Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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he’s setting up the Luffy/Zoro for the Joyboy/Ryuma later on :kuzanshut:
Ah yes these 2 young men are just like Joyboy and (future SBS)!

Something that I noticed is that we haven't seen Zoro cut light. Zoro is messing with the Seraphim but Oda is not giving us that panel. Is that being saved for Kizaru? If not don't even bother making him cut light from a pacifista. No one gives a fuck about silver medalists. :kobeha:
Ah yes these 2 young men are just like Joyboy and (future SBS)!

Something that I noticed is that we haven't seen Zoro cut light. Zoro is messing with the Seraphim but Oda is not giving us that panel. Is that being saved for Kizaru? If not don't even bother making him cut light from a pacifista. No one gives a fuck about silver medalists. :kobeha:
Zoro Hadnt even interacted with light, Luffy did many Time but only Zoro didnt so far.

Oda realy want him to only deal with the Real thing.

Also Akainu already warned Kizaru about Wano Swordman.

Kizaru will have PTSD After Zoro is done with him.
so the only reason in Japan to say Shanks > Mihawk is because they argued he aint a swordman

It look like, after movie red, it 's pretty much confirmed that Shanks is just a swordman
Mihawk>Shanks is close deal:milaugh:

@nik87 :steef:
Lmao even Japanese fans insult each other over these discussions huh good to know we aren't alone in this:milaugh:
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