Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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Admirals fans gonna buy the Zoro hype After he is done with Kizaru.

After all if they decide to not wank Zoro, Yonko fans will use it to downplay them in return.

The can either choose between Zoro is Admiral level or insist he is YC1++ level only for Yonko fans to Say admirals are YC1+ then.

They will have no other choice anyway.

We Can count on them to vote Zoro in a pool against Yonkos.

Also I almost forgot that Zoro will be competing with a Yonko in luffy again like in Onigashima if his attack have better result than Luffy's against the duo oh my.... You know what gonna happen.
Luffy and Zoro are going to see Kizaru and marine arrival through the monitor.

Labophase ===> above

In between frontier dome (made of laser)

Fabriophase ===>bellow

The strawhat are in the Labophase which is separated into different rooms with Luffy and Zoro in the control room of the labophase.

Sentomaru and the Mark 3 are bellow in the Fabriophase and they are the first defense that Is going to be destroyed to hype UP Kizaru and Gorosei.

Kizaru will be able to easily get pass the frontier dome cause he is made of light himself and laser had no power over him and even let some other marines get in with his powers.

The remaining marines will suround the Labophase while remaining outside of the frontier dome.

Luffy and Zoro wont only have to Beat Kizaru and Saturne but force the opening by destroying the Domes obliterating it allong the surounding forces.
I just realized this with Oda when it Come to his portrayal with Zoro.

Zoro's evolution and power relative to top tier and the level of difficulty he Can give them is impressive.

1 encounter: complet humilation.

His first encounter was with Mihawk, Zoro got stomped no debate. Worst it was an humilation, worst than a negg diff. Mihawk didnt even deem Jim worthy to use his Sword Yoru. If not for the fact Mihawk admired Zoro's determination he wouldnt use the Sword to finish the fight either.

2 encounter : negg diffed

He got negg diffed by Aokiji allong Luffy and Sanji.
But at least Aokiji used his power against him.

3 encounter: one shoted

His second encounter was with Kizaru and he got one shot by Kizaru's Lazer but unlike before he was still concious and the reason he cant move was because of the damage took from Luffy.

4 encounter: Low diffed

His four encounter was with Fujitora and he managed to push him black and overpower his Gravity.

Zoro has shown that he can also tank small attack from top tier with how he managed to remain concious after being attacked by Fujitora and even managed to respond.

Still Fujitora was a good deal above him but the author showed us that Zoro was no longer getting humiliated like pre Time Sky Once Low diff.

5 encounter: Mid diffed

His five encounter was with two top tiers Big Mom and Kaido.

In the fight he has gone from failling to damage the enperor to make one Scream to the other to dodge and finaly he has gone from doing superficial damage to a top tier to doing serious and perma damage to thé most durable of them Kaido.

Not to forget He has shown the ability to countered most of their attack and tank theie Low tier move to tanking an equivalent of a Yonko ultimate finisher in Hakkai and even hold it back for some moment without his Sword breaking.

This Zoro showed by that AP wise and defensive wise he Can push a top tier to mid diff before going down cause they will need to use one of their strongest attack to take him down when Hakkai couldnt instantly.

6 encounter: high diff

His four encounter was not literaly with a Yonko but twice the pain of the attack of two Yonko in Hakkai and overcoming a stronger Defense than dragons that if the lunarian.

This mean at that point KoH King fight Zoro will push any top tier to fight him seriously and defend cause of his dangerous AP.

7 encounter: Extreme diff

he is fighting an admiral to a stand still, in this case Kizaru.

8 encounter:Winning lower than extreme diff

He is Beating his first top tier Aka Shiryu maybe midd-high diff

You will realize the same thing with Luffy.
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Kitetsu Wanker
4 encounter: Low diffed

His four encounter was with Fujitora and he managed to push him black and overpower his Gravity.

Zoro has shown that he can also tank small attack from top tier with how he managed to remain concious after being attacked by Fujitora and even managed to respond.

Still Fujitora was a good deal above him but the author showed us that Zoro was no longer getting humiliated like pre Time Sky Once Low diff.

5 encounter: Mid diffed
His five encounter was with two top tiers Big Mom and Kaido.

In the fight he has gone from failling to damage the enperor to make one Scream to the other to dodge and finaly he has gone from doing superficial damage to a top tier to doing serious and perma damage to thé most durable of them Kaido.

Not to forget He has shown the ability to countered most of their attack and tank theie Low tier move to tanking an equivalent of a Yonko ultimate finisher in Hakkai and even hold it back for some moment without his Sword breaking.

This Zoro showed by that AP wise and defensive wise he Can push a top tier to mid diff before going down cause they will need to use one of their strongest attack to take him down when Hakkai couldnt instantly.
I disagree here - Fujitora didnt low diff Zoro.
They clashed and Zoro ended up looking better.
Because unlike Fujitora who pushed Zoro down due to surprise power without obstacles, Zoro pushed Fujitora back through obstacles.
The fight moved on to another clash between Zoro and Fujitora which was portrayed equally and that's it. Nobody low diffed nobody.

Kaido and BM never mid diffed Zoro. In fact, neither of them have managed to accomplish anything versus Zoro on their own.
Nobody was targetting her because she is simply an inferior Kaido and Zoro bested Kaido in all 3 of their encounters.
He ultimately failed but that was because 2 Emperors combined their power to severely damage him. On their own they arent capable of it.
I disagree here - Fujitora didnt low diff Zoro.
They clashed and Zoro ended up looking better.
Because unlike Fujitora who pushed Zoro down due to surprise power without obstacles, Zoro pushed Fujitora back through obstacles.
The fight moved on to another clash between Zoro and Fujitora which was portrayed equally and that's it. Nobody low diffed nobody.

Kaido and BM never mid diffed Zoro. In fact, neither of them have managed to accomplish anything versus Zoro on their own.
Nobody was targetting her because she is simply an inferior Kaido and Zoro bested Kaido in all 3 of their encounters.
He ultimately failed but that was because 2 Emperors combined their power to severely damage him. On their own they arent capable of it.

I know but to not sound Like I'm wanking Zoro and to make my post as understandable as possible, I used diff that are at the very least acceptable.

Zoro looked good against Fujitora but pretty sur Fujitora would have won if he realy wanted.

As for Kaido and Big Mom it was a 5 vs 2 so again I took that into consideration.

The point is to show how much Zoro has improved.

The diff aren't realy to be Taken seriously.

Current Zoro is at least fighting any top tier to a stand still unless you are called Mihawk, Akainu, Shanks and Dragon.
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Kitetsu Wanker
Zoro looked good against Fujitora but pretty sur Fujitora would have won if he realy wanted.
Kaido and BM wanted to really win and pulled off a strongest attack in the world and still didnt win against Zoro alone...
Fujitora is lucky Zoro didnt go all out, if you ask me.

As for Kaido and Big Mom it was a 5 vs 2 so again I took that into consideration.
To the detriment of Zoro because his teammates were more of a problem than help to him, especially Luffy.

Current Zoro is at least fighting any top tier to a stand still unless you are called Mihawk, Akainu, Shanks and Dragon.
DR Zoro went to Wano and fought two top tiers without aCoC cheat code... He was capable of fighting top tiers the whole post-TS.
aCoC just made the job easier since it is quite convenient in neutralizing physical force but ultimately not needed since nobody is as tough as King and Kaido. He never needed aCoC firepower to beat others since they dont have tough bodies...