Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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What do you guys think of this exposition of Elbaf? Does the fact that we are seeing so much of it trough other characters,mean that it wont be a Strawhats's arc? Some time ago i theorized Elbaf could be the place where Robin will go after the end of the series,for the books of Ohara and the presence of Saul
Doffy might awakened his CoC faster than Shanks ... he did it faster than Luffy for a fact
so Doffy is more skilled with CoC than Luffy?
Awakening something doesn't make you skilled prodigy, learning the skill does.
Kaku has mastered his fruit Rokoshiki, Awakened it and has CoA at same time as Lucci.

If Doffy had Wifi CoC, Sky Split CoC etc just like Shanks and he did that at a younger age than Shanks then yes Doffy's ceiling is higher.

But that's clearly not the case
I don't particularly think they are equal either.

I think pre time skip Lucci mid/high diffs

With Kaku's insanely faster growth Rate Kaku high diffs Lucci now.
It makes sense since Kaku is literally fighting stronger opponent than Lucci (S-Hawk)

Assuming Luffy is not weaker than Zoro, and just equal here.
Disagree. There isn't any evidence of S-hawk being above S-Bear.
Just because their originals have that gap this doesn't mean that the same gap applies for seraphims when nothing implied It. Seraphim could be equal to each other for now in their state.
- he didn't said Joy Boy can defeat him. even after seeing Luffy is joy boy
Did you miss the flashback? He said it there. He didnt know Luffy was JB while they were fighting.

- sure. as far as claim goes Kaido > Shanks sounds fair but self statement is not enough
Was called strongest pirate by Kidd and Killer in a chapter titled Island of the strongest, called the strongest in data books, called the strongest with no ifs or buts in road to laughtale. Greenbull admitting he wouldnt have come if Kaido was alive. Shanks showing up near Wano and going after the OP after Kaido died,etc. Im just saying there is more to support this than just Kaido's statement about Shanks.

- Shanks was sure he can take them out. he is no fool in my book.
Take who out?

- most of BP are out with a simple CoC
So then why didnt Luffy do that?
What do you guys think of this exposition of Elbaf? Does the fact that we are seeing so much of it trough other characters,mean that it wont be a Strawhats's arc? Some time ago i theorized Elbaf could be the place where Robin will go after the end of the series,for the books of Ohara and the presence of Saul
I think Elbaf will th e aldt island that Luffy will make his own Territory after defeating Shanks and his Crew.
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