Why did York Betray Vegapunk?

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Strongest devil fruit in terms of offensive power
Would find the one piece and end the story in a single year if he started out as the Protagonist.


Luffy who needed rogers right hand man rayleigh to learn the basics of haki
A 2 year timeskip and is still nowhere close the one piece yet and nakamas that carried him 1000 times while he was regenerating and a asspull devilfruit that has no real origins like
magma does

Sakazuki is already at his peak. And his peak would take a year.
Whereas luffy started as a fodder. I'm not a Luffy fan but this should be common sense.
Straw hats have Stussy, Lucci and Kaku for now.

Franky not able to fight

Usopp is out, Lilith is out, two of the punks also dead (?).

Faced soon against over 100 battleships, 4 Seraphims are already still active fighting

Bonney (incapable of fight)

They need minimum Boa Hancock to undo the effect to the above, and def the Grand Fleet has to appear at some point.
Flame on lunarian durability is sick, but you guys better keep your pants up because King was already defeated and soon the 4 Seraphims will be defeated as well in the same chapter by Luffy/Zoro/Sanji and at least one other character.
So this "almost invincible" defence must have a clear weakness that force the lunarians to go flame off.
The reason could be a time-limit or a certain amount of damage or the endurance (like Marco's regeneration) or something else, that explains also why King went flame off during his fight with Zoro (that, or he was braindead for real).
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