Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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Aye, I definitely agree with that. Shanks is gonna make an amazing haki bloom for Kidd whether he likes it or not. Shanks will show why Roger conquered the seas with haki and why its so important. Anyone who relies too much on their DFs like Crocodile, Moria, Kidd, Law (until this BB fight ofc especially), Enel, Kizaru etc will suffer the consequences big time.

Roger was going toe to toe with top tier DF users as far as we know and beating them. Whether its "canon" in anyway somehow, Roger did continually beat down Bullet who was equal to Prime Rayleigh supposedly and Bullet never beat Roger. Bullet is fucking BROKEN in strength/power/ability too! Roger was also equally fighting with Whitebeard who has one of the most powerful, destructive DFs in the world, one Sengoku said can destroy the world specifically and somehow became Pirate King with no DF himself as far as we know.

I really cannot forgive Oda if he makes Kidd lose again. I mean Kidd didn't face Shanks before as we know now so now there is the chance he could lose to Shanks as a hype too for Luffy, but I would absolutely hate that and disappointed in Oda if he really goes for that obvious, predictable route and thus inevitable wank for his MC in The Luffy Show. At least Naruto was honest with its name on what it revolved around lmao.

I do fear Kidd and Law will get defeated to hype up Shanks and Blackbeard but I really HATE that idea too. It makes sense but I hate it, absolute hate it lol.
Part of me hopes Oda is just trying to speedrun to the ending and have the other 2 Yonkos get taken down quickly and conveniently by Kidd and Law BUT that would be completely trash writing for those 2 Yonkos too ironically. Especially for those waiting decades for both characters to play their game changing, plot conquering roles and the whole setup of Luffy and Shanks from the beginning to now over 25 years later.

The best case scenario here, still not an ideal one imo but the best compromsie imo is that Blackbeard won vs Law and captured him but not kill him ofc or somehow Law escaped or BB was forced to retreat and for Kidd and Shanks, something will interrupt them like Loki, the giants including Saul especially or another major party/figure.

I'm already vastly disappointed Luffy never got to face Big Mom directly again and this time take her down like the decade of setup it had since FMI at least especially and it makes me worried that Luffy won't get to face Shanks for some stupid reason or even Blackbeard himself, especially if the Blackbeard killing Shanks believers get their way too. Unless that happens after Luffy and Shanks meet but I doubt it too.

Its such a fucked up situation, as you said, if Kidd beat Shanks, then the HUNDREDS of Kidd slanderers will finally eat crow as they've deserved for MANY years now and it would humble Luffystans massively as its desperately needed right now too BUT at the expense of one of the best, most influential and thus important characters in OP for us and in the story/world too.

If Shanks god forbid takes down Kidd here, we Kidd fans may never recover, thats it. Its like how Oda is handling Sanji but with a Supernova and rival of Luffy too. I mean at least thankfully its apparently Beckmann who took Kids arm SOMEHOW and thus the 2nd best option to Shanks himself ofc and thus its not someone weaker in the crew who took his arm, THANK FUCK too lol.

Yeah the Strawhat is a massive issue. If Luffy doesnt get to speak to Shanks and reunite and try to return the SH (I think Shanks will reject it and let him keep it, it might be important/deliberate too especially with Imu having a GIANT seemingly Straw Hat themselves for some insanely weird reason) then I fear the worst outcome could happen in that Shanks dies offscreen and Luffy has to return the SH to his body/grave. Never gets that reunion and that acceptance of being a great pirate and fellow Yonko from Shanks and thus making Shanks proud and seeing and saying Luffy is worthy of and thus almoss ready to be the next pirate king after all, just like his captain Roger was ofc.

Yeah Luffy definitely has to face BB, I'd be even MUCH angier than I am over Big Mom if Luffy never faced BB and defeated him either. As much as I hate "The Luffy Show", Blackbeard also has been setup for decades now even, hes been Luffys arch nemesis since then regardlessi f anyone likes that or not including Luffy himself. BB wanted to capture Luffy but Ace prevented it and ended up being sacrificed too. Sure Akainu was the one who killed Ace and became Luffys nemesis too BUT it was all because of BB that this happened in the first place too.

