Powers & Abilities Yamato still might be the "Ace"

Okay, purely a hypothetical discussion I wanted to have but mainly to focus on the concept of an "Ace" in the Beasts Pirates and what this could potentially mean for Yamato. The "Ace" is still a title missing from the Beasts Pirate Hierarchy. As much as we can try and assume its Kaido himself, the character has a title already. Other than this, its very suspicious that Oda didn't top the All-Stars with in Ace, but there is a possibility the "Ace" is not as reliable as you'd think.

Historically, the Ace card was always the weakest card in many European versions of card games (and still is). Then, as things modernized, the Ace became the strongest card in a variety of modern card games. Then on top of this, you have games like Blackjack/Poker where you can choose if the Ace is the highest or lowest value in the game, or Rummy, where both values are used under different circumstances.

So this brings me back to Yamato. If Yamato is of a moderate age (lets say around Luffy's age or slightly older/younger), and this entirely depends on Yamato not being Momonosuke's age range, then being the Ace could actually make sense. Kaido's son could very well have moniker of "Ace", especially if it depends on the circumstances. On one hand and as discussed with the Flying Six, if they brought in Yamato "peacefully" its possible he's not that strong while being calm, being a pretty weak member of the BP. BUT, as he gets angrier or his temper can't be controlled, then he starts lashing out and getting stronger, leading his potential to be "above" King. At this point only his father can deal with him. Basically Banner/Hulk lol. Then he reaches max potential if he uses his devil fruit properly (if he has one).

Its a silly theory at this point, but it at least works within the constraints to HOW we've been introduced to the beasts pirates, as we know the All-Stars (King, Queen, Jack) are Kaido's most trusted subordinates. With the "Ace" being Yamato, it could mean that Kaido's son is unreliable, and Kaido possibly cannot trust someone who's not consistent to be his right-hand (likely King is at this point). But because he is Kaido's son, he likely has the same inhuman strength running through him.

Let me know if this makes sense. Clearly this will either live or die once we know Yamato's age. If he's too young than it may not amount to anything. If he's old enough but looks "weak", take the information above into account.

Tldr: The "Ace" could be the weakest and strongest value in Kaido's crew, and Yamato possibly represents both, being Kaido's flesh and blood, but being super unreliable due to being extremely weak in certain circumstances (possibly while calm, expresses non-violence, etc).
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The only problem with the idea of an Ace in Kaido’s crew is that there’s already a major character whose name is Ace.
I don't think that matters at all. Ace was Luffy's brother's actual name. The "Ace" is simply a moniker used for a ranking, like Mr. 0 being Crocodle or Mr. 1 being Daz Bones. There were 2 different "Corazon's" with Law being the supposed 3rd. King, Queen, Jack etc should all have real names, these aren't their actual names.

In fact, Luffy's Ace was a focus in the beginning of this arc, I could ENTIRELY see Luffy getting pissed at Kaido for calling his son "Ace", thereby disrespecting his brothers name in a way. Just something to think about.

Ace is a title and not a name

And BTW we have 2 Tsurus
And two Scotch's lol.

if the entire tobi roppo is needed to deal with him makes me think that he’s maybe as strong as king
I can totally see it being just one of those things where you have to either get him really angry to bring out Kaido's strength in him. Being Kaido's son, I doubt his anything but a monster, especially for a villain like Kaido. For Oden it makes sense that his children weren't monsters, being a good character who had vulnerabilities.

Definitely doesn't mean Yamato can't be a child, but I personally doubt it.
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I don't think that matters at all. Ace was Luffy's brother's actual name. The "Ace" is simply a moniker used for a ranking, like Mr. 0 being Crocodle or Mr. 1 being Daz Bones. King, Queen, Jack etc should all have real names, these aren't their actual names.

In fact, Luffy's Ace was a focus in the beginning of this arc, I could ENTIRELY see Luffy getting pissed at Kaido for calling his son "Ace", thereby disrespecting his brothers name in a way. Just something to think about.

And two Scotch's lol.
Yeah but that’s a technicality. Two major characters having the same name / moniker is still weird and confusing. I’m not saying you’re wrong but I think it would work better if Oda used another language for "Ace"’s moniker. It could be "Yao" ("Ace" in Chinese), for example.
maybe he is not that strong now cuz he is young but later at end of one piece he will be very strong
what if kaidou(emperor)/orochi(shogun) continue with yamato(emperor)/momo(shogun) same as old japan ?! .

what if even kaidou father was emperor with Sukiyaki :zorothink:
Oden also was inhuman and extraordinarily strong in body from when he was born...but check out Momonosuke and Hiyori
I dont think that will be the case for Yamato, Yamato may have the Title of Ace just because he is son of Kaido, like He is the Prince of animal Kingdom so he is the Ace and Kaido is King of the beasts.... but there is indication of him not liking to be part of this kingdom, as most of Prince/Princess stories goes, and so I dont think he has tested his strength against AllStar but Still has Ace title because being Prince...But he has to be very strong character for him to matter in the story at least:goyea: