I understand the moral opposition on a purely intellectual level, I just don’t accept that as a reason to not question your own feelings about people who don’t actually have any bearing on your life.
On a personal level you could say that but on a holistic communal level you cannot..

Because mass tolerance does influence at a societal level.. You tolerate drugs for instance and mass advertise it will have societal consequences.. Which is a concern..remember how tabacoo was mass advertised in 20th century before the prevalent consequences?

Its a simplistic analogy with immediate consequences

I believe we should look at macro rather than the individualistic micro. One should value societal well being over one's motives
it comes down to why should be it be normalised and what not.. In A nut shell moral cases are required and the best moral case is most veracious and universal

I understand we come from similar faiths but even tho LGBTQ folks are marginalised and our faith's were too

There is a fine distinction between desires and an objective moral compass...

There is alot to say that i cannot atm

About games you know i'd get you if you'd make a case where it'd offend me if you were to pitch some ISIS role play game as a retort..

It would itch me a bit.. So from that POV i apologize if you felt perturbed.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
On a personal level you could say that but on a holistic communal level you cannot..

Because mass tolerance does influence at a societal level.. You tolerate drugs for instance and mass advertise it will have societal consequences.. Which is a concern..remember how tabacoo was mass advertised in 20th century before the prevalent consequences?

Its a simplistic analogy with immediate consequences

I believe we should look at macro rather than the individualistic micro. One should value societal well being over one's motives
it comes down to why should be it be normalised and what not.. In A nut shell moral cases are required and the best moral case is most veracious and universal

I understand we come from similar faiths but even tho LGBTQ folks are marginalised and our faith's were too

There is a fine distinction between desires and an objective moral compass...

There is alot to say that i cannot atm

About games you know i'd get you if you'd make a case where it'd offend me if you were to pitch some ISIS role play game as a retort..

It would itch me a bit.. So from that POV i apologize if you felt perturbed.
See, I feel like it’s a false equivalence to compare harmful drugs to a lifestyle that has no physical or emotional impact on anyone else. One presents a clear and obvious societal danger, whereas the other one simply isn’t by any definition and is closer to being IN danger, both on a macro and a micro level. In the macro, if we wanna look at something like the bathroom thing from a distance, it’s verifiable that sitting US senators and Catholic priests with zero oversight molest people in restrooms at a much, MUCH higher rate than trans men or women, but there’s still this misrepresentation that they’re awful menaces when they’re just trying to take a piss; as far as the micro, there’s actually been a case within the last 24 hours about a trans Muslim woman who took her own life after being forced to detransition that begs the question - do you think her parents, who followed their moral compass and repeatedly disavowed her wishes, regret the fact that they couldn’t accept their AMAB son as a MTF daughter and now have neither one??
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I’m not even saying the parents are wrong for the way they feel, but they drove their child to suicide from the lack of support, that’s something they’ll have to reckon with every day for the rest of their lives…was it worth forcing the kid into a box that could not contain them just because you couldn’t leave them alone to live a life you didn’t agree with?
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I think a lot of people just fail to acknowledge being trans as a valid identity. I think this is at the root of a lot of transphobia. Like trans people can’t just be trans, they have to be:
  • Confused
  • Brainwashed
  • Mentally ill
  • Perverts
according to transphobes.
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ultimately gender is a form of expression that is related to one’s sex. Most people, cis-genders, express a gender tied to their biological sex. Transgenders on the other hand express a gender tied to the opposite sex.

It’s not that hard to understand.
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ultimately gender is a form of expression that is related to one’s sex. Most people, cis-genders, express a gender tied to their biological sex. Transgenders on the other hand express a gender tied to the opposite sex.

It’s not that hard to understand.
Sounds like you are saying that trans people are still the sex they dont identify as, biologically.
Sounds like you are saying that trans people are still the sex they dont identify as, biologically.
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Albeit if you’ve done a medical transition, you can get pretty close to changing your sex. You won’t change your chromosomes obviously. But your biology won’t be the same as a cisgender person.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Looks like another government official - a Republican, naturally - has been popped for pedophilia, and surprisingly (to half the people in this thread), he ISN’T trans and is in fact the kind of straight white male who might claim transgender people are disgusting, shameless perverts…whoopsies!!
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Very odd that I frequently see headlines about white dudes diddling children, yet nobody can furnish a single article of a MTF assaulting someone in a women’s bathroom, I wonder why that is??? :choppawhat::choppawhat::choppawhat:
Also, if you’re role playing as a Nazi when there are other choices available, what do YOU think that says about you?? That you’re a levelheaded, well adjusted guy who just wants to vacation as a piece of racist scum instead of identifying as one full-time?? What a bonkers

So playing call of duty to you
is the same as being a literal nazi cause the characters in the game that you can play as can be nazi's?

Lol this is beyond fucking stupid if this is a actual serious take of yours