Sorry I want to apologize.
@Dragomir messes up my night result.
Queen is not a member of cult. So I think Apostle didn't use Mind Warp on me because Cult has to convert Mystic or Noble (Inflamed Haki which has been revealed when Dragomir mod killed him)
I think Queen appears as not cult might be because
a. Ritualist ability - Brotherhood: Make target
Cult member appear as
Blue Dragon tonight.
(Maybe Cult target Queen to make her appears as non cult to me)
b. Ritualist ability - Teleportation:
Target 2 players. Redirect all players targeting either of your targets to the other. You will be immune to occupy and redirect to yourself.
- Target A becomes target B / or the other way.
- Cannot target the King.
- Redirection conflicts may fail
(maybe Ritualist redirect my target from Queen to another BD)
Ritualist can be converted from Court Wizard and Physician (TAC and Queen claimed to be physician).