Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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This colorspreed would have been better tbh with zoro eating
No Enma=fake
Anyone saw the new episode?
Can someone explain to me why the title of the episode is something like Lanji the wings and there's no Zoro in the episode. Isn't he a "wing" too? :quest:
Is a preluded of what happened in the last episode "both wings in crisis"remember that last episode zoro was also in trouble against King
Question for the temple, am I reading this wrong? I can’t find another example of applying CoC like Zoro did below

Luffy and Kaido achieved a repel effect but:
- it's smaller, and the repel is between weapons
- they coat their attacks, Zoro is not using coating
- resulting like two repelling magnets trying to touch, where Zoro uses a burst that push away anything near him

Is this like an advanced application of a conqueror's blast that functions like Pain’s almighty push?

The closest I could find was maybe Big Mom when she used conqueror’s blast and the KX Launchers looked like it hit an invisible force and exploded on impact.

Thought it was just her scream but maybe some variant of CoC application?
@nik87 @Aknolagon make a thread