliet : I actually liked her content the more I read, it seems she is finally getting comfortable and getting on her footings. Town lean.

Muugen : I didn't like muugen FoS thing early on for it made no sense and at some point felt like he was trying too hard to make sense of it for ekko. Even when I pinged him about it, his reasons for putting people into his sus list felt very meh. 'You pinged me about being tame so you are scum'. Not to mention that around 70% of his posts are him going back and forth with ekko. I do feel like if muugen is scum here, he picked up his game after being pressured and maintained that momentum. I do know he is pretty stubborn player as either alignment and will keep fighting you until he drops dead as either alignment. So his back and forth with ekko is NAI. I had him early as scum lean and now as null. Can flip either tbh.

X: Nothing necessarily pinged me when it comes to X but that within itself shot couple of radars in my brain. I think I need sometime with X and will get good grasp of his alignment. I usually sync with the guy when he is town and hope to see that further into the game. Comfortable enough to give him a slight town lean.

Ekko: Ekko started off really well, I liked his interaction with muugen and town read him for it, wasn't fan of him saying him pinging everyone that he is confident muugen is scum and then backtracking from that statement and saying it was all a reaction for I can see scum ekko doing something like that. Not sure why he keeps going back and forth with muugen if he town reads the guy? like why you wasting so much energy then? but regardless, I feel like his early game was good enough to warrant him a slight town lean. Null/slight town lean.

Underworld Broker : I am really not a fan of her Post restriction and her cavemen like gimmek. Never was fan of any role that forces you to post a certain way and not sure if scum would have such condition.....Content wise didn't see anything from her that warrants a town read. She is null.

Flower/Indigo : I feel like flower might very possible be scum here with that intro of hers... lazy, not motivated to scum hunt, and didn't help indigo standing which wasn't the best.

Michelle : I didn't like her first few posts but her most recent posts looks much better, waiting on her to completely catch up and see where she stands.

Mango/Dr.Watson : Mango didn't see his explosiveness I am used to, too tame for my liking and his sub I didn't see anything that made me go hmmm maybe this guy is townie. He was pretty observant and trying to understand situations like baki/fuji situation but not sure if that was fake solving or not. My guts say yes. Null/Scum lean.

Gambit : His early post felt like he was very self aware. Especially when he pocketed me (he admitted it on the spot) when he stated I ended the fluff and moved the game forward. I can see scum making such entrance. His MIA didn't help him either and would like to see more of him. Scum lean.

Lord Tentei : his early game felt fake as fuck, was looking pretty scummy. He went MIA and then popped up and made good posts that made me feel better about him. But now he is back to being MIA..... Null.

Rottkin : Despite having 100 posts, I feel like I don't remember much of him. He didn't ping me as scum reading his posts though and thought his reaction test he tried to pull on me was townie actually. His reads were very safe tho all his scum reads were inactives + baki. Overall, I think he might be townie here. Null/town lean.

Charlie : I feel like charlie is doing enough to be floating in the surface but not attract much attention to himself. Null could be either.

Rest did not make any impression to get a read yet or I forgot (opsie)
@BakiDou if you are townie then what do you think of the situation at hand regarding people pushing for you? do you think they are all scum? besides fuji, from your point of view as an allegedly townie player. Any observations you made?
@BakiDou if you are townie then what do you think of the situation at hand regarding people pushing for you? do you think they are all scum? besides fuji, from your point of view as an allegedly townie player. Any observations you made?
Yo i just came back, leme read, I find it funny that after I left, Fuji and Destroya left also, but I still need to read the last 5 pages
where am at rn

