Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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Oh….so he’s not dead
Just unconscious

Bro could you imagine having a dream and striving for something just to have that shit taken from you just like that by someone who’s a billion times better than you at like…..EVERYTHING????

At that point you’d want death………
Rereading chap. #1076, it stuck out to me just how vast Shanks' forces were on Elbaf. Not only does Shanks have his individual strength + his powerful crew, he also has the allied and subordinate pirates with him as well. Essentially his version of the Grand Fleet.

And also... Very much like what Whitebeard came to Marineford with; The full force of Whitebeard's influence that he used to take on the Navy + Shichibukai.

And on top of having his Grand Fleet and Crew assembled on Elbaf, we find out that this region of Elbaf (if not the entire island) is so infatuated with Shanks that they want to pay him tribute, want to be taken out to see, find him incredibly handsome, etc. His ties to Elbaf go so deep that the world renowned and feared Elbaf Pirate Captains Dorry & Broggy call him a brother... And Shanks personally asked them to assist him in battle.

He's asking the Elbaf Pirates to help him out against Kidd... And if that wasn't bad enough, Shanks is still trying to deescalate the situation by bargaining with Kidd and using his overwhelming military might to intimidate him.

So Shanks has his crew at full power, his grandfleet and the Elbaf Giants all there ready to fight... Kidd and Killer. And he's still not willing to go right to fists, he's doing everything in his power to avoid a fight. Shanks has more power concentrated right now than Whitebeard had running into the War of the Best. Let me just rephrase that again.

Shanks' total strength > Whitebeard Pirates during Marineford and he still doesn't want to fight Kidd.

My only question left is one that Shanks himself has asked...

@Roo @ReggieZoldyck21 @rerere @Pantheos @Peroroncino @Read no Mi @Monkey D Theories @Shiroyru @ShishioIsBack @HA001 OF THE RAIN @Albino 👑 @EtenBoby @Meeyori @Mr. Reloaded @Blackbeard @Erkan12 @Red Admiral
Good theory I agree :endthis:
Shanks is really scared of him man.
Words can’t express how garbage Eustass Kid is
Almost bizarre how he even has fans
Now I’m not really a shanks fan, only rode the wave to shit on kid
But this Bozo got packed up twice by his ass and again by the dorry broggy bros too
How trash can you get?
Not surprising as this annoying half assed retard swings trash around as his main fighting style
Man even Prometheus was intimidating in WCI he became like a big sun but here he did nothing
Law really carried
Facts I’m tired of seeing Law get disrespected
Law vs Blackbeard is lasting longer than Lidd vs shanks
Law carried this garbage hauling goofy mutt that entire Meme fight
And to think this goof said he wanted to take Kaido ass down lmfao
Let's powerlevel the shit out of this.

Kid= 50% meme
Shanks (low diffing kid) = 200% meme
Kaido (clashing evenly with meme) = 100% meme
Mihawk (fighting evenly with shanks) = 200% meme and kaido

Mihawk and woro bros we're wanked without even being in the chapter or being mentioned
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