Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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I don't like these portrayal but I can see what Oda is doing here.
Jabra is not even here and Kaku did a amazing jump in power, while pre ts he was portrayal alongside with Jabra, however after the timeskip his portrayal/equal is clearly Lucci.
Pre ts the gap might be large but current Lucci and Kaku are very close in power.

And Oda don't hold back to also portrayal Zoro alongside with Luffy, both still hold back and didn't used adv CoC. Zoro wouldn't need a extrem high diff against King anymore, mid diff max.
Yep flameless means less defense but stronger attacks and speed.
Still incredible these Lunarian defense, if s Kuma and s Hawk are still up, it would show how insane these defense are from a strong Lunarian.
Seraphims have more toughness than King
How you comparing Cyborg-lunarian-giant clone Kuma (when kuma also has tough body from his race) with Ancient zoan-lunarian King in durability?

Oda never called lunarians "strongest beings"
They can surivie anywhere yeah but can't best Navy nor anyone powerful...
They got wiped our by WG, GB easily trashed King with basic plants.
Imagine having such poor reading comprehension.

Zoro was implying he'd put whatever he had left into whats supposed to be his strongest ability in an effort to take out Kaido. This is exactly why he says to Law that dragging out the fight will only be wearing them down.

An injured Zoro attempting to use weaker moves would amount to nothing which is why he risked it all.
Basically what I’ve been saying the entire time
What was your point on responding?

zorofans man… 🤦🏾‍♂️
Actually you have to be denying manga by saying Kaido doesn't care about Zoro when after Kaido got scarred he said him and Zoro coulda taken over the world together

Now I know you are desperate and delusional and dishonest but everyone and their mothers were saying Zoro is shitting on Luffy..the entire time he was on roof top.

Now after Zoro left and Luffy unlocked advCoC Kaido cared more

But before that Kaido thought "One day Luffy might reach Oden level"

Where as as soon as Zoro fucked Kaido up..Kaido got shook so bad, he literally thought Haki Zoro was using was Odens Haki.

Zoro was the one both Kaido and Big Mom were scared at the same time

Pound for Pound Luffy was not able to surpass damage done by 30 broken bones Ashura lone before Bajrang Gun

Didn't roof top burn your asshole so fuck bad..your ass disappeared and only came to bitch and moan after Zoro came to 2nd floor to fight King.

Your obsession and hate boner for Zoro is hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Every hype moment zoro had the first person kaido would think about was luffy
I don't like these portrayal but I can see what Oda is doing here.

Jabra is not even here and Kaku did a amazing jump in power, while pre ts he was portrayal alongside with Jabra, however after the timeskip his portrayal/equal is clearly Lucci.

Pre ts the gap might be large but current Lucci and Kaku are very close in power.

And Oda don't hold back to also portrayal Zoro alongside with Luffy, both still hold back and didn't used adv CoC. Zoro wouldn't need a extrem high diff against King anymore, mid diff max.
You realize Zoro actually stomped King as soon as he got King of Hell

Current Zoro has full control of enma
He neg diffs King
Crocs bounty is the dumbest thing. To take an opponent east blue Luffy beat a give him a bounty of double ever first commander totally inflates away the value of bounties. Hell, its even higher then Jinbei, a warlord that was far stronger. It shouldn't have been anymore then 1 bill. 900Mill would've ben ideal.
The world knows about what crocodile was doing in alabasta. Wg may covered up with straw hat pirates beat croc with smoker but what his doing is being exposed to the world by

king Cobra in reverie. The bounty hype up Crocs intelligence and leadership. Thats where his huge bounty come from. Able to do that to country under WG is very huge threat. Croc deserve every bounty he has.
Every hype moment zoro had the first person kaido would think about was luffy


Zoro when used Oni giri
Not bad

Zoro when fucked Kaido up with Tatsumaki
He must have Odens Haki
He matched my dragon twister with his own

Zoro when he made both Kaido and Big Mom shit their pants with his Haki
We underestimated them
That sword is special

Zoro when Blocked Hakai
Both Yonko "Huhh" in literal shock

Zoro when scarred Kaido
This will leave a scar
You and me could have taken the world over together

Not a single mention of Luffy in Zoro hype moment

What condom shit is this?
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