Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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so he is basically immortal, only the goat can handle him:myman:
Damn I start to understand why the WG take these over the Shichibukai who never listen to orders. Imagine if we all of them are adults!!

To be frank, I was disappointed with seeing the same df again. But Oda literally made the future strongest fighter of OP.

Potential skills and haki of the world strongest swordsman + best défense in the world + versatility, lethality and even durability of a DF that can literally enhanced Hawk's offensive capabilities. Don't forget he can still awakened the DF so an environment of blades is:crazwhat:
Zoro facing S-Hawk is Zoro facing all his previous opponents, that made him grow as a swordsman, at the same time :

-Mr1 => Haki mastery by cutting steel
-King => CoC mastery by bypassing Lunarian durability
-Kaku => Inner path mastery by mastering asura to exceed the Yontoryu
-Mihawk => facing top tier swordsmanship

I don’t know what Oda is cooking but it can be good
I was excited to see Zoro fight an actual swordman for once but then he just yeets him off in this chapter :josad:
I really reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy do want to see a rematch in the future :josad:
Except these aren’t even their real opponents of the arc so that doesn’t apply here. I feel you guys getting insecure from Law and Kid taking on emperors and trying to make yourself feel better:suresure:
Didn't say they were
The point still stands that luffy is put up against stronger opponents than zoro

Luffy and lucci are stronger than zoro and kaku so it makes sense for the stronger characters to fight off thd stronger opponents

Just like zoro will fight off stronger opponents than sanji because zoro is zoro and sanji is sanji
So you’re telling me a non acoc attack>>>>>acoc asura with Zoro confirming to Law that was his full power???

Zorofans man 🤦🏾‍♂️
first asura didnt used advcoc second this slash was against a dragon and not his hybrid form so a slash would have had a monstros impact as we saw from the horn that was cut:suresure:
That's not possible as Infrit Jambe wasn't even able to melt Queen who is a non awakened Zoan who can be hurt by Chopper

Lucci and Kaku are awakened Zoans who are able to tank Haki hits from Luffy and Zoro with Luffy using Gear 5th.

These attacks can damage even Kaido.

So I don't think Infrit Jambe will do any damage to Kaku.
Zoro actually never damaged Kaku….he just threw him down and stussy came to save him

Only Lucci was damaged and besides awakened or not, Queen was the most tankiest Ancient Zoan alongside Kaido on the beasts pirates
Luffy didn't fight anyone but kaido in wano

Unless you're counting him using fodder to train lol

He literally Fought Holdem and Urashima who are below Hawkins Apoo Killer

Thing is fodders Zoro fodderized Apoo Hawkins Killer before Kaido >>> Fodders Luffy fodderized

But one thing that is a constant..it has ALWAYS been the case..anytime Luffy and Zoro have shared a fight, Zoro has looked better or at worst as good.

Roof top being most recent example
Oda never ever makes Luffy better than Zoro in Zoros presence

Do you have anything to argue that?
Also nothing wrong with kid and law facing off against emperors
Thats just dope either way win or lose

Tho luffy is obviously going to fight an even stronger force. Facing of a whole faction of the world government including marines, cipher pol, a gorosei, and seraphim
Zoro actually never damaged Kaku….he just threw him down and stussy came to save him

Only Lucci was damaged and besides awakened or not, Queen was the most tankiest Ancient Zoan alongside Kaido on the beasts pirates
Queens durability is kinda trash as Chopper who has no Haki can hurt him

Queen was also scared for his life against Zoros casual attack.
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