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Devil Fruits CAN take you to another level, but only with strong Haki.

This is why Luffy will be the Pirate King.

Gear 4 was notable because he was merging his Haki with his Devil Fruit's abilities to maximize his power. Gear 5 is the full realization of that: Luffy's Haki, his Will, has matched his Devil Fruit Abilities.

Kaido said Awakening is when your Body and Mind are able to fully harness your Ability.

Luffy was weak in the beginning because, even though he was strong, and was great with his Fruit, he didn't have the Haki. Now, he's mastering both his Haki and his Fruit. True top tier.

Gear 5 is CoA and CoC full coating combined with Awakening, after all:

That white around Luffy IS CoC and CoA coating... but, why is it white? It might have to do with some of the white lightning from Haki we see in other parts of the series, like when Law broke through Doc Q's disease.

Gear 4 is kind of a quasi Awakening, since it's Luffy doing full body CoA, but, Gear 5 is even more taxing, since Luffy is coating his whole body in CoC. This is why he's exhausted after using Gear 5, he's expanding a ridiculous amount of Haki to use it.

Shanks seems to be much more casual about his Haki usage if necessary, indicating he has way greater control/efficiency/storage space when it comes to Haki. Luffy never really got Gear 4 under control, either; after, he was always exhausted. True mastery will be Luffy using those forms for a bit without crashing right after, and, until he does that, guys like Shanks are a ways ahead of him, IMO.
Nice write up i agree. I also feel like at the moment dfs can be used like training wheels for strong haki users if the user is proficient in both
rayleigh said the only way for color of supreme king to grow stronger is for the user to grow stronger, and at each point luffy himself grew stronger. 1st with 1010,then he ate and came back was able to split sky then he loss and got gear 5th which in turn made him stronger, but also since he grew in strength and as you said Awakening is when your Body and Mind are able to fully harness your Ability and gear 5th put him at the "peak of what he could do" his supreme king grew as a result even more so than when he was fighting kaido in gear 4th before his ko/killing, and all this to me at least will speak volumes when bb removes the df hype from luffy and we get that moment where it never mattered df or not luffy haki will transcend any df because he that dude :steef:

Never thought about the white around him being coc and coa coating thats a interesting take.
I don't think Saturn is a fighter, more like he's there just to give orders to the Seraphim
But it could be that Aokiji is still working for the WG undercover, and that BB ship has Aokiji as back-up
I don’t understand admiral stans defending and hyping GB. GB is a third-rate admiral with more Ls than Ws. GB couldn’t do anything to Sabo. Momo was going toe to toe with GB.Shanks wif haki-ed him so bad GB ran. GB was able to get weevil on a marine ship. I will give GB that. Would that stuff happen to other admirals?
Shoulda sent Kizaru to Wano.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Isn't Kizaru bringing 100 fleets to Egghead to deal with one crew?
Also Shanks jumped IN FRONT of Kidd, and attacked him RIGHT WHERE HE COULD SEE HIM.
That's not a pussy move at all.
Kizaru doesn’t claim to be honorable and no Admiral fan is claiming Kizaru is acting honorably. Kizaru wants to win at Egghead with overwhelming force so he brings a gargantuan amount of ships. The Marines don’t fight honorably, they fight dirty because they are fighting for the W. There’s nothing wrong with that.

There’s also nothing wrong with Shanks sucker punching a distracted rookie like a little bitch, Shanks is a pirate after all and Pirates are cowards who fight dirty by nature.

It’s Shanks fans who are deluded into thinking that Shanks the sniveling coward is fighting honorably here lol.
I'll reserve judgment on this part until I see full raws and translation. From what I could gather, though, Shanks was convinced had Kidd been left alone, his fleet would have been zero diffed and that is why he took the initiative to attack Kidd head on.
Yeah but it apparently explains that he made captains out of weak ass friends. Looking at grandpa et al it's pretty confirmed

His rep for having the most balanced crew just shows how nasty the top of the RHP is
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