Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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Iwas discussing it with someone earlier this week, and I said I think this might have been Vegapunk and Kumas plan all along. Discard the old Kumas body, and make it seem to the WG that he is dead, and then place his memories into the cloned Kuma, and essentially resurrect how him. This is the soul experiment Vegapunk had in mind.

Remember the arc Kuma was introduced him featured Brooks back story, where he was killed, but his soul returned to his body via a Devil Fruit.

What if Kumas memories get placed into S-Bear, and when his original body is killed, his soul returns to S-Bear?
Sounds like a solid theory. Will that free him from the command chain tho ?
Bloodline abilities aren't necessarily strength-based abilities though. And we don't even know if S-Bear inherited his bloodline ability. I mean S-Shark is still called a human despite its Fisherman-like appearance.
That be pretty weird if a clone using exact DNA from the host doesn't have it's hosts bloodline traits.

It might not be combat related, but to me that's unlikely, given the nature of Oda pitting S-Bear up against Luffy and Lucci. There is definitely a trump card hidden in there somewhere.
@Blackbeard we can finally confirm that Teach has surpassed Shanks.
It was always odd how Shanks is the only one keeping his mouth shut in every Yonko cover we got. With the Kid-Shanks feud and the Gorosei meeting it's now apparent Shanks is going to fuck his fellow emperors over in the biggest pirate world betrayal to date.

Luffy, Teach and Buggy sail to Elbaf for the 4th Poneglyph just to find it's a trap set by Red Snitch & WG to obliterate the island with an Uranus beam. The three quickly realize how miniscule their strength is against Imu's great cleansing and a temporary SHP-BBP-Crossguild alliance is born to face the massive WG Mordor armies led by Shrekazuki himself.

It's why I think Kid will take an L now before getting his revenge on Shanks at the final war.
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