Is Bleach Better than Kingdom?

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What's up with all the Bananji disrespect? He's not even mentioned in the spoilers.

Nah, Bananji is fine as a character. I just find the whole hypothetical "Rage Mode" gimmick peddled by his fans to be increasingly inane. The "Bananji Clown Avy" deal is all in reference to a promise I made in the scenario that Bananji's "Rage Mode" was triggered by something mundane like his son dying.
Not going to lie, Bananji discussions remind me of Big Mom discussions. :goatasure:

"He/she wasn't in the right emotional mood to win."
"It doesn't matter that he/she got dunked on by numerous characters, he/she'd win anyway cause muscles."
"He/she somehow magically looked better than what the author actually drew."
"Rage Mode!"

Rage Mode has to be the biggest meme on this subsection. What even triggers it?

Bananji goes on long, angry rant about how the Qin are as bad if not worse than the barbaric Xiongnu: No rage mode.

Ouhon verbally bitch slaps him: No rage mode.

Ouhon physically dunks on him: No rage mode:

His section of army gets crippled: No rage mode.

Nearly gets killed by Akou and is permanently scarred: No rage mode.

Akakin ruins his day and saves Akou: No rage mode.

Akakin ruins his day again and his army is crippled again: No rage mode.

Loses an eye, loses Ousen and is permanently scarred.... Again: No rage mode.

What even actually triggers this supposed mode? :sus:
I swear if this rage mode is triggered by something stupidly generic like Bananji's son getting killed then I am making a Bananji clown getup avatar. Lol.

Heki: "The sword is the strongest of all weapons!"

Also Heki: Only ever uses a glaive from then on.
"Imagine needing to have a blood relation killed for every time you need to fight at full power. :catsure:"

This post was made by BerserkerBajioBros.
Ba Nan Ji said he fought the northern tribes with hatred in his heart, and by comparison, while the Qin invaders offended him, they did not stir in him in the same beast.

Hara showed us Ri Boku considers his life too valuable to be gambled so early. I suspect we will see Ba Nan Ji show his true strength before he dies in service to his lord.

As for what triggers that anger, I'm not sure we'll see it now, but I imagine it is very easy for any father to hate the man that slew his son - should Ba Fu Ji fall.

I don't think the loss of a child could ever register with me as mundane. Hardly an unconventional or original motive, but no more so than tropes of murdered fathers and vengeful sons, or murdered lovers and bloody retribution - the clearest motivations are the ones we can relate to. I won't consider it a negative if it is indeed loss that triggers Ba Nan Ji. What is more relatable than that?
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Ba Nan Ji said he fought the northern tribes with hatred in his hatred, that by comparison, while the Qin invaders offended him, they did not stir in him in the same beast.

Hara showed us Ri Boku considers his life too valuable to be gambled so early. I suspect we will see Ba Nan Ji show his true strength before he dies in service to his lord.

As for what triggers that anger, I'm not sure we'll see it now, but I imagine it is very easy for any father to hate the man that slew his son - should Ba Fu Ji fall.

I don't think the loss of a child could ever register with me as mundane. Hardly an unconventional or original motive, but no more so than tropes of murder fathers and vengeful sons, or murdered lovers and bloody retribution - the clearest motivations are the ones we can relate to. I won't consider it a negative if it is indeed loss that triggers Ba Nan Ji. What is more relatable than that?
Nah, you ain't getting what I am saying. Bananji being pissed and bloodlusted is fine. I expect that.

Bananji fans are bringing up this supposed "Rage Mode" as if it is something like what Bajio has when he enters his Feral State.

Bananji getting a whole new mode at the death of his son would be dumb in a manga where loads of people have loved ones killed.

Why isn't there a Rage Mode for people like Shin or Ouki or Batei or any other number of characters? Yeah, they get pissed and bloodlusted but they don't enter a new "mode" when a comrade or loved one dies, this isn't Dragon Ball. It just adds to their Weight which is what should happen to Bananji. Man gets a Weight boost, not a personal Super Saiyan mode for something every other soldier goes through.

That and Bananji needing a blood relation to die every time he needs to fight at full strength just sounds silly.
Nah, you ain't getting what I am saying. Bananji being pissed and bloodlusted is fine. I expect that.

Bananji fans are bringing up this supposed "Rage Mode" as if it is something like what Bajio has when he enters his Feral State.

Bananji getting a whole new mode at the death of his son would be dumb in a manga where loads of people have loved ones killed.

Why isn't there a Rage Mode for people like Shin or Ouki or Batei or any other number of characters? Yeah, they get pissed and bloodlusted but they don't enter a new "mode" when a comrade or loved one dies, this isn't Dragon Ball. It just adds to their Weight which is what should happen to Bananji. Man gets a Weight boost, not a personal Super Saiyan mode for something every other soldier goes through.

That and Bananji needing a blood relation to die every time he needs to fight at full strength just sounds silly.
It’s just what people normally do when a relative gets hurt
Ouki went bonkers simply by remembering what happened to Kyou, his soldiers even compared him to prime Ouki
Banana mode is as special as a snowflake
Nah, you ain't getting what I am saying. Bananji being pissed and bloodlusted is fine. I expect that.

Bananji fans are bringing up this supposed "Rage Mode" as if it is something like what Bajio has when he enters his Feral State.

Bananji getting a whole new mode at the death of his son would be dumb in a manga where loads of people have loved ones killed.
People are assuming that's what it is. They don't know, it's just a fun theory. Maybe nothing comes of it.

I don't see what's so dumb about it. You just cited an example of a character with such a mode and it has worked pretty great.

Considering his background and role as Ri Boku's vassal, I think it'd be entirely appropriate if BNJ really did have a "Demon of Ganmon" mode.

Why isn't there a Rage Mode for people like Shin or Ouki or Batei or any other number of characters?
How would you define "Rage Mode" because I would argue we've definitely seen it from Shin and Ou Ki.

Hell, the strongest man in the manga was defeated by Ou Ki in Rage Mode.

When characters capable of it tap into their "weight", they tap into greater levels of strengths than they are ordinarily capable of. Given the effect and role of "weight" as a concept in the manga, another source of strength fueled by emotions, that's essentially a mode that can also be triggered by rage.

And what is "+a" in the stats of Shin and Shiyuu like Kyou Kai and Kyou Rei if not an indicator of another mode? "Alpha Mode" Shin is absolutely a thing in this fandom, and whatever it is that Shin taps into when the "+a" part of his strength comes into play - we know it's driven by emotion.

We saw Shin's anger with Hou Ken at Shukai. Seeing his men slaughtered and Kyou Kai beaten to a pulp definitely put him into Rage Mode - one that drew on the depths of his talent (i.e. the +a in his stats) and innate strength of will (weight), but nevertheless sparked if not funneled through rage.

Yeah, they get pissed and bloodlusted but they don't enter a new "mode" when a comrade or loved one dies, this isn't Dragon Ball. It just adds to their Weight which is what should happen to Bananji. Man gets a Weight boost, not a personal Super Saiyan mode for something every other soldier goes through.

That and Bananji needing a blood relation to die every time he needs to fight at full strength just sounds silly.
idk why you're acting like there's so many people with modes.

There's not.

Also BNJ is a pretty distinct character. It seems fitting to a lot of us for a reason that he should have such a distinct mode as part of his martial potential. It's just a fun theory, dude.
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People are assuming that's what it is. They don't know, it's just a fun theory. Maybe nothing comes of it.

I don't see what's so dumb about it. You just cited an example of a character with such a mode and it has worked pretty great.
Bajio's Feral State got a whole arse backstory tied to his time that he practically lived as a wild animal. It is something he can freely slip into like he did against Rankai and it is definitively distinct from Weight.

Bananji needing to get a blood relation killed to trigger his supposed special mode which doesn't look any different from the whole Weight thing by comparison looks completely dumb. It is not a super special "Rage Mode" unique to Bananji, it is just Weight, that thing that has been in this manga the entire time and is readily available to other characters. Lol.

Trust me mate, it ain't so fun when you are in the Kingdom Battledome section, a Bananji Vs matchup comes up, you assume both characters are fighting at their strongest, compare feats, Bananji comes up short and you get hit with "but hypothetical Rage Mode!!!!" like it is supposed to be some major trump card even against Generals that posses Weight.

That shite gets real old, real fast. What Kanki is to Battle matchups, Bananji is to 1v1 matchups.
How would you define "Rage Mode" because I would argue we've definitely seen it from Shin and Ou Ki.

Hell, the strongest man in the manga was defeated by Ou Ki in Rage Mode.
I don't know how exactly I would define Rage Mode. Bananji fans don't seem to either because like I asked, why is Rage Mode something supposedly unique to Bananji when we see other characters get bloodlusted too?

If Bananji goes into "Rage Mode" because of Ba Fuu Ji's demise then why doesn't Ouki get considered to have a Rage Mode for his Kyou PTSD flashback? Everybody just calls it Weight or Bloodlusted in the case of a character without Weight. Nobody gives these characters uniquely special modes over it.
When characters capable of it tap into their "weight", they tap into greater levels of strengths than they are ordinarily capable of. Given the effect and role of "weight" as a concept in the manga, another source of strength fueled by emotions, that's essentially a mode that can also be triggered by rage.