Blackbeard the guy who cant sleep, who swears mens dreams never die and is willing to cheat, betray, backstab and act like a true pirate is the ultimate foil to Luffy, the best nemesis and the one Luffy should be ultimately facing by the end of the series imo. If Oda truly wants to focus on and remember that this is a "pirate based series" too.

Luffy has to face Shanks and Blackbeard, it would be some of the worst writing in history if he didn't. Some of the biggest, longest and most permanently damaging disappointments if these never happen.

It doesn't help Oda is dragging out Egghead and turning into another long, convoluted, huge arc when thats the last thing we need post Wano especially and also for the final saga too.

We dont know what happened with Law and BB after that clash but given we have Garp going after BB and declaring war on him, I feel its a subtle hint that BB somehow came out on top, as if even though Law was holding his own vs BB, BB hasn't gone all out yet, isn't even confirmed awakened yet AND still has members of his own crew there who are definitely far superior/stronger than Laws crew and it can't end well for Law either way to think of it.

Even now, I'm sure we're gonna get no more than a chapter of Kidd vs Shanks in total before Oda cuts away back to Egghead and carries on with the nonsense again. Maybe a small update in future again but this is all just setup for Luffy to face both BB and Shanks, like how Kaido and BM were setup since the beginning of the post TS until Wano too.

I actually think Elbaf is gonna be the ultimate battle royale arc and location too. Oda mentioned about an upcoming, huge battle royale and it makes sense, the great throne war Doflamingo mentioned, the race for the One Piece, Laugh Tale, Pirate King, Ancient Weapons etc. Elfaf should be the biggest island too, the home of the giants ofc, a land of warriors too so perfect for the ultimate battlegrounds imo.
Everything might just converge there and be a bigger scale version of Onigashima, with Shanks and BB playing the roles of Kaido and BM but not in an alliance ofc lol. Buggy is BOUND to show up with Cross Guild to Elbaf too, because Luffy stole his giants for his grand fleet too.

The grand fleet still have YET to do anything too, we need an update on what happened to Shanks going after Barto too, its clearly resolved or he changed his plans too.

Sorry its an essay response but this is a serious topic for me as you can see ofc lol. Good God, I wrote a LOT too, sigh!
Are you guys serious? Lol.

Of course, law and kid gonna lose to shanks and Blackbeard.

Did you forget that they had to team UP and use awakening countless times just to throw linlin out of onigashima and that's with oda nerfing her a LOT.

I wouldn't be surprised If one of them dies along the way, shanks and Blackbeard are VASTLY superior to law and kid.


Aye, I definitely agree with that. Shanks is gonna make an amazing haki bloom for Kidd whether he likes it or not. Shanks will show why Roger conquered the seas with haki and why its so important. Anyone who relies too much on their DFs like Crocodile, Moria, Kidd, Law (until this BB fight ofc especially), Enel, Kizaru etc will suffer the consequences big time.

Roger was going toe to toe with top tier DF users as far as we know and beating them. Whether its "canon" in anyway somehow, Roger did continually beat down Bullet who was equal to Prime Rayleigh supposedly and Bullet never beat Roger. Bullet is fucking BROKEN in strength/power/ability too! Roger was also equally fighting with Whitebeard who has one of the most powerful, destructive DFs in the world, one Sengoku said can destroy the world specifically and somehow became Pirate King with no DF himself as far as we know.

I really cannot forgive Oda if he makes Kidd lose again. I mean Kidd didn't face Shanks before as we know now so now there is the chance he could lose to Shanks as a hype too for Luffy, but I would absolutely hate that and disappointed in Oda if he really goes for that obvious, predictable route and thus inevitable wank for his MC in The Luffy Show. At least Naruto was honest with its name on what it revolved around lmao.

I do fear Kidd and Law will get defeated to hype up Shanks and Blackbeard but I really HATE that idea too. It makes sense but I hate it, absolute hate it lol.
Part of me hopes Oda is just trying to speedrun to the ending and have the other 2 Yonkos get taken down quickly and conveniently by Kidd and Law BUT that would be completely trash writing for those 2 Yonkos too ironically. Especially for those waiting decades for both characters to play their game changing, plot conquering roles and the whole setup of Luffy and Shanks from the beginning to now over 25 years later.

