Actually fundamentally and categorically false.
Even after Ashura, where Zoro's back was turned initially, Zoro turned around and took Thunder Bagua to face.
And Kaido himself was perception blitzed by Ashura, if Kaido couldn't see Ashura, how can thunder bagua be faster? You think Kaido can't see his own movements?
Even after Ashura, where Zoro's back was turned initially, Zoro turned around and took Thunder Bagua to face.
And Kaido himself was perception blitzed by Ashura, if Kaido couldn't see Ashura, how can thunder bagua be faster? You think Kaido can't see his own movements?

Thunder Bagua never landed on Zoro's face liar.
Had Kaido used Thunder Bagua, he blitzed Ashura. Thunder Bagua blitzed Boundman while Ashura feat was bliting non named attack of Kaido that Big Mom could reacted to.