And what is "+a" in the stats of Shin and Shiyuu like Kyou Kai and Kyou Rei if not an indicator of another mode? "Alpha Mode" Shin is absolutely a thing in this fandom, and whatever it is that Shin taps into when the "+a" part of his strength comes into play - we know it's driven by emotion.

We saw Shin's anger with Hou Ken at Shukai. Seeing his men slaughtered and Kyou Kai beaten to a pulp definitely put him into Rage Mode - one that drew on the depths of his talent (i.e. the +a in his stats) and innate strength of will (weight), but nevertheless sparked if not funneled through rage.
Fantastic, we agree that in the hypothetical scenario of Fuu Ji's death triggering the hypothetical "Rage Mode" that Bananji fans claim he has, that the mode in question is functionally no different from Weight?

Excellent, that is something else I said in my earlier post too.
Also BNJ is a pretty distinct character. It seems fitting to a lot of us for a reason that he should have such a distinct mode as part of his martial potential. It's just a fun theory, dude.
And my Bananji Clown Avy that I will wear if Bananji gets something that is functionally no different from Weight will be worn in humourous jest. Lol.
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#RibokuTheMC #RibokusWorld #FuckTheQin #EvilQin #GoodManRiboku #WeStandWithRiboku #GOAT #Can'tBeTouched #Can'tBeStopped #Can'tBeShook #Can'tBeRocked


Weight of a General: Something nearly all generals have, simply matter of the levels they have it. Carrying the dreams and hopes of those you have killed and those who have died for you. Directly correlated with the number of men you lead in your life & number of enemies you have slain in your life. According to none other than Ouki himself. The more experienced the general and higher their rank, the more weight they have (of course assuming they're the type to care about their comrades and people they kill).

Other things that "boost" people during battle: Carrying on somebody's wish/promise/w.e (SHK - Moubu), Temporary rage experienced with the loss of somebody close (Moubu-Mouten), having a higher purpose to fight for (primary reason why Gaimou was looked down at by Ouki & Renpa).

Bajio's Berserker: It's similar to the trance that was mentioned for Riboku in his one-shot.

Bananji's based on what we know is not related to any of those. Will Bananji have Weight of a General? Yes. Will he be somebody who gets boosted seeing a family member die? Yes, nearly all normal combatants would in Kingdom. But none of that has anything to do with Bananji's "state". This is what my basis of him having a whole different level he can reach to is based on.

1st. Hara goes out of his way to have Riboku mention Bananji's "condition" still being "normal". He says, yea I fight and I fight, but nothing compares to the rage he felt while battling the Xiongnu. Then Kaine brings up mood. Meaning this is simply related to the thrill/rage Bananji feels when fighting, which is inline with his character... as he loves to fight.

Kaine after 13 days of hard fought battle, states the Qin haven't seen what that man is truly capable of. This is after 13 days of Bananji fighting on the frontlines. That includes the battle with Ouhon, the battle with Akou, the charges, etc etc. Then states no one can stop him once he gets serious. The implication being during the 13 days he did not fight "serious" (not that he didn't take the battle serious).

Bananji being more "serious" on the final day, left Ousen's predictions in shatter (No other combatant has ever had the #1/#2 top tier strategist of a state be used as the direct hypetool of their martial prowess.) But Hara then goes out of his way to clarify that Bananji though serious than the previous 13 days, never got out of his normal state.

This whole "different" state of Bananji is not something myself or others are pulling out of our asses, neither is it some sort of a theory. It's literally written down by Hara within the manga through two characters who know Bananji very well Kaine & Riboku. Then the man himself writes it in his supplementary work. Now whether you think this is dumb for a character to not be able to fight his fully when the fate of the state is on the line.. sure completely understandable. But it's implied to be out of his control. But yea just my two-cents on this.

PS: This also serves as an direct measure of how powerful "The Great Xiongnu" were contrast to the Qin forces in terms of fighting.



#RibokuTheMC #RibokusWorld #FuckTheQin #EvilQin #GoodManRiboku #WeStandWithRiboku #GOAT #Can'tBeTouched #Can'tBeStopped #Can'tBeShook #Can'tBeRocked


Weight of a General: Something nearly all generals have, simply matter of the levels they have it. Carrying the dreams and hopes of those you have killed and those who have died for you. Directly correlated with the number of men you lead in your life & number of enemies you have slain in your life. According to none other than Ouki himself. The more experienced the general and higher their rank, the more weight they have (of course assuming they're the type to care about their comrades and people they kill).

Other things that "boost" people during battle: Carrying on somebody's wish/promise/w.e (SHK - Moubu), Temporary rage experienced with the loss of somebody close (Moubu-Mouten), having a higher purpose to fight for (primary reason why Gaimou was looked down at by Ouki & Renpa).

