Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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The man has no fear, without op DF like his fellow SN nor did have good proficient lvl of haki, he give no shit to what's he should overcome . It's true when they said he is Luffy without plot armor and much more badass version.

Kid character is already huge W no matter how he got slapped around by somebody above his tiers. It's sad that Oda initially plan on Kid to be more focus among the SN but didn't.
Let's hope Elbaf is not his final destination
To ppl who stan Shanks I don't know how you can still stan that character after all these lmaoo.
Shanks is same as BB, these two fraud who's about to take the poneglyph earn by those poor young pirates by taking down two strongest Yonko that they both don't wanna mess with it.
Shanks dont act, unless necessary.
It has been established since chapter 1.
The spoilers said; "I dont want to cause too much damage to this place". Shanks also sent Rockstar to give Kid a chance to give up.
But, I want Kid to at least fight Shanks directly.
Lets see if he can touch him or not :gokulaugh:
1. Kaku is not stronger than lucci
2. Zoro never defeated Kaku
Lmaooo what Zoro did to Kaido is worse than "defeating"

He literally sleep diffed Kakus strongest attack
Then he tanked his strongest awakening attacks

Then casually tossed him aside like an insect.
That is same as what Prime Whitebeard did to Rookie Ace

Luffy on the other hand had a real clash with Lucci, needed named attacks Haki sparks etc

If Kaku is weaker than Lucci then it confirms Zoro is stronger than Luffy as per this chapter Luffy needs stronger partner against weaker opponent
No idea bro. Why would Shanks need help against Kid, Killer, heat and wire
That's what I'm saying, if Shanks is as strong as people think, him and his crew should be enough lol
What are you talking about?

Shanks just found out that Kid came here
Kid was fighting his fleet before Shanks found out
Shanks going to meet Kid and his crew alone without his crew, he just asks giants to come with him
again ... to fight Shanks you need Marine + Warlords ...
but again since I don't see Mihawk fighting him for Marines ... it's safe to say only government itself can beat Shanks full force
Shanks is a fraud and always play dirty. He hated Blackbeard cause Blackbeard remind him of himself. When both marine and Blackbeard exhausted. He came with his fresh crew just like

Blackbeard crew did before. When greenbull getting burned by momonusuke. He sneak attack greenbulk from behind. He also like BB waiting for kaido and big mom downfall to have poneglyph. Then with whole fleet and

giant elbaf to ganged up against kidd bum ass crew. There is no difference between Blackbeard and shanks. Both act the same. Shanks is projecting to Blackbeard pirate cause he also the same as BB. playing dirty all the time.
Kaido also said Haki is the X factor
I'm honestly fine with Kaido being stronger than Shanks

but Kaido also called his army the strongest army in the world
RHP or Marine can defeat Kaido in a war 10/10 times ...
self-statement is not a fact in one piece.
in fact most of them are often wrong.
No he said that he wanted to build the strongest army IIRC otherwise Kaido considers himself as the strongest army ;-)
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