Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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Kid has the chance to give the fandom a meltdown never seen before lmao. I've seen like 3-5 users that genuinely believe Kid ain't getting washed. He will put hands on Shanks.
If Oda manages to make Kidd go toe-to-toe with his golden boy Shanks 1v1. I will call One Piece the Master Piece, go to Japan and suck his dick. Fandom meltdown will reach unfathomed levels.
Shanks and Kid stuff stole the show this chapter, Vegapunk stuff was pretty interesting and the Seraphim stuff isn't bad but kinda dull. Panels will probably help but it's not too exciting having G4 Luffy and Hybrid Lucci against a Seraphim or Zoro and Kaku against another since you kinda know they'll be good and the 2v1 seems a bit much. Hopefully the S-Hawk/Zoro stuff goes somewhere interesting.

Kid was really beaten so terribly by Ben but honestly it just adds to the struggle aspect of his character and I hope we get to see how far he's come after toppling an Emperor alongside Law. It's his time to show he can atleast hang with the best 1v1 like Law did.

Kid should send Rockstar back beaten and bloodied as his answer. I liked that aspect of pre-timeskip Kid where he contrasted quite well with Luffy by being darker and more ruthless so now's a good time to showcase some of that since Luffy's not around to nullify all that ruthlessness.
Kid single ship crew is facing several ships of Shanks's fleet and he even needs Giants help...
Kidd’s current bounty isn’t that much lower than Shanks’ on top of that he’s 1 of the new generation that aided in the defeat of Shanks’ former rivals

But you and others expect Shanks not to be cautious because he doesn’t underestimate his opponents???

WG forum members in a nutshell 🤦🏾‍♂️
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