Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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How do you know when Kid awakened his DF?
He didn't have it mastered during the fight with Linlin, so I doubt he had it all the way back in the battle against RHP
He most likely didn't even have it during the first fight with Kaido

Thing is, Shanks seems to be using all his resources (main crew, giants and fleet) to take this fight lol

Kid's crew is what, like 10-20 people?
Around 20
Would be funny if Shanks asked Kid to join his alliance and in exchange he's gonna share which ever red pony Blackbeard has (after fighting him and be impressed with him of course) :endthis:
The "strong armies" in OP are always calculated from a normie NPC's POV. A strong army is any grouping of at least 10 people having more than the average Doriki. The samurai are a formidable army because they're stronger than any grouping of civilians and basic rookie marines. Likewise, an army of giants is formidable because they're bloody giants and would wreck any country if the Navy didn't send any of their top tiers. It's a numbers game, not a raw powerhouse quality game.
Tell that to most OP fans.
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