Bajio's Berserker: It's similar to the trance that was mentioned for Riboku in his one-shot.

Bananji's based on what we know is not related to any of those. Will Bananji have Weight of a General? Yes. Will he be somebody who gets boosted seeing a family member die? Yes, nearly all normal combatants would in Kingdom. But none of that has anything to do with Bananji's "state". This is what my basis of him having a whole different level he can reach to is based on.

1st. Hara goes out of his way to have Riboku mention Bananji's "condition" still being "normal". He says, yea I fight and I fight, but nothing compares to the rage he felt while battling the Xiongnu. Then Kaine brings up mood. Meaning this is simply related to the thrill/rage Bananji feels when fighting, which is inline with his character... as he loves to fight.

Kaine after 13 days of hard fought battle, states the Qin haven't seen what that man is truly capable of. This is after 13 days of Bananji fighting on the frontlines. That includes the battle with Ouhon, the battle with Akou, the charges, etc etc. Then states no one can stop him once he gets serious. The implication being during the 13 days he did not fight "serious" (not that he didn't take the battle serious).

Bananji being more "serious" on the final day, left Ousen's predictions in shatter (No other combatant has ever had the #1/#2 top tier strategist of a state be used as the direct hypetool of their martial prowess.) But Hara then goes out of his way to clarify that Bananji though serious than the previous 13 days, never got out of his normal state.

This whole "different" state of Bananji is not something myself or others are pulling out of our asses, neither is it some sort of a theory. It's literally written down by Hara within the manga through two characters who know Bananji very well Kaine & Riboku. Then the man himself writes it in his supplementary work. Now whether you think this is dumb for a character to not be able to fight his fully when the fate of the state is on the line.. sure completely understandable. But it's implied to be out of his control. But yea just my two-cents on this.

PS: This also serves as an direct measure of how powerful "The Great Xiongnu" were contrast to the Qin forces in terms of fighting.
Clearly it was the Bananji/Riboku slander that brought you back. :myman:

Anyway, as long as Bananji's "Rage Mode" is positively distinct from general bloodlust or the Weight of a General (which I do think Bananji will end up having anyway) then that is fine. Lol.

If Ba Fuu Ji's role in the story is just to serve as a temporary power up to give Bananaji discount Weight, I am 100% going through with my promise though. :akasalt:
Clearly it was the Bananji/Riboku slander that brought you back. :myman:

Anyway, as long as Bananji's "Rage Mode" is positively distinct from general bloodlust or the Weight of a General (which I do think Bananji will end up having anyway) then that is fine. Lol.

If Ba Fuu Ji's role in the story is just to serve as a temporary power up to give Bananaji discount Weight, I am 100% going through with my promise though. :akasalt:
Lmao Riboku slander for sure. :milaugh: I can't even hide it bruh. But even more so, to be a pest for the Kanki fanboys until he dies and is written out of the series. :sadgrin:

I'm 100% with you on everything regarding Bananji. My guess is it'd be something like higher level opponent bringing out more of him, or something along those lines. Otherwise his powers or w.e is sealed, sort of like a mix of Zaraki's from bleach in a way.

Bro i'm not gone cap that Bafuuji shit had me nervous. Just because personally I was seeing Hara building up Bafuuji up for that final campaign as one of the "young stars" or w.e for Zhao, since Qin's got a fuck ton. But then after I read your post, the first time you brought it up.. i'm like ah shit... Hara can go that route too.

But if Bafuuji's death is what gets Bananji out of normal state I would've called it trash writing based on everything else Hara wrote regarding it prior. That would've been absolutely fucking terrible bro.

Though for general storyline my guess would be Bafuuji & Bananji will get some sort of a romanticized Father-Son death on battlefield together tbh in the final war.
Some changes in the spoiler or more like contradictions :

According to Kndushi, Kanki is still alive and scratchless (don't know how even now, lol) while according to previous spoiler provider (from old time, Yoshii) Kanki is dead.

Tags take two:
@NikaInParis @Elder Lee Hung @God Buggy @Blackbeard @Xione @Beerbottle @Shanks @SakazOuki @Guan Yu @RayanOO @notAfanboy @FutureWarrior123 @Bullet @Dark Admiral @Dark Hound @Monet @Jailer @Bepo @Yo Tan Wa @Topi Jerami @Xlaw @Rumble @TheKnightOfTheSea @Desolate Smaug @Greenbeard @MarineHQ @Great General Kanki @FaradaySloth @Krusher1357 @Yoru @Great General Kanki @Ninjashadow0209
Apparently there is 2 weeks break after this chapter.