Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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I see someone is salty about Zoro beating Seraphims and now tries to deflect from his L. :suresure:

@Elder Lee Hung
@Warchief Sanji D Goat

So-called "most balanced crew" needs the Giants' help to beat Kidd, lmaooooo. :kailaugh::risiup:
in a world where nobody dream about smoking with Shanks
Kid wants the smoke when Shanks is at his strongest
Shanks might respect his madness
cause oda won't kill him
The last RP is definitely protected by Elbaf.

Disappointed in the Giants though. I thought they would be neutral. Shanks fleet + Giants versys one ship? Madness.


When will Sanji got a wing moment wiht luffy
If you want a non-trolling answer, Sanji and Jimbei should both get a "wing" moment when Luffy climbs Mariejoies and frees the slaves. Both Sanji (ex nobility, almost clone, etc.) and Jimbei (Tiger Fish, racism) have ties with that place, whereas Zoro doesn't. Thematically, Zoro can shoulder Luffy in any power contest, while Sanji should be there for deeper reasons related to family, emotions, freedom.
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