@Zoro I got too tired to talk earlier, so I went to bed. I hope I didn’t seem aggressive in my replies, I was just irritated.
I don’t like talking about politics. I wish this category didn’t exist on an anime/manga forum.
I don’t recall it being used for that reason. I think a lot of people took it because it was said by certain political sources that it could cure the Coronavirus, which is false.
I don’t think it even treated it at all, really. Invermectin only has so many uses that it’s meant for (just like with any other medicine) and I don’t think combating viruses is really one of them.
Vaccines or antibody treatments are what most people go for. If they want neither, then staying home and resting until they know they’re better would be the next best thing.
I don’t feel like being on this thread anymore, it’s kinda depressing.