Red Truths
Every servant has a master key. At the start, there were 5 master keys. They belong to Genji, Shannon, Kanon, Gohda and Kumasawa.
All doors can only be locked or unlocked with a master key.
it is possible to lock or unlock the doors from inside the room even without a master key.
There are five master keys total. One is held by each of the five servants. The servants keep master keys on their person at all times, so it is impossible for them to be stolen, handed over, or used by any human other than themselves.
All of the windows had steel bars on them, so it's impossible to enter or leave by them.
they can seal the whole mansion by sealing the two doors, the front one and the back one.
The culprit of the first twilight (first set of murders) really did kill at least 5 people.
The group sealed the room at the same time they left.
Also, all of the seals on Natsuhi's room, the dining hall, and the mansion itself will not be broken.
Okay, I picked these because they seem important in that they automatically validate some of the Purple I skimmed through. I didn't bother with Red shit that was obvious. Just skimming, I can tell, the case is going to depend on some of this shit left unsaid between this Red text imo. Especially since we got this in Red "Despite this, if you notice something is missing from a set of statements, it is certainly worth asking yourself why that may be. "
So I recommend combing through stuff and really trying to look between the lines. Like for example that "The first twilight culprit really did kill at least 5 people" stands out. Wonder if one of those in that room was a culprit who they marked as dead that wasn't? Bc the 1st twilght has 6 listed as killed, not 5. But we know one person can't use Purple to lie for another, so if someone said they checked them then they can't be pretending to be dead/the culprit unless the Purple really believes it for example.