Because he was already on the death bed defeated and ripped by Zoro. Where did you see King failing to burn Arimaki? Why are we comparing a marine admiral to a nobody in the first place? You gotta reread the manga one more time if you think Katakuri can fight at Arimaki's level.
You don't get caught just because you have lesser CoO. That's not how it works. Luffy's a careless fighter, and he also has a time factor to worry about because he can't use gears for long, so he's forced to make choices that people normally don't make while he was too weak to fight Katakuri without gears. None of that applies to King. He has more than just CoO to not get caught. And I gave you an answer for when he gets caught too.
This is completely pointless. No matter how much you tried. You cannot sell us the idea that WCI Luffy is anywhere near Wano Luffy.
He literally escaped with G4 once, and by eating Mochi another time.
The issue here is, Kaido in his slowest form outdid Snakeman. So we gotta stop pretending Snakeman is the fastest thing in existence since gravity was discovered. You don't have to be an FS user to fight FS users.
Luffy did not react to it. He saw the attack coming and was till helpless. Reacting is what Zoro did.
Haki can be used both offensively and defensively in case you missed it. He legit kept on eating stronger attacks than the one that completely destroyed him in Kuri. It's not even debatable. I am genuinely surprised someone's even willing to use such arguments.
Yes, FS users are special—they're among the strongest. King just happened to be more special as even his 13-year-old self's clone can contend with current pre-CoC Luffy.
It wasn't a power-up. It's a power that Kaido always had. Kaido just copied Luffy's attack pattern with his slowest form. So the deciding factor here is FS. If you cancel FS on both sides, even Kaido's dragon form can move at Snakeman speeds meaning it's not as fast as it's glorified.
The circular logic you guys use to glorify Katakuri using Snakeman and vice-versa is flawed in the first place. I can just as easily sit here and say these two never fought someone with Zoro's AOE and they'd fail against him using similar tactics. I never said Zoro's can even hit Katakuri btw. I only said the difference b/w them isn't all that great when they're fighting side by side. King's a different story altogether. You have no argument whatsoever to suggest King's not faster than Katakuri and Snakeman. King's kept with Marco, who in tern kept up with the fastest top-tier Kizaru. Unless you think Katakuri and Snakeman are faster than Kizaru. King has no issues operating at their speeds even outside speed mode.
Nope no proof of that. Hr had 7 days to recover. What proof that King purposely didn't use his fire? He used hia fire and cannot burn Aramaki plant. He cannot burn mochi.
Luffy was not careless. His CoO was always active during Katakuri fight. He got caught by Kata mochi and he dodged because his CoO was improving to Kata level.
King CoO is worse than WCI Luffy he got caught.
Luffu escaped being buried under mochi because Katakuri did not finish him properly. He was focused on Marienda. Current Katakuri does not care for marienda. Once he catches Kig woth his mochi, he will bury him.
Nope he reaced warning the others. He was not moving because Hakai was too big to dodge. Zoro was the onky one moving so you cannot compare his speed to Luffy who was not moving.
Kaido had to copy Snakeman movement trajectory too to be as fast as Snakeman. Zoeo cannot do that. He gets vlitzed by Katakuri being his punching bag. Zoro cNnot catch Apoo lol. Cannot block nails. He is too slow for Katakuri.
Luffy boosted his ap only not his durability. Kaido top move Koed Luffy while normal attack with ACoC did not Ko him. Kaido did not use his top move ACoC so Luffy was not Koed regardless it hypes Luffy still to tank ACoC from Kaido unlike King flame of who dies on a single hit.
Luffy never coated his body with haki to tank ACoC from Kaido. No black shade there
He is not special. Aranaki called him bozo while Rayleigh wanked FS users callig them among the mightiest.
Getting blitzed by Zoro closes off the argumebt that King is as fast as Snakeman wehn Zoro cannot tag Apoo without Drake and got hit by nails.
Marco only tanked Kizaru's speed. Marco got blitzed by Big Mom.
Jinbe also tagged Akainu hitting him before Akainu magma fist reaxhed him (ch 578 for reference) while Jinbe cannot tag Katakuri.
Funy thing is Akainu who was much slower than Katakuri treated Marco and Vista like trashes. Both cannot hit Akainu.
King cannot birn mochi. Aramaki proved it. Worse CoO than WCI Luffy.
Seraphim also has warlord dna. Luffy did not use any advanced haki for seraphim.