Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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Kid even with his whole crew's help would not be able to damage Sanji let alone tag him
:chirstsad: not to mention Sanji is physically stronger than that bum

Kid- thrown out of story
Sanji- endgame
Kidd only jobbed to real deals: Kaido and Shanks.
Sanji jobbed to Vergo, Doffy, Niji, Judge, Yuen, Page One, S Shark and every other new guy in every new arc.
Vikings are savages too, I don't understand the complaints.

Like Dorry, Brogy is a good natured giant, however, his pride can sometimes get the best of him. He is a firm believer of the customs of fighting from his homeland and follows them with much honor. He would follow these even if he were severely wounded. Despite seemingly defeating Dorry after so long, Brogy did not feel any happiness when he sensed something was wrong during their battle that Mr. 3 interfered with.

Shanks, Dorry and Broggy show you can be good natured but still be savage when necessary. Shanks and the RHP showcased that in the BEGINNING of One Piece too. This is nothing inconsistent or inaccurate or w/e, this is all in character and nuance to their characters too. I actually appreciate they are like this, even as a Kidd fan.

Giants and Vikings are both proud people and they certainly are in OP too. Kaido who is an "Ancient Giant" took great pride in his heritage/race or whatever, his lineage. Dorry and Broggy LOVE their homeland dearly as with any other giants we've seen.

Oda REALLY loves Vikings too and thus Norse/Scandinavian cultures too. He was massively inspired by a series called Vicky the Viking as he said for One Piece and we've seen from characters like Senor Pink, Kaku, Katakuri, Kaido himself even, Big Mom, Bon Clay, Daz Bones, Mihawk etc that all these different characters with their own personalities, beliefs/perspectives, moralities etc have their own personal prides and can still be honourable in their own ways too.

This is reminding me of the arguments of Perospero did "nothing wrong" and Pedro was a "terrorist" and invader. Its all a matter of perspective too.
Yeah its scummy what happened to Kidd, BUT Kidd did attack Elbaf and Kidd does not care about collateral damage and civilians/innocents getting hurt or even getting killed. Shanks in CHAPTER ONE, explicity said he HATES his friends getting hurt or endangered and thats why he was so ANGRY here too, this is all in character for Shanks and the giants too.

Kidd is brutal/savage too, hes kinda like Gaara during his "evil" phase or any sadistic villain type character. Frieza comes to mind too. I'm speaking in terms of morals/attitude/personality, before any fanboys of Frieza get defensive lol.

Shanks even offered to let Kidd surrender and flee presumably without harm and conflict ofc, as Shanks did not want a fight to erupt, for a war to happen here (God of "Anti-War" even Shanks, ironically as hes inspired by Tyr the Norse God of War too) BUT Kidd being the arrogant fool he is (yes like Luffy and Zoro too but they are still more rational and humble and actually learn from their mistakes too), saw the overwhelming odds he was up against, learned nothing from what happened before with the RHP nor when Kaido jumped him and was overly cocky/confident from getting to help defeat Big Mom with Laws equal and major help and some other factors ofc.

Oda even said here, Elbaf has the "most prideful" warriors around we've known that from the beginning with Usopps sheer, immense admiration for their bravery/fearlessness and gung-ho attitude. They're not just literal giants, but giants in mentality/attitude and such too. The giants are larger than life in more ways than one and Shanks stands equal to them and is respect and loved by them as a sort of David and Goliath parallel, despite being a "mere human" missing one arm too. In fact he managed to get strong enough to become a Yonko with1 arm missing and stands equal if not even superior now actually to ABSOLUTE monsters/titans like Kaido, Big Mom and Whitebeard. A "mere human" too.

Shanks always was said to be a "haki god" by the OP fanbase and Oda has proven it recently at Wano and Film Red but even before with Whitebeards crew, we've never seen anyone damage the environment with just casually flexing CoC, especially back then specifically too and for a LONG time after too.

Its not a coincidence Oda had him using the same attack Roger did, an attack that Roger only needed one arm to use AND send a complete monster like Oden in strength FLYING back so easily too! People seriously underestimate Shanks and yes he is Oda's pet too, Oda does love to wank him and make him seem like he is his self insert and a "Gary Stu" BUT Shanks is still a YONKO and the one who truly inherited Rogers will directly, so this is NOT surprising to see at all. Shanks was like a son to Roger and his apprentice, he had the likes of Roger himself, the Pirate King, The Dark King Rayleigh and Scopper to train/mentor and guide him.
Is it really surprising Shanks is such a monster in strength then? Especially in haki? Kaido himself said Roger DOMINATED the seas because of SUPREME haki, he didnt need a devil fruit, he CONQUERED the world, the oceans with just his GODLY haki/determination/ambitions.

Shanks also made Kaido back off from going to Marineford without receiving any injuries himself and no signs of what should have been a devastating conflict between them. He clashed equally with Whitebeard too with just one arm AND was able to block Akain with his sword, DESPITE Akainu casually melting swords that were nearby to him.

Kaido also considered Shanks in his TOP 5 strongest/greatest pirates/warriors or w/e. Enough said.

I do think Shanks will get humbled and he needs to be BUT it will be by Blackbeard or Luffy himself at some point later. It will possibly before Shanks is killed by Blackbeard potentially OR he could just end up being Luffys final opponent and thus going full circle to how Shanks was Luffys idol from childhood, inspired him to become a pirate and even pirate king like Shanks captain Roger the actual Pirate King has for Luffy and Shanks too and thus both the inheritors of Rogers will, both the "direct" and "indirect" disciples of Roger will clash for the title of Pirate King and being Roger's true and ultimate successor, the one to truly carry out his will and achieve what he was unable to do in time. Luffy also trained by Rayleigh of all people for good reason too ofc.