@Mashiro Blue - null. dont sense agenda in posts but dont sense game solving either. possible indie
@Random Asshole - null/scum. vote on muugen is now stale for too long and needs to be explained
@Ariess - null. might be PRed like fuji found out. NAI. need pressure
@Juliet - null/town. jules only having few town reads day 1 is USUALLY a town tell. i think.. need to see more. she works with flips and info more. need pressure.
@Ekkologix - TOWN CORE
@Alwaysmind - null/town. liked his posts around nessos. could use a bit of pressure too
@Rottkins - town by tone. scum by content. PRESSURE
@MonochromeYoru. has he posted anything?
@Charlie - null/town. i agree with fuji that their reads were too generic and safe and charlie isnt over extending their neck out there, but its just what i come to know from Charles day 1 play. will resolve once abilities start coming out. worth a pressure day 1
@T-Pein™- lean town but its wearing thin and he needs to start solving outside suspecting his voters. i can read tpein later so not worried much about this slot.
@Kagurashii - lean scum. nervous entrance around me and fuji / might be PRed to be rude. meh response to her votes. seems genuinely frustrated but has not elaborated on the reasons. did also not establish why not follow my vote on muugen when historically we have been doing so well together.
@Naomi - null/scum. another player with safe position. naomi just feels off this day 1 compared to fuji's game. her reads r very identical to mine but she isnt strongly pushing any of them and not contesting me in doing what i do despite scum reading me. shes just "there"
@Lord Evil - null/scum. they havent made any notable posts. no reason to town read
@Gambit - null/scum. same as lord evil
@Dr. Watson - i thought mango was townie and watson is playing their town meta right now. i think there might be a derail attempt to baki from kagura but watson isnt the type of player to make that play and talk to baki about it as scum. ive played with her as scum and shes actually more inactive / does not defend teammates. she wud be voting kagura now instead of derail.
@Zolo - lean scum. replies to me earlier just basically begged to survive but havent provided any reason for why shud we leave him alive. ignored my post on broki all together
@oddoddfruit - null. no read on odd. his posts r all NAI. i dont sense any solving but also not much agenda kinda like blue. could be indie
@Michelle - null/scum. muugen could have a point. reading him town cuz "he cares" is super generous if not tmi driven. need pressure aswell
@Fujishiro - null/town. if kagura is scum i think fuji is a strong candidate for a partner even tho his baki wagon started before kagura's. ive been reading fuji as stronger town earlier in the day 0 but its getting weaker now. agree with dest he can be potential deep wolf who found his footing. tone wise seems very townie.
@AL sama - lean town. ive been vibing with him the most this game since the start. wont underestiate his ability to play townie as scum but dont have a reason to be paranoid now when most of the thread is sitting somewhere as null for me.
@MUUGEN - lean town. as much as i enjoy shittalking him he's one of the few people actually solving so
@Destroya - lean town. basically like AL. me and dest usually align together early on. we'll soon dunk on SCUM. no reason to be paranoid yet.
@SoulKiller - null/town. somewhat like fuji. i thought he seemed strongly townie early day with his posts to tentei and muugen but feeling less good about it as the day progresses. need to see more.
@Flower null/scum - no idea she needs to post more. indigo seemed townie around muugen but just like sigis its stale now and need to be updated. since he subbed out flowa hasn't dont anything to rly warrant her town read.
@Udell - lean scum. 0 game solving. vote on muugen was one of the worst ones. need pressure ASAP
@Lord Tentei - null/town. was leaning scum at the beginning of game but since i town read muugen and my premise for scum reading tentie was tying them together, i can see tenei being defensive like this toward soul as town cuz ive seen it before. i think his coasting is more scum meta tho. need pressure. can change my read on this real quick.
@BakiDou - was leaning town from his responses to fuji but now that more people pressured him he is foiling more and leaving them be. that's unlike last game where he was on my ass and suggested voting me and ratchet because we sus'ed him. overall defense is poor. reasoning for town reading odd is poor. tone sounds townie tho
@Xlaw - null/scum. slot can go.nothing of value is said
@Underworld Broker - leaning scum. parking vote on gambit and poorly explained town read of me. no game solving done from her and no other scum reads but gambit whose a very easy scum read to have. PRESSURE.
@MitchMatch - null/scum. guy just indulges in the fluff but doesn't actually game solve anything. PRESSURE
@Nessos - lean scum. just inactivity excuse and nothing else. vote on muugen was awful. 0 game solving. PRESSURE
@Ryu Kishi - lean scum. one of those "its too many pages i cant read!!"... 0 game solving. lean scum. PRESSURE
Sorry for my inactivity...i will use this post as refrence to read scum leaned players and will come up with my reads
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