The best case scenario here, still not an ideal one imo but the best compromsie imo is that Blackbeard won vs Law and captured him but not kill him ofc or somehow Law escaped or BB was forced to retreat and for Kidd and Shanks, something will interrupt them like Loki, the giants including Saul especially or another major party/figure.

I'm already vastly disappointed Luffy never got to face Big Mom directly again and this time take her down like the decade of setup it had since FMI at least especially and it makes me worried that Luffy won't get to face Shanks for some stupid reason or even Blackbeard himself, especially if the Blackbeard killing Shanks believers get their way too. Unless that happens after Luffy and Shanks meet but I doubt it too.

Its such a fucked up situation, as you said, if Kidd beat Shanks, then the HUNDREDS of Kidd slanderers will finally eat crow as they've deserved for MANY years now and it would humble Luffystans massively as its desperately needed right now too BUT at the expense of one of the best, most influential and thus important characters in OP for us and in the story/world too.

If Shanks god forbid takes down Kidd here, we Kidd fans may never recover, thats it. Its like how Oda is handling Sanji but with a Supernova and rival of Luffy too. I mean at least thankfully its apparently Beckmann who took Kids arm SOMEHOW and thus the 2nd best option to Shanks himself ofc and thus its not someone weaker in the crew who took his arm, THANK FUCK too lol.

Yeah the Strawhat is a massive issue. If Luffy doesnt get to speak to Shanks and reunite and try to return the SH (I think Shanks will reject it and let him keep it, it might be important/deliberate too especially with Imu having a GIANT seemingly Straw Hat themselves for some insanely weird reason) then I fear the worst outcome could happen in that Shanks dies offscreen and Luffy has to return the SH to his body/grave. Never gets that reunion and that acceptance of being a great pirate and fellow Yonko from Shanks and thus making Shanks proud and seeing and saying Luffy is worthy of and thus almoss ready to be the next pirate king after all, just like his captain Roger was ofc.

Yeah Luffy definitely has to face BB, I'd be even MUCH angier than I am over Big Mom if Luffy never faced BB and defeated him either. As much as I hate "The Luffy Show", Blackbeard also has been setup for decades now even, hes been Luffys arch nemesis since then regardlessi f anyone likes that or not including Luffy himself. BB wanted to capture Luffy but Ace prevented it and ended up being sacrificed too. Sure Akainu was the one who killed Ace and became Luffys nemesis too BUT it was all because of BB that this happened in the first place too.

Blackbeard the guy who cant sleep, who swears mens dreams never die and is willing to cheat, betray, backstab and act like a true pirate is the ultimate foil to Luffy, the best nemesis and the one Luffy should be ultimately facing by the end of the series imo. If Oda truly wants to focus on and remember that this is a "pirate based series" too.

Luffy has to face Shanks and Blackbeard, it would be some of the worst writing in history if he didn't. Some of the biggest, longest and most permanently damaging disappointments if these never happen.

It doesn't help Oda is dragging out Egghead and turning into another long, convoluted, huge arc when thats the last thing we need post Wano especially and also for the final saga too.

We dont know what happened with Law and BB after that clash but given we have Garp going after BB and declaring war on him, I feel its a subtle hint that BB somehow came out on top, as if even though Law was holding his own vs BB, BB hasn't gone all out yet, isn't even confirmed awakened yet AND still has members of his own crew there who are definitely far superior/stronger than Laws crew and it can't end well for Law either way to think of it.

Even now, I'm sure we're gonna get no more than a chapter of Kidd vs Shanks in total before Oda cuts away back to Egghead and carries on with the nonsense again. Maybe a small update in future again but this is all just setup for Luffy to face both BB and Shanks, like how Kaido and BM were setup since the beginning of the post TS until Wano too.