Also one last thing, I don't see Kidd getting as much of an "L" as a lot of people here are constantly laughing at. To force someone truly as almighty, diplomatic, reserved and such as Shanks to get serious, to get mad and actually bring his hammer of justice/foot down and stop you personally, is a HUGE feat regardless! To piss Shanks off so much, he deals with you personally! As I said, its also a parallel to how much of a threat Roger saw Oden, how impressed he was by him and also what Whitebeard saw of Oden when he met him too.

If Kidd was to be wrecked, I couldn't have asked for a better way for it to happen like this. This is so fucking badass, so raw, so savage and its bringing back that HOLY SHIT epicness and grittiness One Piece has desperately been missing and needed. I just hope Oda wont ruin this somehow later on BUT honestly, this is GLORIOUS despite how "bad" everyone keeps saying it makes Kidd look.

This is much better than Kidd just getting jumped by Kaido suddenly and getting offscreened by him too, all because of a deliberate setup/betrayal too, not even a "random coincidence" or whatever and a shitty stroke of luck but it was all planned by Apoo too.

I rather see Kidd get brutally wrecked like this than have him get offscreened. Seeing Shanks take him so seriously and being so brutally wrathful is fucking badass regardless. Kidd angered and forced Shanks to play his hand and take him seriously. That is a W regardless despite the DEVASTATING losses Shanks has inflicted on him and how much he and the RHP have clowned Kidd and his crew too successively too.

I'm not expecting anyone to agree or understand either, but I really wanted to put my two cents on this or w.e.

I know this is a huge essay but I wanted to get this all off my chest.
Don't write this much in a single post it gives seizures
wasnt fun at all
was so hard to defend all the time
portrayal was nice esp post wano but feats even compared to law in the same fight wasnt great.
I still never got to experience a chapter where this whole forum had to collectively give Kidd his props. No matter what good moment he had, he was always still hated on. I’m heartbroken :catcry:
ok but that doesn't change the fact that kidd leapt into an unwinnable battle just off of pride and got his beloved boat and entire crew sank

for literally nothing
This is how Shichibukai pirates was created: Crocodile was oblirated by WB, Moria - Kaido, Doffy? Kaido;

So most of Shichibukai pirates are losers who lose in battle against Younko. Kid just became one of them. Still he probably died, but then again Crorodile losed his arm, his face was basically cutted that's just it. Maybe Kid will surive, or maybe not.


⚓𝒫𝒾𝓇𝒶𝓉𝑒 𝒬𝓊𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝒮𝑒𝓃𝒸𝒽𝑜𝓊⚓
Is Kid weak or is Shank strong
little of column a little of column b
That situation happens a lot in one piece, but when it's a character we're supposed to like it's "unshakable will" and the disposition of a king. When it's someone like kid it's just labeled stupidity.
killer told kidd not to and kidd already lost an arm to his crew but he suddenly believed that he could beat shanks.

Killer told him not to and Killer STILL tried to save him from Shanks' attack. Kidd is a shithead and Killer is a G
Lmao what sneak attack there's no way he didn't know shanks wasn't there. By your own argument at best Midd is on the level of lucky roux, which is pathetic for a captain who supposedly is supposed to match emperors. Fact is he got deleted by a single attack and his ship was turned into firewood by dorry and broggy, nothing can erase than no matter how you try to spin it :endthis:
youa re jsut a clown that want continue with your BS we will have the pannel and you wll see it .
I hate sneak stuff.
Kid was fighting the fleet he was not aware of shanks seing the future and rushing on his ship to sneaked him .
It was not a long distance shot . Shanks legit jumped on his ship when Kid was preparing his attack and sneaked him .
KId is not lucky roo level he is way stronger this is why shanks sneaked him like a coward.


Talent is something you make bloom.
:kayneshrug:You are a hard-core sanji fan
Liking other characters won't change that

That's why you are happy and saying "we finally done with these characters , doesn't matter to me. We can focus on SHs only "

Oda apostles, Zoro fans, sanji fans,...the same people
That's the thing, m8.
I NEVER hide that I'm a Sanji fan and that Sanji hype makes me happy.
Imagine that.
Getting excited about your favorite character getting hype. Who would do such a thing, amirite?

But, then again, I like other characters.
And, let me tell you something interesting.
I was one of the few people actually DEFENDING Kid's participation during RoofPiece. I was hyped by his skull mecha thing. It looked dope as fuck.

But I've said that Kaido and Big Mom are filler Yonkos. That Shanks and Teach are the ones that matter.
The moment Law and Kid were put on their way, they were done. DONE.
It was PAINFULLY obvious.
But y'all got hooked on the siren song "new gen leader" BS Oda fed you during that garbage arc and lost sight of the grand scheme.

The MOMENT Aokiji completely DESTROYED Luffy, Zoro and Sanji, Nami made the comment about "those 3 were defeated all at once", and Robin stated about existing 3 admirals, it was painfully obvious Admirals vs Monster Trio was gonna be a thing.

If that wasn't enough, Oda made sure to create 2 Admirals TAILOR MADE for Zoro and Sanji after the TS.
Rooftop5 vs Gorosei was already a dead theory because, I'm sorry Killer fans, but Killer has NO BUSINESS having such a spotlight.

What else was there for Law and Kid?

Next time, learn to filter what's fake hype. Do it and MAYBE the reality check won't be so brutal like this chapter.
One Piece was ALWAYS about the Straw Hats.
Don't pretend to be surprised after 1000+ chapters.
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