Only in the US is doubting the government treated as a hurr durr lunatic conspiracy
Like do people actually believe the governments are looking after their best interest lmaao
Their Presidents like Thomas Jefferson literally warned about private banks
Ig he was a conspiracy theorist too
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered."

American history is a sad tale of parasites feeding off of its people

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Their Presidents like Thomas Jefferson literally warned about private banks
Ig he was a conspiracy theorist too
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered."

American history is a sad tale of parasites feeding off of its people
Lmao. Jefferson also warned against a 2 party system as he believed it would do nothing but divide the country and could lead to a civil war. We all know what happened.
Lmao. Jefferson also warned against a 2 party system as he believed it would do nothing but divide the country and could lead to a civil war. We all know what happened.
The American society somehow forgot the iron rule of a basic human society.
For thousands of years it has always been about classism and nothing else. The rich don’t give two craps about race, morality, religion, wether some pleb drops their baby before due time, and believe it or not, wether you eat in the ass or not.
Lmao. Jefferson also warned against a 2 party system as he believed it would do nothing but divide the country and could lead to a civil war. We all know what happened.
similarly we got the Federal reserve FOR THE COUNTRY'S BEST INTEREST

No one:

Central bank: lets print dollar with a percent of interest so the money circulating in the country is actually debt

Damn that Jefferson and his conspiracies

Numbers were made up? Where’s the proof?

The ones to blame for the pandemic happening as badly as it did are the ones who spouted conspiracy theories and made it political like you. People were purposefully not wearing masks (wearing it in the hospital is different how?), got violent towards those that did and some even intentionally spread it by coughing on them.

We wouldn’t be talking about this right now if everyone listened for a month or so. It’s kinda funny how our society as a whole is to blame for this mess.

Hospitals aren’t gonna know if you have the cold or flu unless you go to them and prescribe medicine and they store that information in their database, and even then I’m not sure that‘s how it works. Someone can correct me on that if I’m wrong.

Ivermectin is for treating certain parasitic roundworm infections, usually on Horses. It’s not meant to be used as a substitute for vaccination or antibody treatment.

If nobody paid attention to the Coronavirus, then people would’ve still caught it and not have known what to do about it, which would‘ve still caused mass panic and the vaccines not being developed at all would’ve made it even worse.

Is the media fully to blame? Big corporations? The government? Dr. Seuss? No.

We were all, in some way or another, to blame. We absorb the information we are told and if we say and do the wrong things, those actions will spread to others and possibly create situations like what I’m talking about right now. You’re just proving my point.
Invermectin was used on covid patients to control possible parasitic infections that might show up due to weakened immune system.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
The American society somehow forgot the iron rule of a basic human society.
For thousands of years it has always been about classism and nothing else. The rich don’t give two craps about race, morality, religion, wether some pleb drops their baby before due time, and believe it or not, wether you eat in the ass or not.
America is private ownership without regulation. The only purpose is more growth and expansion, and civilian rights does nothing but slow down their growth.

Speaking of human rights, Mexico, India and Africa is always portrayed as poverty stricken wastelands that need help in American and eastern European media, despite them having thriving cities. This is to justify cooperate intervention to help them improve by sucking up their resources like water and then dumping the factory waste on their doorstep poisoning their crops. Mexico and many parts of India is now dealing with a water crisis because of cooperate greed and its only gonna get worse.

similarly we got the Federal reserve FOR THE COUNTRY'S BEST INTEREST

No one:

Central bank: lets print dollar with a percent of interest so the money circulating in the country is actually debt

Damn that Jefferson and his conspiracies
lol I don't know what the conspiracy talk was about. What sparked it?
There are dumb teachers everywhere, they get exposed and fired, end of that. Yet some here cry as if that will break the fabric of society

Meanwhile when school shootings happened and gun control debate was on they were still hurr durr muh guns.
School shootings is a different matter,dude.Its a psychosocial problem,they need to figure out why these kids are developing murderous fantasies and actually doing this stuff.I agree that some gun restrictions could have helped to make it more difficult for such individuals to carry out such acts,but if they are determined they will always find a way to buy guns at the black market or steal them from somewhere.Banning guns will leave the average citizen vunerable to criminals,terrorists and tyrants.The police almost always take minutes to arrive to offer help.The right of self defense is a human right,to exercise this right you need the adequate tools,so firearms are necessary.Banning firearms is not the magical solution you guys think.Israel,Switzerland,Paraguay,Panama and so on are some examples of nations where firearms are easily acessible and yet there are no mass shootings going on in these places.No kids invading schools to kill their friends.The USA phenomenon of mass shooting is a cultural thing,they need to figure out what is causing individuals to behave like this in the first place.
Also,we need common sense here.What is more common in the day to day life:mass shootings or kidnappings,robberies,rapes,murders?It certainly isn't mass shootings.Common crimes certanly cause more deaths yearly pretty much everywhere.Mass shootings ares tragedy that shock society and cause people to seek out dumb solutions out of emotion.