One Piece Chapter 1,077: " Should have noticed sooner "

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World's Strongest Swordsman
Where did I say that VEgapunk is the one who thinks that there are more lunarians, schizo?:sanmoji:

WG is the one that put 100mil reward for information, not Vegapunk, you fucking clown. WG also don't know if there are more lunarians, they just hoping for information if there are more, that's why they only described lunarian traits and not Albert's traits
What's the difference between the two traits spaz
If king the only one then those traits Only fit him lmfao

Wg don't know king is lunarian
He has a nerfed bounty

Keep crying
You have in the same chapter oda saying in flame mode they are invincible
I only read Pinzoro saying it, and he's proven to be the most retarded character in the series:sanmoji:
Zeus and ussop screaming that their attacks made 0 damages.
Zeus did not say anywhere that he did 0 damage. Why are you lying, pinzorobro?:sanmoji:
He only said that it did not work to knock out a seraphim.
But somehow shark got damaged in flame mode ? What?
Oh wait, schizo-kun, let me guess. A Seraphim got nothing better to do and just started acting here and his shortcuts are also acting:

Cmon, just wait viz and you will get everything that you need. But in terms of damage it was so small that don't count, still we have panel where for one sec YC lvl 1 plus character was knocked on the ground. If Nami was able from doing nothing with Casual attack deal damage on admiral lvl character that would be bad writining.
I will wait for viz translation then.
For me whatever damage Luffy and co did against s bear and s hawk is in the exact same category as nami's thunder and sanji's kick, basically nothing but seconds until the Seraphims are back up.
Maybe next chapter will give us more information about if some damage is done or not.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Would still need to explain how he could control the egghead machinery, is the scientist who created these automatas alive, some old man iirc? :quest:

You might be on to something, using these small robots to reprogram the sea beasts machines and add a command to follow Enel's orders to the Seraphims :quest:
Okay, so, here's a basic run down.

Vegapunk and Dr. Tsukimi were both born on Karakrui Island (Mechanical Island). This is the island Franky studied Vegapunk's technology on during the Time Skip. Dr. Tsukimi made the four automata that Enel met in his cover story, Enel's Great Space Operations.

However, Enel also met another group of automata on the moon, who, like the Seraphim, also had wings. All of these automata are around the same size as Edison, and Edison, the real man, was known for advancements in electricity.

Dr. Vegapunk and Dr. Tsuikimi were born on "Mechanical Island", and both learned how to make robots. Is that a coincidence? No.

Both of them learned how to make robots from moon/Lunarian technology. This is why Dr. Tsukimi's automata look like the Moon automata: Dr. Tsukimi (and Vegapunk) learned how to make cyborgs/automata from moon technology.

This means that Enel, who powered up the moon automata, now has the same knowledge regarding moon robots/technology that Vegapunk/Dr. Tsukimi did.

So, I believe Vegapunk modeled Edison after the Moon automata, and than Enel was able to hack Edison with his electricity, and control him, the same way Enel brough the moon automata back to life.

So, no traitors. Just Enel using his electricity to hack Punk Records, and Edison, which I think he's capable of, considering he constructed the Arc Maxim, which is both a spaceship and superweapon.

I only read Pinzoro saying it, and he's proven to be the most retarded character in the series:sanmoji:

Zeus did not say anywhere that he did 0 damage. Why are you lying, pinzorobro?:sanmoji:
He only said that it did not work to knock out a seraphim.

Oh wait, schizo-kun, let me guess. A Seraphim got nothing better to do and just started acting here and his shortcuts are also acting:

And who writes this manga, draws the characters and says the lines ?
Do you think Pinzoro is alive ? No wonder why you talk like that :suresure:
LMFAO that literally means the same exact thing u fucking idiot :gokulaugh:

The two phrases u said both suggest that the attack did not successfully cause any harm or damage to s-shark
....go get some braincells:christugh:

being surprised that he got up when expected result was Seraphim being K.O
being surprised that attack did no damage