Let's wait for the raws to see how S-Shark fights. I still don't see any logical reason why any Seraphim should be superior or inferior in physical capabilities only because one received more or less feats than the other.
All the Seraphim were created with the same foundation. Lunarian blood for toughness. Lasers of Kizaru. Then the individual genes + fruit powers make them unique but whether one has more raw strength than the other onlg because one had more feats seems illogical to me rn especially as you said we don't know to what degree the OG's genes affect the Seraphim.
All the Seraphim were created with the same foundation. Lunarian blood for toughness. Lasers of Kizaru. Then the individual genes + fruit powers make them unique but whether one has more raw strength than the other onlg because one had more feats seems illogical to me rn especially as you said we don't know to what degree the OG's genes affect the Seraphim.