"And so we come to the end. And with it, some red truths to guide you. Some of this will have been repeated before.
The purple text has the same power as the red. That is, anything said in Purple can be treated as a fact. However, the Culprit may use the Purple to lie.
Kanon is not the culprit. His circumstances are unique, so once Shannon died, he was removed from the island, as if he simply vanished... To confirm, Kanon neither killed nor was he killed. He simply ceased to exist.
A Culprit here is defined as a character who kills at least one person over the course of the story. Of course, there can be more than one culprit.
No one can use the purple to aid a culprit. I will say it in Red again - anyone using the purple is speaking the truth, except for anyone that is a culprit, who could use it to lie. The culprit can lie in retrospect - they do not have to have killed at the point in the story in which they lie. They need only kill at some point.
There are 17 people on the island. They are servants - Shannon, Kanon, Gohda, Genji, Kumasawa. Then there are the children of Kinzo - Eva, Krauss, Rudolf, Rosa. Their spouses, Kyrie, Hideyoshi and Natsuhi are also present. Of course, so are their children - Battler, George, Jessica and Maria. Lastly, Kinzo's friend Nanjo is also present. Kinzo is dead, so that makes 17.
Oh, it's too hard for you? I don't usually do this, but I will give you a hint. From the start to the finish, 11 characters are murdered.
And also...
All doors can only be locked or unlocked with a master key. Of course, it is possible to lock or unlock the doors from inside the room even without a master key.
We'll consider master keys to be the only keys that exist. There are five master keys total.
One is held by each of the five servants. The servants keep master keys on their person at all times, so it is impossible for them to be stolen, handed over, or used by any human other than themselves.
All of the windows had steel bars on them, so it's impossible to enter or leave by them. Therefore, we'll say that they can seal the whole mansion by sealing the two doors, the front one and the back one. The culprit of the first twilight (first set of murders) really did kill at least 5 people.
The group sealed the room at the same time they left. No culprit joined the group as they left. Also, all of the seals on Natsuhi's room, the dining hall, and the mansion itself will not be broken.
......Besides that, I guess there's only 'the Reader will tell no lies'. In other words, outside of spoken statements, there are no lies in the narration.
And also...
There are no suicides, and no mutual killings.
There are no poisons used, and no trap murders.
Every murder was done with the murderer in the same room as the murdered. There are no body doubles, no mystery person x, no mystery gadget x, and no accidental deaths.
This entire mystery follows all of Knox's 10 Commandments."
So then..
Who is the Culprit?
The purple text has the same power as the red. That is, anything said in Purple can be treated as a fact. However, the Culprit may use the Purple to lie.
Kanon is not the culprit. His circumstances are unique, so once Shannon died, he was removed from the island, as if he simply vanished... To confirm, Kanon neither killed nor was he killed. He simply ceased to exist.
A Culprit here is defined as a character who kills at least one person over the course of the story. Of course, there can be more than one culprit.
No one can use the purple to aid a culprit. I will say it in Red again - anyone using the purple is speaking the truth, except for anyone that is a culprit, who could use it to lie. The culprit can lie in retrospect - they do not have to have killed at the point in the story in which they lie. They need only kill at some point.
There are 17 people on the island. They are servants - Shannon, Kanon, Gohda, Genji, Kumasawa. Then there are the children of Kinzo - Eva, Krauss, Rudolf, Rosa. Their spouses, Kyrie, Hideyoshi and Natsuhi are also present. Of course, so are their children - Battler, George, Jessica and Maria. Lastly, Kinzo's friend Nanjo is also present. Kinzo is dead, so that makes 17.
Oh, it's too hard for you? I don't usually do this, but I will give you a hint. From the start to the finish, 11 characters are murdered.
And also...
All doors can only be locked or unlocked with a master key. Of course, it is possible to lock or unlock the doors from inside the room even without a master key.
We'll consider master keys to be the only keys that exist. There are five master keys total.
One is held by each of the five servants. The servants keep master keys on their person at all times, so it is impossible for them to be stolen, handed over, or used by any human other than themselves.
All of the windows had steel bars on them, so it's impossible to enter or leave by them. Therefore, we'll say that they can seal the whole mansion by sealing the two doors, the front one and the back one. The culprit of the first twilight (first set of murders) really did kill at least 5 people.
The group sealed the room at the same time they left. No culprit joined the group as they left. Also, all of the seals on Natsuhi's room, the dining hall, and the mansion itself will not be broken.
......Besides that, I guess there's only 'the Reader will tell no lies'. In other words, outside of spoken statements, there are no lies in the narration.
And also...
There are no suicides, and no mutual killings.
There are no poisons used, and no trap murders.
Every murder was done with the murderer in the same room as the murdered. There are no body doubles, no mystery person x, no mystery gadget x, and no accidental deaths.
This entire mystery follows all of Knox's 10 Commandments."
So then..
Who is the Culprit?