I actually think Elbaf is gonna be the ultimate battle royale arc and location too. Oda mentioned about an upcoming, huge battle royale and it makes sense, the great throne war Doflamingo mentioned, the race for the One Piece, Laugh Tale, Pirate King, Ancient Weapons etc. Elfaf should be the biggest island too, the home of the giants ofc, a land of warriors too so perfect for the ultimate battlegrounds imo.
Everything might just converge there and be a bigger scale version of Onigashima, with Shanks and BB playing the roles of Kaido and BM but not in an alliance ofc lol. Buggy is BOUND to show up with Cross Guild to Elbaf too, because Luffy stole his giants for his grand fleet too.

The grand fleet still have YET to do anything too, we need an update on what happened to Shanks going after Barto too, its clearly resolved or he changed his plans too.

Sorry its an essay response but this is a serious topic for me as you can see ofc lol. Good God, I wrote a LOT too, sigh!
Also, luffy wont fight shanks.

The role purpose of introducing Davy back fight was because luffy will have one with shanks where shanks will try to get nico Robin on his crew since he has no one able to read poneglyphs.
What is the point of Shanks and Law not losing

Some of Luffys rivals need to lose. How can it be a race to the finish of everyone makes it there

That is Shit Writing
It's cheap writing.

Why would Oda make Law and Kidd survive Wano for only them to lose after?

I expect Law to be there until Laugh Tale, know about the D. and the void century and Kidd to be some sort of obstacle at some point, even if the fight is not long.

Of course, Shanks and BB have to win too.

We have to see how Oda solves these conflicts.
Lmao thanks. My deleted, lengthy repsonse was in favour of the Yonkos generally but not entirely either. I do believe the Yonkos are superior for the time being until the Admirals prove otherwise or worse they never do for some reason.

I do have Yonkos above Fujitora and Green Bull at least regardless.

Green Bull didnt want to fuck with Wano whilst Kaido was there BUT Kizaru was ready to go in with Kaido and Big Mom there. Its fucking confusing lol. Aint no way in hell Kizaru is ever taking on 2 Yonkos and surviving it, unless can escape or backed up by other Admirals/Top tiers like Garp or Sengoku or Blackbeard or even Shanks lol.
Weirdly we only see Kizaru ever take damage when Rayleigh cuts his face and fights him for a few minutes.
But I still don't think any Admirals will beat the Yonko ( bar Buggy for obvious reasons ).
Meaning to avoid that Oda interrupted the battle as i said.

Pretty convenient right ?
To suddenly decide to throw a tantrum outta nowhere?

Yamato wasn't fighting. They were all about to get clapped in seconds.

In all those instances Oda interrupted the battle to avoid what comes after.
Fuck you.

And no, throwing a tantrum because you realized you won't get your Admiral paycheck due to an old man holding you back from doing your job is pretty valid.

And Yamato would have fought if she absolutely needed to.
Only reason she didn't clean up Aramaki is because Momo told her not to.
Are you guys serious? Lol.

Of course, law and kid gonna lose to shanks and Blackbeard.

Did you forget that they had to team UP and use awakening countless times just to throw linlin out of onigashima and that's with oda nerfing her a LOT.

I wouldn't be surprised If one of them dies along the way, shanks and Blackbeard are VASTLY superior to law and kid.
Law will lose, Kidd will not.
It's cheap writing.

Why would Oda make Law and Kidd survive Wano for only them to lose after?

I expect Law to be there until Laugh Tale, know about the D. and the void century and Kidd to be some sort of obstacle at some point, even if the fight is not long.

Of course, Shanks and BB have to win too.

We have to see how Oda solves these conflicts.
You’re talking about them losing and just leaving the series

What I’m saying is that at some point we need some of Luffy’s rivals to quit the race to the Pirate King.

Not everyone accomplishes their dreams. Some people will fail

All 5 parties can’t make it to laughtale


What is the point of Shanks and Law not losing

Some of Luffys rivals need to lose. How can it be a race to the finish of everyone makes it there

That is Shit Writing
Kid winning against shanks is shitty writing, he only displayed Basic CoC on onigashima and as Far as we know, never came close to learning and using ACoC.

If he jumps on shanks taking ACoC out his ass, oda made a big mistake.

Why not give kid ryou and Future sight aswell??? Give him Voice of ALL things and the ability to read minds since we going down this route.
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