I'm from Bosnia
It's not as hard as it seems, at least in our language since we share most sounds. But I completely understand how it could seem strange at first
30ish days till Ramadan
Any personal goals for this year? Something you would like to improve on, learn about more, or apply more in your life during and after these 30 days?
My personal goal:
- I've been trying to learn the Arabic script (sufara as we call it) and my goal is to read the Qur'an in Arabic this year, as much as I can accomplish.
-And since I won't read it perfectly, being an amateur at the script, I'll reap double the rewards
I want to take a few deserving kids under my wing for education. The goal is basically to help the young ones in any way that'll have an impact on their lives in a positive way. There are a lot around us that could use some help and guidance. I pray that Allah (SWT) grants me the strength and integrity to play my part in this.
I want to take a few deserving kids under my wing for education. The goal is basically to help the young ones in any way that'll have an impact on their lives in a positive way. There are a lot around us that could use some help and guidance. I pray that Allah (SWT) grants me the strength and integrity to play my part in this.
30ish days till Ramadan
Any personal goals for this year? Something you would like to improve on, learn about more, or apply more in your life during and after these
30ish days till Ramadan
Any personal goals for this year? Something you would like to improve on, learn about more, or apply more in your life during and after these 30 days?
My personal goal:
- I've been trying to learn the Arabic script (sufara as we call it) and my goal is to read the Qur'an in Arabic this year, as much as I can accomplish.
-And since I won't read it perfectly, being an amateur at the script, I'll reap double the rewards
May Allah keep you stead fast in learning Arabic for quran Ameen
Trust me you just start with fhe basics and slowky improve.. Its a gradual incremental process it requires dedication like any other thing but Quran is actually easier to read.
Every Hurf( (letter) counts as a good deed (ajr)
Dedication is key i struggle with it too i wanna memorise the Quran.
And yes 30 days..
Something about the days before ramadan make you nostalgic.. Just a certain vibe days have that almost seem to be announcing ramadan.
My goal is to come out as a better muslim altogether.. I just dont wanna miss a second of the time in that month.. There is less material and physical goal.Ramadan is an absolute blessing.
And remember this month is Sha'ban where the Prophet used to frequently fast as well so it'll be a major boost if you start fasting the days of Shaban!
The Companions said:”aren’t we your brothers 0 Prophet of Allah?” He replied: “No, you are my companions. My brothers are those who come after me and believe in me without seeing me.”
On his day of birth may Allah send his peace and
blessings upon his pure beloved soul <3
May Allah keep you stead fast in learning Arabic for quran Ameen
Trust me you just start with fhe basics and slowky improve.. Its a gradual incremental process it requires dedication like any other thing but Quran is actually easier to read.
Every Hurf( (letter) counts as a good deed (ajr)
Dedication is key i struggle with it too i wanna memorise the Quran.
And yes 30 days..
Something about the days before ramadan make you nostalgic.. Just a certain vibe days have that almost seem to be announcing ramadan.
My goal is to come out as a better muslim altogether.. I just dont wanna miss a second of the time in that month.. There is less material and physical goal.Ramadan is an absolute blessing.
And remember this month is Sha'ban where the Prophet used to frequently fast as well so it'll be a major boost if you start fasting the days of Shaban!
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