Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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Stop war ? Yes because of his yonko statu attacking him mean declaring war to an other yonko .

He pulled up with his whole crew right ? It's not like the admiral and him were solo Armaki was in a realy bad situation .
He has 10 people in his crew. Vs. Shichibukai, 3 Admirals, a Fleet Admiral, Garp and a whole ass army.

And he threatened to fight any of them, including Blackbeard, if they didnt stop.

Aramaki was in a bad situation with Momo and Yamato? Poor Aramaki

Are you new on this forum? Or think everyone is like you? Not even 1 moderator can say that I used alt ever on this forum, gtfo with that shit :kaidowhat:

I am against all the alts that ZKK fans uses, they are doing dumb things like creating alts to vote in the polls lmao.
Stop pinging me over this shit you don't know what you're talking about.
Maybe don't act the EXACT SAME WAY as you do on your main with your alt, then we won't suspect you.
Kuma almost died protecting a ship from fodder :hapnoel:

Come back when Kuma's bounty ever hits 3.5B (it won't)
Whose stronger argument aside....

Kuma fought for two years straight. Plus he's a Cyborg, which means he doesn't have a natural healing factor, he needs to be repaied. Any damage incurred, remained the entire time, and just accumulated.

There's legit no other character who could do what he did, and walk away from it at the end.
Shanks who fought Mihawk has bounty less than 1b.

We didn't know who he fought.

Luffy>Zoro fact
Lucci>Kaku fact
You have no arguemejt beside mental gymnastic to put Mihawk over Kuma

Kuma>Mihawk based on their seraphim match up.
Mihawk fought 1B Shanks but he himself has 3.59B :risitasad: I wonder why

Maybe if you had more than one brain cell, you'd be able to tell me when match-up scaling became the only thing in existence?

I wonder why it's Zoro who's facing Mihawk's clone instead of Luffy? Surely there'd be some kind of logical reason?
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Whose stronger argument aside....

Kuma fought for two years straight. Plus he's a Cyborg, which means he doesn't have a natural healing factor. Any damage incurred, remained the entire time, and just accumulated.

There's legit no other character who could do what he did, and walk away from it at the end.
I respect Kuma; he could be a bonafide top-tier

I'm just giving this dude the salt back because he's an idiot
Mihawk fought 1B Shanks but he himself has 3.59B :risitasad: I wonder why

Maybe if you had more than one brain cell, you'd be able to tell me when match-up scaling became the only thing in existence?

I wonder why it's Zoro who's facing Mihawk's clone instead of Luffy? Surely there'd be some kind of logical reason?
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I respect Kuma; he could be a bonafide top-tier

I'm just giving this dude the salt back because he's an idiot
I think if you have a braincell then you would have realized bounty argument is invalid. WB was hyping Mihawk fight with less 1b berries Shanks while Nobody cared about Zoro beating 1.39 b berries King and Sanji beating 1.32b berries Queen.

Fix you brain you have a brain damage.
He has 10 people in his crew. Vs. Shichibukai, 3 Admirals, a Fleet Admiral, Garp and a whole ass army.

And he threatened to fight any of them, including Blackbeard, if they didnt stop.

Aramaki was in a bad situation with Momo and Yamato? Poor Aramaki

im not crying you are the one crying for trying to give feats to shanks that he don't deserve.

Koby convinced sengoku that enought navy already died and bb was curently trying to sink the island
Shanks said they can get the smoke but did he attacked someone ? NNO because he woudl have got killed .
Now stop lying the problem for green bull wa snot the scabbard he was playing with them.
The problem was the whole island + shanks and his crew name me 1 guy that could have beat everyone there please ?
Also Green bull said he was not ready to face the red hair pirates yet !
Not only talking about shanks but the whole crew.
@Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier and @Mr. Reloaded @Franosuke slandering ZKK liars , apologize for the alt slander or I will expose your ZKK butts:suresure: I never used alt ever on this forum.

This is what happens if we destroy all the alt using Zkktrolls such as you: Shanks smashes Mihawk in the 20k polls:

They are even using obvious alts to vote in the Mihawk threads:

Moderators should clean all the alt using ZKK fans.
And it's my fault that those Shanks fans on Twitter can not read and think Shanks is stronger/more skilled than the confirmed Strongest Swordsman?
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